MDFF 26 October 2019

(See post script below)

Hola amigos,

Some years ago I wrote:

A service was held at Yuendumu Baptist Church for a great-grandmother. After the service the cortege drove 90 Km north of Yuendumu. A palaeochannel stretching hundreds of kilometres is clearly defined on airborne radiometric survey maps due to the slightly higher radioactivity caused by Potassium-40 weathered out of granite. The old lady was buried at ‘Flood-out’ which is a remnant of the ancient river system. The Warlpiri name of the place is Pirrpirr-pakarnu.

It is one of the few “privileges” (more like a concession) accorded Northern Territory Aborigines- the right to choose a bush burial- the right to be buried in your own land, the land that owns you.

In Yuendumu there is a choice, the cemetery or your homeland.

I should have known better. The 2019 Burial and Cremation Bill is set to be passed, without amendments, in the next sitting of the NT Legislative Assembly. Why bother to change something that is functioning OK? Well, it is because they’re a bunch of miserable bastards. They’re aiming for Total Control (did you watch the first two episodes of the TV series?- so far it is living up to my expectations!)

By separate email I’m forwarding a missive from Concerned Australians.

They don’t let up and we at the Front are exhausted. Just as well there is music!

.. and before I’ll be a slave I’ll be buried in my grave…. Oh Freedom… The Golden Gospel Singers The Cave Singers… Dancing on our Graves

Los Chalchaleros- Lllorare

Cuando la muerte me lleve por sus caminos de sombra… el viento me ha de traer esta samba…. (When death takes me on its shadowy pathways, the wind will bring me this samba….)

Changing the subject:

The attempt at a book is coming along. Let me know if you’re prepared to help. I’m thinking of sending bits (chapters?) to people outside the Yuendumu Plato’s Cave for comment and suggestions.

Chau y gracias



I have been informed the NT Government has withdrawn the Bill (buried it!)

No doubt they will do a Franco and exhume it, but until such time hold your fire!
Joan Baez- El preso numero nueve…..