MDFF 10 March 2018

Continuing our Dispatch on the Vagaries of Justice from last week (Originally posted 15 Sep 2011)

Recently in Alice Springs an Alyawarr man spent two months in gaol (he was arrested at Alice Springs Hospital maternity ward whilst visiting his wife and newly born daughter), and received a two year suspended sentence.  He is not allowed to return to his community until his wife’s 16th Birthday.
The judge’s sentencing remarks included the following:  “Because of the remoteness and your traditional lifestyle, concepts such as ages are irrelevant to you.  Your day-to-day life has centred around the traditional hunting and gathering of bush tucker for the community.  You spend most of your time in the company of your grandfather who is now in his 90s, and who is an important traditional elder in the community.  In terms of modern day society you are extremely unsophisticated and you are one of those increasingly rare persons in a remote Aboriginal community who did not know that having sexual intercourse with this child was wrong according to Northern Territory law.  No one had explained to you the concept of your age and the age of the child.
Your family and the family of the child were also unaware that it was wrong for the pair of you to engage in sexual intercourse.  The victim has told me in her victim impact statement the following about her belief and about you, and I quote what she has to say: ‘I didn’t think it was wrong and was happy to be with him.  In our law it’s okay.  He’s been good to me.  He looks after me.  Our families are happy that we are together, even though I am young, because they know he is a good man and will look after me. ….The lack of knowledge by everyone concerned in this case about the law of the Northern Territory in connection with sexual intercourse with children under the age of 16 ….While it may be increasingly rare, there are sections of our community who do not have this knowledge and understanding.  It is a sad indictment, indeed, of our community as a whole that we have not been able to educate everyone in our remote communities about these matters… (my emphasis) We don’t need no thought control…
This Justicia from a society that in 1789 sentenced 10 year old Mary Wade to hang.  The sentence was not carried out, instead Mary was transported to Australia.  By today’s standards, all of the Convicts sent to Australia had only committed trivial crimes.  The serious crimes, such as rape, murder, or impersonating an Egyptian, were punished with the death penalty.


Mary Wade was 14 years old when she gave birth to the first of 21 children.

The legal age of consent in many Latin American countries is 14.

Romeo wooed Juliet when she was 14 years old.

The ‘victim’ in the Alice Springs court case was 14 years old when the Alyawarr man committed his heinous crime, because he hadn’t been properly ‘educated’.
Just as well no Warlpiri or Alyawarr person has impersonated an Egyptian.
This judgement has very little to do with ‘Justicia’ and everything to do with ‘Dogma’, Assimilationist Dogma that is.  Being subjected to Assimilationist Dogma is something many remote Aboriginal Australians would be quite happy to live without.  They are not given that opportunity. They have no choice.

Justicia, Tierra y Libertád….

También Respeto y Dignidád….

PS- Have I mentioned it before? Centrelink’s motto: “Giving you Choices” ¡Que pavada!

The benefits of a bullish China.

Julie Bishop, Head and shoulders above the rest declares the ” Glorious Julie Bishop Foundation” a victory for the democratic process.

Dear reader, we have been strident in our efforts to present a counter to all this anti Chinese sentiment being expressed in the public sphere. Indeed it’s got to the stage where a line must be drawn in the sand, and our position declared once and for all that we will not stand for this cheap anti-Chinese ranting. Whether it’s the delightful Sino – Georgian homes being built in our leafy suburbs, or the cascade, (some may say flood) of donations to politicans from generous Chinese businessmen, there is no evidence at all. Not a scintilla, that there is anything untoward.

Just recently Sally Zou’s domation of over one million dollars to the Liberal opposition leader, (The Rt. hon. Steven Marshall), for the forthcoming South Australian election was mis-represented as a craven act of political manipulation. It is nothing of the sort, Cathy who incidentally is a member of the Communist party, likes to do nice things. Just like other members of the elite. They like to make people in positons of power comfortable. And if it sways a decision on planning approval or benefits their conflicted position in any way that’s entirely incidental. Just like philanthropy, it ensures that the indulgences are spread in a proper and acceptable manner to the benefit of society at large.

So, we must draw the line. Contemporary China is not agressive in its global stance.

The Sth China Sea and Mr Xi becoming President for life, does not mean that they are going down the agressive expansionist nationlistic path of Neo-Nazism. Like Mr Narev, ( former Commonewealth Bank CEO), by streamlining the democratic process and stopping interference from regulatory authorities they can achieve higher efficiencies.

Mum and dad investors jumping on the China Bandwagon

Indeed by getting rid of democracy altogether, the Chinese leadership show absolute faith in the BIG MAN principle. This is China’s very own version of the BIG HAT moment.

People walk tall and everyone listens when a BIG HAT or BiIG MAN walks into a room. Donald Trump has BIG HAIR, and Vladimir Putin, when he’s not busy adminsitering nerve gas to expatriate Russian agents, wears a BIG KALASHNIKOV. So it’s axiomatic, be a BIG MAN, and you’ll keep pace. And by keeping pace you don’t need to bother about appropriating state funds to overseas havens, and ensure that your own little bit of family achieves the dynatsic status of being beyond reproach. That’s why it’s so important for English-speaking countries that “respect the rule of law” (ask any East Timorese diplomat), to allow senior party figures to transfer their assets. We get a clip along the way and it keeps the global economy going.

So enough of this anti-Chinese rhetoric. And remember, it’s not the people, it’s the government you should criticize. And with street upon street of monumental, Sino-Georgian mansions comes reassurance that the Australian building industry is doing it’s own little bit to establish new paradigms in taste, that we can all enjoy. And ensure that all of us as Australians, on incomes above 200 k per annum (if they pay any tax at all) are welcome to enjoy the fruits of a democratic, liberal pluraistsic society.

And we must remind you that the special category business migrant visa Class A requirement that a minimum 3 million must be paid into a bank accout before migration has been upped to five million and the old rate expires on March 30th.

Western democracies can learn from Xi

As they say on the Isles of Manus and Nauru, in the “interests of transparency and fairness” for all working families and mum and dad investors.


Standing “defenceless” against the Tide

Mao unites Fish and Chip shop owners across Australia.

Dear reader, we continue with our in depth investigation into the insidious Chinese influence upon the Australian body politic. Indeed just as we write the Chinese Communist Party is about to proclaim history by making the leader, a leader for life. Some in the west are worried, so worried that they make comparisons to China’s grab for the South China Sea a Sudetenland issue. We beg to differ. Just because a country economises on politics and goes for the one leader doesn’t mean they are any less democratic. As Bryce Courtenay said in his award winning novel there is; “Power in One”. And just think, (dear reader) what it saves on postage. Barnaby, (the beetrooter) spent over 150 thou on postage alone, just to win back his seat of New England. And elections cost a packet, and in the end you’re not sure if you’re gonna get a Ricky, a Barnaby , a Jacquie or a Corey.

We continue with some of our “In depth ” leters from correspondents proving beyond doubt the insidious creep of Chinese Influence”. This fragment from Quentin Cockburn,

“Yes, but I am terribly worried. Just the other day I was at the corner Milk Bar, and ordered my morning packet of Craven A’s and the cash register, (an Imperial no less) went “Cha Ching”, clearly a sign of Chinese interference. 

I then went to my favourite Fish and Chip shop in Marong Road, ( the main artery of Ironbark) and “Photos’, the old greek bloke and his extended family of some several generations had gorne. Replaced by inscrutable orientals.   They’re inscrutable, cos they didn’t have copies of “Best Bets” and “Winning Post” on the counter, and they’d smile blandly when I ordered chicken salt on my Wing Dings. 

Worse than they they’d taken down the Herald Sun Lift-out of Dustin Martin winning the Grand Final for Richmond with a scene depicting boats on the Yangtze River. 

And in Melbourne, they’re all over the place, and I reckon they’re trying to get gold out of us, by getting us hooked onto Real Estate, and speculative property deals. No clean living Aussie would ever do that, (sell his country short for a few bucks)  so it must be what they put into the Chicken salt.  I’m gonna tell my member of Parliament, but aparrently he’s on a junket, with his whole family to Macao and Honkers. Paid for by the Chinese Government. Must’ve had a predeliction for Wing Dings, and the Chicken salt got him. Cos Pollies in this country are above corruption and feathering their own nests. 

Andrew Robb, demonstrates his level of integrity

These Chinese are corrupting our values!!

Next they’ll be making us sell the whole fucken lot, whilst getting us hooked on Opium!!


That is such a low act, good thing we’re well governed and our Head of State is not some Communist party flunky, but Her Majesty the Queen, who understands cricket and the principles of FAIR PLAY!!. Still…..a One party State with one leader for LIFE is not such a good thing…Look at Rome after the republic, didn’t do em any good, and the poms up until Charles 1 got his block knocked off!

I askyou?

And this from our scribe of the near north, Ira Maine

Well, at least the first Monarch of the Poms, Charles, a misogynistic,
religion-obsessesed, thick as bottled shit Kingo, believer in the idea
that the lower orders were exactly that, at least left this life
whilst getting a head job, which is precisely how most of us would
like to depart  if the truth were known, god save us all.

And, I feel, perhaps opium, as you suggest, might not be such a bad
idea. If, after all, it did the Chinamen no harm, what the hell harm
can it do to us?

Sam’s Way A Great Leap Forward. (and backwards again)

Yours in Christ,


Hmmm, you be the judge, there’s surely more to follow, as irrefutibale facts keep pouring in from across the country. Proving beyond all reasonable doubt that Australia stands defenceless against the tide.


Thinking of thinking; “Under the Influence”.

Many Australian’s are expressing concern at what is perceived to be the growing influence of Chinese nationals and Chinese money within Australian society.  Clive Hamilton has written of this in Silent Invasion – China’s influence in Australia, reviewed here by David Brophy.  (Spoiler alert – read the review do not bother buying this racially inflamatory book)

Educated friends of mine rail about ‘Sinofication’ of suburbs, of the replacement of older homes with Chinese McMansions – as if it is only the Chinese who build this style of dwelling.  These friends rail about the threat posed by China to the western world and to democracy.

Tim Soutphommasane has responded alerting us to the dangers to our multicultural society of resurrecting the idea of “The Yellow Peril” (and he doesn’t mean Melbourne’s much loved sculpture).
Image result for picture of Barnaby Joyce

Two “Big Hatted” Leaders enjoy non-thoughts together.

I expressed my concerns to Ira Maine thus: Far to many of my friends are raising the spectre of ‘the yellow peril’. A wonderful and highly dangerous distraction from the inherent ills within our own society. I thought these friends had a more discerning and nuanced view of the world.

Ira responded
Monsewer Poole,

‘Many of my friends…’ you say, are haunted by by the frightening
possibility of being overwhelmed by Chinamen.
Why, I ask, in return, are you spending time with people of such
ill-considered opinions? The only outcome from this habit of listening
to people of this calibre is the possibility of finding yourself
irrevocably contaminated by their vileness.

.Toleration should only be extended to those who deserve it We have no
time for the opinions of twittering dolts.

Numbered amongst these dolts are a coterie of dangerously deranged
western men who see the continuance of war as a guaranteed way of
keeping the arms industry alive and vastly profitable.

The Americans. began this nonsense with China some years ago,by
threatening to make China’s access to the South China Sea difficult,
the essential trade route for Chinese shipping.
Shocked by this, and not prepared to put up with US supremacist
bullshit, the Chinese promptly built a fews artificial islands to
protect their trade route against US threats.

Despite the opinions of our war-mongering, jingoistic idiots, China is
not a threat to us. From a Chinese point of view,we would seem to be
an infinitely greater threat to them

Like the bloke carrying the heavy suitcase, I rest my case.

Yes indeed, who is that bloke carrying that case?

Was it a hard case? A special Case? A Louis Vuitton (cheap copy) case?

Find out in our next revealling episode of “Sam,  Our man in Beijing”. Or, “What price democracy? “Donations to political parties are US”.

And, if you are suffering from the effects of the Chinese influence, please seek help, consult a friend, or ring the government hotline on 03100 7488888

And seek immediate medical advice, from an acredited (non chinese herbal medicine) physician.



Poetry Sunday 4 March 2013

We first published this poem five years ago.  Injustices still stalk Mr Lionel George Fogarty. Bad as things are here in Australia things aren’t improving in Canada nor in the U.S.A. either.  
Lionel Fogarty

Mr Lionel Fogarty, Poet, has some experience of Justice and Injustice.
This is the poem he chose.



Injustices Improved

 Improved conditions
of flowers and seeds
improve smiling eyes
to laughter uprise.
Improve beauty
of expressing birds
improve mountains
amounted in tears
Improve the true
for hate to be no more
improve passed improvement
broken commitments

 Come off poison grass
come out of sewerages
you’ve been reminded now.
All improvement these injustice men done
is disapprove
of flower smiles.
So don’t now be disillusioned.
Very well, now remember the outlaws in this ’96, 2006,
and 2012 society injustices.

Capitalism – improve your life!
Shit, you sold in shit.
You, the enemy
feed on bad conditions.
I hate the stinken lies
I like to cut into their core of fakeness
The beginning is to end
of the ‘improved’ fight.


MDFF 3 March 2018 Justica Pt 1

(This post should be re-read in light of the world wide erosion of First Nation and minority rights, the ‘vagaries of justice’
It is the first part of the Dispatch on the Vagaries of Justice of 15 Sep 2011)

¿Que tal amigos?

When I was attending primary school in Argentina, ‘Justicialismo’ was a compulsory subject.  It had very little to do with ‘Justicia’ and everything to do with ‘Dogma’, Peronist Dogma that is.

I’m quite happy to have lived without being subjected to Peronist Dogma.  I’m eternally grateful to Señor Isasmendi , my teacher, for having given me the opportunity to do so, by refusing to teach it.

To fill the void left by the dismantling of bilingual education, Yuendumu School holds a ‘culture day’ once a fortnight.  Older Warlpiri people come to the school to tell Jukurrpa stories and to teach children how to make artefacts.  Whilst the idea to subject these Warlpiri teachers to compulsory police checks required for anyone ‘working with children’ was quietly dropped, a form none the less has to be filled in for these people to get paid.  Napaljarri was asked her birth-date: “ No birthday, lawa, no birthday” she replied.  There is no Warlpiri word for ‘birthday’.

Older Warlpiri people can take you to the tree they were born under, if it’s still there, not to mention the place where they first ‘quickened’ in their mother’s womb.

During the last decade a trend has emerged whereby young Warlpiri parents hold lavish birthday parties for their babies and toddlers.

Thus societies change, without the need for anyone to force change.  Self appointed arrogant enforcers of change don’t realise how superfluous and counter-productive their efforts are.  Warlpiri people are too polite to tell them how obnoxious they are. White people are much more inclined to tell them to f*ck off.

Once a month Court is held in Yuendumu.  One or two days.  Overworked lawyers (defence and prosecution) descend on Yuendumu.  The court list for 16th. August listed 57 matters involving 48 defendants (28 male, 20 female) and 134 charges.  Fight/violence related charges numbered 50 (20 male, 30 female), the most common being: “Armed with an offensive weapon”, “Going armed in public”.

Before you start envisioning Baghdad or Tripoli street scenes, I should point out that the Yuendumu weapon of choice (especially for women) is a kuturu (“nulla-nulla”) or mulga wood stick.

Whilst over the last few decades some serious injuries have been sustained from contact with a kuturu it is fair to say that usually a kuturu is used for symbolic/ritualistic effect, a bit like the Maori Haka.

I can’t think of a single dispute in which a rifle or pistol was used, even if in the past many rifles were held in Yuendumu.  In this regard Yuendumu is safer than the streets of Melbourne.

I don’t believe that there has ever been an RPG at Yuendumu, neither one of those oddly named IEDs.

There were also 50 motor vehicle related charges (60% male) plus 11 involving alcohol (55% male).  By far the most common charges:  Drive Motor Vehicle while unlicenced and Drive Motor Vehicle while Disqualified.

Only 15% of defendants (5 men, 2 women) were charged with alcohol related offences. All of the alcohol related charges were for motor vehicle offences (none for violence related charges)

Not a pretty picture I grant you.  Yuendumu is a nest of criminals.

But are we a dysfunctional community of perverts and violent men bashing their wives and abusing their children under the influence of rivers of grog?  Look at the numbers and draw your own conclusions.

(The second part comes next week.)

Australia loses it’s Big Hat moment.


Barnaby. Where it all went wrong. Pollies should not mess with calfs. Unless they’re wearing a BIG HAT.

We at pcbycp don’t care about what the Chinese are up to. We don’t give a damn bout political donations. Couldn’t give a stuff about the inequity of offering huge tax incentives to companies who don’t pay tax, and don’t give a jot about the environment.

That’s why were really angry. More Angry than Michaelia Cash. In short. We’re LIVID!

We as a nation have lost our BIG HAT MOMENT,.

With Barnaby gorne, there’s no more Big Hats.

And that impoverishes us all.

WE need big hats, Big hats to talk up MINING

Big hats to talk up country folk who like SHOOTING.

Big hats to taslk about exports of MORE BEEF.

Big hats talk up the value of REAL ESTATE and MATESHIP!

and Big hats Like to talk about BIG COAL.

Big Hat. Man of action.

Small Hat. You know what that means.

It Makes us feel SAFE and SECURE.

And big hats like to lean upon a fence post. Sun beaming over a ruddy Big-Hatted complexion. In the background the homestead, shimmering in the harsh midday sun. The dusty foreground dappled by the shade of the Southern Cross windmill cranking overhead. Titch and Bob bringing in the stockhorses. The black fellas coming in for their rations and a BIG HAT to talk about Family Values.

All gone.

But the new Nationals leader talks tough. He hates poofters. He hates renewables, and he hates Greenies. Though He doesn’t wear a BIG HAT, He’s fair dinkum. Bob Katter wears a Big Hat he’s fair dinkum.

Malcolm Trunbull, will tremble. With no Big Hats, the Coalition is in peril.

But there’s hope. Snowy 2.0 will give him a hard hat. Almost as big as the one worn by Tony.

Tony wore his to give BIG COAL a BIG LIFT. But Malcolm knows there’s nothing bigger than the MIGHTY SNOWY!

With global warming, the long term outlook for water is grim. And Barnaby, (the last Big Hat wearer) didn’t like the Murray Darling Plan one bit. And He HATES Greenies. But with the SNOWY it’s like baracking for Collingwood, and a cert that the Pies will win every Grand Final Ever.

Lest we forget. Big HATS made this Country Great, (again)

And a Grand Final Parade, with Zig and Zag, Happy Hammond in the Lead, and the biggest float of all, a Easter Island sized statue of Ming. To let all the voters know that Big Vision and Big Ideas were best in the 50’s, and incidentally there were no poofters in the fifties, cos the outgoing Big Hat man, (Barnaby) told us so.

And one day, every clean living ausssie will wear a Big HAT, and we’ll show the world that we stride tall and proud, and unite as one in Big Hattedness to ensure that we’re in lock step on what we know is good for Aboriginals, the environmemt and clean living values, like marriage, and stoning women. And prove once and for all that unlike the proverbial “Hatful of Arseholes”, there’s nothing under the hat, Just a void.

And the void gives us CERTAINTY!