Some descriptive notes, the ideas boom medal.

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Absolute certainty. James Paterson M.P and his admirers. Young James, through his life experience and intelligence is most certain to be the very next winner of the “Ideas Boom” medal. Possibly won’t be presented by the current P.M, Mr Malcolm Abbott, or the Minister for Innovation Mr Pyne, such are the uncertainties of being progressive, and innovative.

Dear reader, we have been literally swamped with enquiries from our dedicated readership asking for a description of Australia’s highest award for thinking. We felt, given the significance of the inaugural medal bestowment upon the Minister for innovation the Rt Hon Christopher Pyne, we are compelled, (under instruction from his department) to give some analysis of the fine medal and the significance of the design and motifs enclosed therein.


Very attractive Ideas Boom medal. Lightbulb, map of Australia,and service bars, as proudly awarded to the Minster for innovation

The medal itself is very handsome, It is a large-ish medal, measuring some six centimetres in diameter, and is impressively wrought in gold and platinum, and at 250 ounces is substantially weightier, both in value and mass to the Order of Australia medal which is incidentally, ‘also very nice’. The medal’s design is significant, the inaugural medal awarded to the Innovation Minister has two sides. All subsequent medals will be the same, but of particular note are the service bars over the attractive ribbon. The ribbon itself is colour coded, not unlike the recent Iraq and Afghanistan service medals, but in this instance the attractive vertical stripes are in actual fact bar coded, so that any wearer can gain instant and entirely free access to the Grand Final, the opera, any Chairman’s lounge at Qantas, and front row seats in any conveyance that has a row of rear seats.

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Tasteful Captain Cook, Boomerang and Terra Nullius Inscription.

The medal itself is topped by a crown, symbol of all the stability and dignity we admire and cherish. The investiture will not be completed until the final investiture at Buckingham palace. In the minsters instance the service ribbons, “Leadership’, ‘Defense’, and Thinking’ are in recognition for his steadfast application in designing the attractive new uniforms for Border Force officers, the creativity of thinking, and the defense of Australia, from intellectuals, lefty rat-bags, and philosophy junkies.

The basic medal design consists of a lightbulb, symbol of the eternality of the “bright idea” and a rust coloured, Bronze patina, ‘Australia’ symbolising the commitment made by the Energy and Minerals Council in making Australia truly prosperous and innovative. The obverse side details the inventive ideas that have made Australia, and continue to define us as forward thinking, innovative and possessed with vast imaginative potential.

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Hand drawn inscription, ‘For thinking beyond the square”, as designed by the Minister.

On one side, Captain Cook, and the barque endeavour, suggesting discovery and perserverence with the innovative concept of terra nullius. To the left a boomerang, reassures the wearer that native australians have created some fine art, and quaint customs that we can rely on to make memorable performances. The southern cross is proudly displayed in the ribbon which is royal blue, and the gold bar, suggests the limitless potential of australia’s mineral resources. On the inner rim of the medal, the inscription, “for thinking beyond the square”, which once and truly proclaims the courage of invention demonstrated by the recipient.

And doubtless you’ll all agree with me that the minster is a truly worthy recipient. On hand to congratulate him afterwards a core of parliamentary deep thinkers, ministers Abetz, Bernardii, Andrews and Christiansen, representing a new and for all of us a bold new era for Australia.

Poetry Sunday 20 March 2016

An Adrian Mitchell poem dealing with dispossession, with lots of echoes in Australia.


We had an island.
Oh we were a stomping old tribe on an island.
Red faces, hairy bodies.
Happy to be hairy
Happy to be hairy
When the breezes tickled
The hairs of our bodies
Happy to be hairy
Happy to be hairy
Next best thing to having feathers —
That was our national anthem.
Right. Hairy tribe,
Hairy red story-telling, song-singing, dragon-fighting, fire-drinking tribe

Used to get invaded every other weekend.
Romans, Vikings, Celts — fire and sword —
Pushed us back but they never broke us down.
In between invasions we grew spuds and barley,
Took our animals wherever there was a river and some grass.

When the snows came, we moved south
When the rivers dried, we moved west
When the invaders came, we burnt our crops, moved.

Until one day we were surrounded by warriors.
The same old fire and sword, but used efficiently.
They slaughtered our warriors, lined up the rest of us
And there were speeches
About law and order, and firm but fair government.

And this is what they did,
This is government.
You take an island and cut it carefully
With the razorblade called law and order
Into a jigsaw of pieces.
The big, rich-coloured pieces
Go to the big, rich men.
The smaller, paler pieces,
(Five beds two recep barn mooring rights five acres)
Go to the small, rich men.
And nothing at all
Goes to those who have nothing at all.

Absurd? The many nothing-at-alls
Wouldn’t stand back and see their island
Slashed into ten thousand pieces.
They didn’t stand back, our hairy ancestors.
Some of them spoke out. Some fought back.
They were slashed down by the giant razorblade.

And now, and now the rich seldom have to kill
To defend the land they stole from all the tribe —
Wire fences. Guard Dogs Loose on these Premises.
No Trespassing.
Bailiffs. Security Guards. Police. Magistrates’ Courts.
Judges. Prisons —
Grey prisons where the brain and the flesh turn grey
As the green English years stroll by outside the walls.
So who needs fire and the sword?
The tribe has been tamed
And our island
Our daft green stony gentle rough amazing haven
Entirely surrounded by fish
Has been stolen from the tribe.
It was robbery with most bloody violence.
And that was history, history is about the dead.
Then is our tribe dead? Is our tribe dead?
Is the tribe dead?

by Adrian Mitchell



A red letter day for Australia’s ‘Ideas Boom’

Dear reader, stunning news that something actually transformative is happening to our Australian identity. In a counter to the cynical view we take of politics and the dull refrain “ moving forward” we’re first to announce something absolutely substantial is taking place to propitiate the ‘IDEAS BOOM’, and ensure that thinking outside the square is encouraged, fostered and projected to the rest of the world.

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An ebullient Minister Pyne, announces the ‘Ideas Boom’ inaugural medal recipient.

Australia is a nation brimming with ideas, and foremost amongst them the Minister for Innovation himself, the Rt. Hon. Christopher Pyne. Exclusive to PCbyCP. We bring you this address made last night by the principal architect of the ‘Ideas Boom’ The Rt. Hon Christopher Pyne. M.P.

‘Dear guests, ladies and gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to show there’s substance to the commitment this government has for courageous leadership. Though you may sneer at our feeble efforts to indulge in tax reform, electoral reform, equity, taxes, and reigning in the the annointed one percent. It gives me great pleasure to announce the federal governments ‘Ideas Boom’, service medal. This medal, for which we have sought recognition from the RSL and the Australian defence forces can be worn on Anzac day marches and Australia day ceremonies with justifiable pride. Such is the importance we place upon it.

Without congratulating our Prime Minister, too heartily, we have junked the ossified knighthood’s for something that well and truly puts australian thinking at the forefront. For too long the bastard child to sport, and recognition that we are truly opening up a new paradigm, the ‘can-do’ attitude of Australian thinking. And, It is humbling, but you may ask who is to be awarded this stunning medallion in recognition of being able to think beyond the square, punch above their own weight, and save us from the inertia that has plagues australian body politic, thinking and the capacity we all yearn for IMAGINATION?

‘Please pass me the envelope’. (George Christensen, passes up the envelope, after pausing long enough to customarily weigh its contents in the palm of his hand).

Hushed silence ensues,  and then, with orchestral fanfare, unfurling of monster flag, and the Australian schoolboys choir, (escorted by Safe schools guardians,) sings stirring chorus of ‘Advance Australia Fair’. Minister steps up to the podium. ‘Before I announce the winner I would just like to say, this decision is beyond my orbit, it has been determined by a panel of experts drawn from the very highest echelons of thinking Australia. Yes indeed, the board of the Property Council in detailed discussion with the Minerals and Energy Council and our friends in the IPA. Without further ado, i’ll get on with the announcement you’ve all been waiting for.

I am very proud, as it gives me great pleasure, to announce the winner, (opens envelope, with a flourish and tear), leans forward, ‘and the winner is’……. Looks at contents, pauses, , blushes, and then recovers; ‘Dear ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, the winner, is…… ME’!!!.

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The Rt. Hon. Eric Abetz. Dissapointed with the outcome, but tipped, (By the Institute of Public Affairs) to be next years ‘Ideas Boom’ award winner.

Thunderous applause

‘I’ll just read the citation. For courage, leadership and thinking beyond the square, whilst leaving the status quo absolutely intact. And, (holding medal ‘Brownlow style’ aloft). I’m sure you’ll agree with me its a fine medal. My department designed it. That’s part of being at the forefront of the ideas boom. And though it’s made in China, the ribbon was also designed by me. ‘Who would have thought’?. Thunderous applause.

Stirring rendition of ‘Up there Cazaly’. After the uproar, Minister accepts his medal citation from the chairman of the Property Council and the ACL. Upon departing the dais, (he tearily remarks); ‘Thankyou, this is a humbling moment, and one I think that proves once and for all our commitment to making the ‘ideas boom’ a reality’.

More from the ‘afterlife of dreams’.

Dear reader, once again we bring you another transcendendent series of cereberal snapshots, (sort of micro ‘Ideas-Boom’s’)  from our miner of the subconscious Beau Dunlop. In this episodic installment Beau’s unawakened subconscious has much to tell us about smart cars, the end of us all, and the vexed issue of Bill Posters, whether they shall, or shall not be prosecuted. We leave it for you to determine, and as a note of kind advice, you may like to pause after reading each vignette, and in a state of atmospheric reflection offer your own dream sequence. We at PCbyCP assure all readers that discretion and confidentiality are assured. (Unless of course , you possess the Christian name, “Rupert”)


George Christensen M.P. Found to have no subconscious, and yet posesses an extraordinary capacity for ESP. (Extra Sexual Paranoia) A sort of heightened subconscious based on homophobia and the fear, (deep seated) that there my be such a thing as the subconscious.

let us then begin….

In this dream, I was being given the perfect education in conversation-free sex by Melinda …….., who is the same age as my son. No words allowed. Just sounds, noises construed as encouraging, or not. It took place in the front seats of a Mercedes Benz ML 320. What else? Neither of us knew whose car it was. The thing is we both felt irrationally good and happy.

I’m not sure what preceded this but there was a phalanx of lottery marbles rolling around the floor of my kitchen. Suddenly they stopped rolling about, and the grouped numbers turned out to be a perfect match to the winning combination for that night’s draw – but I had not bought a ticket. I thought I should be gutted and shaking my fists to the heavens. I wasn’t. Because I realized these were the last days before the “tipping point” when the Earth could no longer generate enough resistance to the out-of-control waste, carbon emissions and greenhouse gases, and within my life time, humans as a species would cease to exist. I guess I excused myself.

In this dream, I came home to find my wife in bed with her lover, Bill ………. When I entered the
bedroom I discovered they were both unconscious, and my wife had a fresh tattoo across her lower belly that read “Post No Bills”. After that, I could not look at them. I bit my lips so that I was incapable of laughter and said “I guess I’m too late, she cried”.

Feed the ideas boom. Send us your innovative ideas..


The minister as a younger minister

Dear reader it has been suggested that the Ideas boom website is a little bureaucratic and genuinely good ideas, are failing to get through. We don’t think this is so. We recently trialled an innovative idea, and it was met with an enthusiastic response from none other than the federal minister himself.

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Leadership. A clear direction, bold new ideas, and vision.

And the minister has written to us this twelve point plan to assist, with putting your innovative idea though to his department.

Here then is the process;

  1. Registration of the innovative idea. Idea must be expressed in two lines, (maximum twenty five words) and state it’s intent, practical use, and intended market. Also all submissions must be marked ‘An Innovative Idea’ and clearly in triplicate. Pencilled or crayon entries will not be accepted. Only one innovative idea will be accepted per submission. All ideas MUST be industry orientated. Philosophical, political or social treatises are unacceptable, and WILL BE DESTROYED!!
  2. All proposals must be forwarded to the Minerals and Energy Council to ensure that core innovation functions, ( mining ) are not disadvantaged by “dangerous new ideas”.
  3. All proposals must be forwarded to the Australian Property Council to ensure that core innovation functions, (real estate) are not disadvantaged by ‘dangerous new ideas’.
  4. If both parties are unanimous that core interests are protected, the proposal is then handed over to representatives from News Limited to ensure near monopolisation of media market is not impugned
  5. After registration and submission to the ACL, (Australia Christian Lobby), the ideas, (taken that they do not contravene the sacred rites of marriage, gender and open- ness as enshrined by god), are forwarded to the federal government ‘s innovation assessment committee
  6. The Australian Research Science Enterprise (ARSE) assessment committee is a broad based group made up of executives from Border force, who will assist in the design of new (ARSE) uniforms.
  7.  Vetting by Larrry Marshall , CEO of CSIRO to ensure that ideas enshrine WBP in delivering practical industrial and commercial outcomes to australian industry as offset to cascading job losses in research wing of CSIRO. Rebadged, CIRO (Coal Industry Resource Organisation)
  8. Concept is then forwarded to the Australian chamber of manufacturing commerce and industry to ensure that the ‘idea’ does not contravene work place, law, copyright and licensing laws, require local industry to think too hard, and contravene existing cosy private public partnership arrangements, and current rent seeking arrangements between industry and federal agencies.
  9. Concept, if successful is forwarded to the promotions sub committee, The promotions sub committee will flag the idea, and develop advertising, logo, and jingle with enthusiastic co-operation of Mike Brady, (‘up there Cazaly’) or John E Farnham, (‘the voice’) for public identification of ‘idea” as a catchy jingle.
  10. Product development , after passing all these phases, the idea is then developed by representatives from all of the above and coordinated development strategy initiated as discussion paper, projected growth index, and white paper. (This may take some years).
  11.  If idea still ‘fresh’ and relevant, (subject to certain industrial espionage from overseas agencies) interested parties in China sought under terms of the FTA, to develop working prototype. And ongoing liaison with Australia Council representatives to determine artistic logo design and find suitable models and locale for product launch.
  12. Unveiling of product after manufacturer found. First option to utilise Sth Australian industry. In light of recent events, overseas manufacturer and finance will be sought as public private partnership.

An important message from the Minister for Innovation


And who said we were infantilised as a community?

Dear reader , we at PCbyCP would like to apologise for the shrill, offhand and somewhat puerile diatribe offered as a consequence to the excellent initiative on Innovation and the IDEAS BOOM. It was biased and unfair to the laudable principles outlined by the federal government. The following is an extract purported to be from the minister (The Rt.Hon.Christopher Pyne) himself. It makes compelling reading.

‘This government, as evidenced by the progress on ‘safe schools’, gender equality, real tax reform, equity, wages, the status of first australians, education, health and the radical 2014 budget are completely one hundred percent focused upon making the ‘Ideas Boom’ a singular reality.

space odd

‘Ideas Boom’. Photogaphic evidence of Giant space baby directing ‘Ideas Boom”. Did Kubrick, get a royalty for his ideas schtick?

Just last week, I was reminded of how truly innovative Australia has become when I was made aware that the same sex marriage bill will be put off indefinitely. The disparity between the ‘have‘s and the have nots’ continues to grow, proof perfect of conditions conducive to the ‘Ideas Boom

Naplan, by encouraging ‘thought standardisation’ across the board, is the best thing in determining how well our kiddies will adjust to a brave new world. Another instance of the ‘Ideas Boom’

I am also mindful of the desire, expressed by many to make Australia the worlds largest depository of nuclear waste. Clear evidence of the ‘Ideas Boom’.

And i’m thrilled that Cardinal Pell felt quite sorry for victims. That shows real progress. And points proof profound to the ‘Ideas Boom’.

So you may rightfully ask, what is the ‘Ideas Boom’??

As described by Larry Marshall CEO of CSIRO. ‘The ‘Ideas Boom’ is not unlike a sonic boom, yet noiseless. It is in part effected by gravity waves, and shows a fundamental shift takes place when collective thinking within large government departments or NGO’s establishes sub-cosmic shock waves. At first we just thought that they were “thought bubbles”, (a lesser pscho-physical response), but to our surprise we discovered they were more akin to an actual BOOM!! An actual physical shockwave! And the consequence of these invisible power outtages of thought can be quite transformative. Our intent is to harness the raw energy of the ‘Ideas Boom’ phenomena, in making Australia a better place. How do we do this? We utilise a medium. We refute the observation made by  leading scientists that our synchrotron is virtually in mothballs, due to the absence of a rational, consistently funded scientific research programme. Let’s have it known that our synchrotron, is being used at this very moment to establish a link with the ‘Ideas Boom’.Through a living medium who then reinterprets the “Ideas boom” impulses as raw data’.

And who or what, is that medium we asked?

‘Senator Eric Abetz from Tasmania. Eric has a unique capacity to harness and synthesize the ‘Ideas Boom’ impulse, and he converts this raw energy into psycho kinetic impulses, which are picked up by this telemeter, and converted into three line slogans. You thought the three line slogans were the unique preserve of the former P.M, but it’s proven that the three liner, is in fact the synthesis into practical effect of ‘Thought Utilised Reactive Data’, (or as we associate with the acronym), TURD. Actually the federal government has known about the ‘Ideas Boom’ phenomena for some time, It explains the flurry of innovative policies you have come to expect.

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Eric, our ‘Ideas Boom’ medium. Converts cosmic impulses into three word slogans.

Our treatment of the first australians for instance. By incarcerating the lot, remote communities will be able to help themselves to the incredible generosity and growth of NGO’s who have utilised the ‘Ideas Boom’ to pinpoint instances of youth suicide, which is rampant.

We have re-calibrated the ABC through the ‘Ideas Boom’.

We innovate, because we can utlilise the raw power of the IDEAS BOOM! That’s quite distinct from listening.

The ‘Ideas Boom’ has allowed us to counter so called unfettered suburbanisation. It demonstrates that out development industry by utilising the power of the ‘Ideas Boom’ attains WBP ‘worlds best practise’ in providing innovative urban environments, car parking and freeway infrastructure.


Thinking too hard is bad for your health. This astronaut was actually only 30, and yet being susceptible to the “Bad Ideas Boom” by thinking about life, the universe and everyfink became eighty plus!!

The ‘Ideas Boom’ has allowed us to convert universities into visa factories. We’re foremost in providing innovative management and cost effective course solutions. We promise, as the metrics indicate, strong growth in syllabus and course development at the very highest level whilst reducing government funding to “sub-tokenistic” levels.


This astronaut Rupert, (allegedly the next Dr Who) came back down to earth, looks eighty, (yet as a timelord is thirty-ish), knows everything there is to know about life, space, time and every fink, and just got married to a sex goddess. And controls the entire UNIVERSE! Lucky bastard!!

As Rupert intelligently suggested, there are the right kind of ideas that maintain the status quo, as opposed to the bad ideas that promote change. Change is axiomatic with danger. What would happen if we went truly innovative? What would happen if we were pushed by a ‘Bad Ideas Boom”? What if we had the wrong kind of ‘Ideas Boom’? You’d have same sex marriages, a more fluid property market that allowed young australians a foothold, and we might produce an economy geared towards something other than real estate or mining. That would destroy the country as we know it.

And worse still it could lead to the most dangerous idea of them all, the unravelling consequent upon recognition of the first australians.

And no right thinking person wants that’!!

Get on board. Be a part of the ‘Ideas Boom’.

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Impressive at the podium, (teleporter). Pyne and Turnbull, (our current P.M) after teleporting, announce their arrival from Canberramede star system.


Nothing infantile about the innovation revolution

Dear reader,  just yesterday I caught myself reading the Guardian. Nothing peculiar about that, but on the right hand margin with insistent regularity flashed a pop up advert. It was graphically composed very much in the tradition of ‘Stay Calm’, with the “Join in on the Federal Government ideas Boom”. It encouraged me to take a look, and irresistibly drawn by wonders of innovation, I was led to a site telling me precisely how the federal government was here to help me innovate. All the while the little advert in the left hand corner kept changing in the same monochromatic style with ‘Join the ideas boom’, with new headers ‘Scientists’, and ‘Research’ and ‘Innovation Entrepreneur’. And when I turned, (as instructed enthusiastically) to the web page I encountered earnest and serious people in meetings, graphs, industrial designers, white boards, ipads and other electronic devices clutched earnestly, pausing just as I clicked to raise their innovative gaze from an electron microscope.


The ideas boom. “Beam me up Scotty”

This ideas boom stuff is like the opening credits to Star Trek. Who wouldn’t want to get on board?

They’ve got it nailed these government adverts. The message is clear. The innovation revolution is not about thinking. That’s silly, dangerous, and subversive. The campaign is about supplying new product. We need product.


Turnbull and Pyne before teleporting from Canberramyde star system. Uniforms generously donated by the Minister for Innovation, the Rt Hon. Christopher Pyne, (from his personal collection)

Wake up scientists, CSIRO climate division researchers. Innovation is not about thinking beyond the square, but how to make that square more appealing. More market-able. The policy is simple and digestible. Talk of innovation and it will come.

The government is justifiably proud!

Who couldn’t resist thinking about just a few of the things this recent government has done to further the rise of ideas and innovation? For starters, there’s being unbridled faith in the free market. This has seen our property residential sector boom. This is short-termism at its purest. Unrestrained from the fetters of planning, historical wisdom and infrastructure. Some of these new housing estates have water sensitive urban design principles and underground lighting mandated . That’s Innovative!!

Technical training was made industry accountable by allowing private entrepreneurs to revolutionaise tertiary and trades training. With the devolution of tafe, and an explosion of private training colleges enrollments went up like topsy. And when the dust settled it was revealed, an entire generation had been left untrained. That’ s Innovative!!

Then there’s the Business Council, who see innovation as a pursuit to drive down wages, the de funding of healthcare, tertiary institutions, and wishful thinking, (that’s closely aligned with innovation) reliant upon a mono-economy based on real estate that wont bust. Now that’s breathtakingly Innovative!!

Wishful thinking demonstrates strong leadership. The government is quite right to be optimistic towards the far sighted visionaries in the coal industry who innovated to make their product, the most carbon polluting and least efficient product unchanged since the industrial revolution, as the savour of HUMANITY. And, more innovative still, to deadlock, stymie and stiff the expansion of renewables and destroy the CSIRO all at the same time.

The message is clear; be like Bill Gates, (saviour of human kind) and the world will be our oyster.

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Thinking, walking, talking Innovation.

This ideas boom has got me going, I love the ads, and I love the way the property council have lobbied like the miners to ensure that negative gearing inequitable super laws, and the kleptocracy of driving the poor onto generational poverty are ensured for ever an ever. That’s innovative!

I’m also mesmerised by the fact that truly remarkable clever, and ‘ideas’ people are not really celebrated at all in this country, and quietly encouraged to go off and be clever elsewhere. That’s exporting innovation.

So hooray for the “Ideas boom and the innovation revolution’, these adverts are lovely. Think innovation and it will come. Think innovation and the car industry will be reborn, and think innovation, and think Eric Abetz, Kevin Andrews, Greg Christiansen, and Corey Bernardii. They’ve innovated so much they’ve ensured that the fundamentalist looney conservative 5 % control the entirety of this country.

Now that’s innovative!!

Poetry Sunday 13 March 2016

Poetry Editor Ira Maine presents “(A)n abject tale of raiments ripped and bodices busted whilst uncaring appetites are slaked, sated. and cruelly satisfied.
God help us all…”


He grabbed me round my slender neck,
I could not shout or scream,
He carried me into his room
Where we could not be seen;
He tore away my flimsy wrap
And gazed upon my form-
I was so cold and still and damp,
While he was wet and warm.
His feverish mouth he pressed to mine-
I let him have his way-
He drained me of my very self,
I could not say him nay.
He made me what I am. Alas!
That’s why you find me here…
A broken vessel- broken glass-
That once held bottled beer.


[Oh, the pity of it all…]

MDFF 12 March 2016

Originally dispatched on 27 April 2014  but first a link to the wonderful Celeste Liddle in New Matilda who write of looking past White Australia and White Feminism.

Saudações novamente meus amigos,

Things continue to get curiouser and curiouser. If only they were getting better….

When those in authority can convincingly assert that we definitely should do nothing to try and save the planet lest it “hurt the economy”, and large section of the public fail to see that the Emperor has no clothes and lives in a house of cards, the inmates are in charge of the asylum. Like MH370, the plot is lost, but unlike MH370 there is no serious effort to find it.

The cart is firmly placed in front of the horse, and the road to hell is indeed paved with good intentions


Eduardo Galeano in “El Fútbol (A Sol y Sombra)” quotes historian Arnold Toynbee: “La más consistente característica de las civilizaciones en decadencia es la tendencia a la estandarización y la uniformidad”.(“The most consistent characteristic of civilizations in decay, is a tendency towards standardization and uniformity”). Galeano was writing about football (or as it is known in Australia: soccer), football as metaphor.


Australian Governments are intent on ‘Closing the Gap’ a massive failing effort at uniformity. Making ‘them’ more like ‘us’. Little consideration is given to Bridging the Gap, appreciating and celebrating and encouraging cultural and linguistic diversity. In Yuendumu, Alice Springs contractors are erecting a $4M ‘Family Centre’ which will compliment the already existing $2M Centrelink building that arrived a few years ago on the back of semi-trailers hailing from Bendigo in Victoria. All of this for a population of less than 1,000 Warlpiri, who have virtually no say in all of this.


In Australia, the right to be a bigot (in the name of Free Speech) eclipses the right of children to be taught to read and write in a language they understand. Yet another example of the plot having been lost.


Japaljarri sent me a book “Debt- The first 5,000 years”.

It is written by an anthropologist, not by one of those crew-cutted, pencil tied sages one sees at the end of TV news bulletins sprouting such nonsense as “Stocks were jittery today” or “commodities were bullish” or “oil took a dive”  or “The Aussie Dollar is firm” (like a tomato) and “the markets were flat” (as once was the earth).


At the beginning of Chapter Two, David Graeber quotes H.L.Mencken: “For every subtle and complicated question, there is a perfectly simple and straightforward answer, which is wrong”

I don’t know the context in which H.L.Mencken uttered those words, but they describe in a nutshell what remote Aboriginal society has been and continues to be subjected to.

The Northern Territory Emergency Response (the Intervention)’s Government Business Managers (GBMs or Ginger Bread Men) have been rebadged GECs (Government Engagement Co-ordinators) under the Stronger Futures (Intervention Mark II) legislation. Engagement has replaced Consultation. When you Consult you ask Subtle and Complicated questions, when you Engage you provide perfectly Simple and Straightforward answers…… which are wrong.


When I read these words out to Nangala, without hesitation she came up with the same example I first thought of: School Attendance.

Not long ago the current Minister for Indigenous Affairs did a “whistle-stop” tour of remote communities to cajole Aboriginal Australia into sending their children to school.

He saw the question as to why Aboriginal children were “performing below the standards” as having a Simple and Straightforward answer: “Send them to School”


One of the Northern Territory’s claims to fame is that the rate of incarceration of black people exceeds the rate of incarceration of black people in South Africa during the Apartheid era. The two prisons in the NT are filled to capacity. To the question of what should be done about it the NT Governments had and have a Simple and Straightforward answer: “Build another gaol”


During the Whitlam/Fraser era, a baby was born. They named it Self Determination. The baby ‘failed to thrive’, it was given few opportunities to do so.

When the question as to what should be done about this situation was posed a Simple and Straightforward answer emerged: “Throw the baby out with the bath water”

Stolen Futures.

Type text or a website address or translate a document.


Não se desespere, apreciar a música!



A change is gonna come…..

Type text or a website address or translate a document.


The Credlin-Abbott Story. God’s Truth!

On the current fracas rekindled by Nicki Savva’s recent book on how the Abbott-Credlin Government destructed itself, we have it on good authority from Bob Santamaria that no similarity exists between the hardline right wing reactionary loonies of the federal liberal party and what happened to the Labor Party in 1955. According to Bob, “ The setup is entirely different, the right wing reactionary loonies were rusted on the labor party true believers. Not one jot like the ultra conservative reactionary bible belt loonies who are causing such damage within the liberal party.

Bob enthused; ‘Yes although the hard line catholic conservatives have gone full strength since Howard, they are motivated by a completely different set of objectives and ideologies. For a start, what really separates them from the 1950’s model is that they’re professional politicians, and if you take the Muir test’. ‘The Muir test we asked?, ‘Yes, these politicians, are to all intents and purposes wealthier than the average australian. They’ve got buckets of money, and because of that, and the fact that they only deal with lobbyists, who also serve big business, they’re bubble is very well insulated indeed from external influences. And that gives them a sense of UNSHAKEABLE CERTAINTY!!’

When pressed on external influences Bob, (on a scratchy line) replied; ‘Well the influence, of poverty, equity, health and education which sometimes gets in the way of the big picture’. The big picture we asked? ‘Yes the biggest picture in the whole wide world, an unswerving obedience to ensue that the status quo is maintained and reinforced by fear and subservience to the Lord creator himself’.

When questioned, but most australians don’t believe in religion and all that crap anymore, Mr Santamaria, was quick to reply, ‘Well they’ll soon find out. Up here in heaven we aint got any LGBT people. Theres’ only real nice observant catholics and the odd protestant. And I think God closed the door on the ‘Four B’s’ years ago when that bloke started impugning them as post war commie fifth columnists. Even Malcolm wasn’t let in, too ‘winky wanky woo’, for the likes of the vast majority. You know, we’ve got police minsters, a huge rump from Queensland including both Terry Lewis and Rus Hinze, plenty of kiddie fiddlers who didn’t let the side down, and there’s even some bloke who purports to be a musician of sorts.

So don’t worry about this mortal life, God has told us, without punishment and isolation and an overburden of hypocrisy and loathing the LGBT types wouldn’t be given the kick up the backside they need to be truly creative, to get jobs on the abc and the like. Incidentally there’s no one from the ABC up here either’. Do you think they’ve gone to hell? we asked “Dunno, they might just be in god’s waiting room, you can end up getting stuck there, and the waiting list is a mile long.

Bob continued; ‘Just remember, the Rudd, Gillard government was a rag tag assembly of idealists, money wasters and dreamers, whilst the Abbott-Credlin government were firmly committed to providing value for shareholders, expansion of prisons and devolution of decent public medical and education infrastructure to make us more reliant, god fearing and self absorbed.

That’s what’ll get them up here, their sense of Communication and the presidential aura they established. It proves they’ll be very very well behaved, know their place and as ‘santa’s little helpers’ they’ll be amply rewarded’

Incidentally who do you blame for this latest fracas?, we asked Bob, ‘Well I was afraid you were going to ask me that, I don’t think they’ll let Peta in. For a start she’s a woman, and we don’t like squealers up here, bit of a private mens club really’.

So who do you blame? ‘Oh THAT WOMAN naturally’.

And why?

‘It’s Gods will. Besides, he likes to keep things neat, bit like the spaces we’ve allocated, both George’s, Corey, Eric and Kevin, because they’re pure. And that’s what keeps us whiter than white as it doubtlessly shall remain for ever and ever. Gotta go now, Amen’.