Midnights night-soil Garden

‘Benny-Boy’ shows the little Afghani native the value of Dsicipline and being a ‘WHITE-MAN’ under fire!

Dear reader, compellingly we left our heroes in the thrall of “Benny-Boy”, arguably Australia’s tallest, biggest, strongest, toughest and most decorated soldier EVER!!!. Benny was working for the MAN!  The most power-fullest man in uniform, the Gau- leiter of Brisbane, “Dutto”! But, intriguingly, both Benny and Dutto were taking orders from a higher authority. Who is the authority? Is is Saint Tony of Santamaria via God’s telephone? Is it Twiggy and his mates in W.A? Is it Clive and his side-kick Scomo? Will we ever find out? Will they ever get out of the metaphysical poo they find themselves in? Find our in this sphincter tightening episode as our heroes gamble their very lives to determine who the penis wielding oppressor, (who defiled our intern Miss Culthorpe) hiding in our nations Parliament really is….


read on….


A map of the North West Frontier, previously referred to as bits to the right of Afghanistan, but now re- badged as part of the new ‘AFGHAN EXPERIENCE Ineractive light and sound exhibition’ at the AWM! The “other” frontier war NEVER HAPPENNED!

Curiously we shuffled up to Benny and felt some measure of protection, he was after all immune from fear, and that is why he was chosen to civilise the savage masses of Afghanis along the North West Frontier. 

Preserving an age old tradition, well known overseas actors to play all the leading roles played in real life by real Australians.

Onwards we trudged, and for a while it was fascinating, until we noticed the walls of the tunnel getting closer, and after minutes, narrower. Until, with heads crouched we were stumbling along like wombats. And all awhile,  Benny “Commando style” shimmied along the smooth surface as had been practised in SAS training. Just before we succumbed to claustrophobia the nagging fear that we’d been led to a nasty and foreboding place right under the very floor of the nations capital, Benny commanded; ‘Stay still and don’t move a fucken inch! Or,…. (we had a presentiment of what was to follow, it was clearly SAS protocol), ‘Cos if ya move’, and then he leered at us, “I’ll waste you Cxxts’!

From his utility belt, which jangled with his accoutrements, wire cutters, grenades, gas mask and cape, the service Webley and belts of both .303 ammunition and 50 calibre clips for the Boyes anti tank gun, he drew out a Skeleton key. Even in the darkness we could see it had special significance, for on it was carved the winged dagger, and the words; “Who Dares Wins”

Occasionally Indian natives helped us along the North West Frontier.

He turned the key carefully and a pallid glow diffused the surface, which grew in intensity until the entire surface was radiantly and blindingly light. Until blinking in the incandescence, Ben whispered; ‘Say after me; “I obey the rules of Big Coal”, and “ the Murray Darling Basin plan will be good for humanity”! We barely had time to memorise the words, all awhile Benny’s hand flicking the ring of a grenade he’d tied to his ankle when the light vanished and noiselessly we tumbled down a Shute, (not Neville’s)  and into a bare, cold, steel room. 

No sooner had we time to gather ourselves than the sound of menacing laughter filled our ears. It was familiar, and to our profound shock; ‘Well done Benny Boy, you bought em all safe and sound like I arksed ya’!. 

A door clicked open and then standing in front of us, the mastermind. 

The magician of the underworld, the Svengali of the Sub-terrane, 

But as Benny and his mates will tell you all the hard yacka of civilising was done by ‘WHITE MEN’!

There stood Angus Taylor himself, dressed, in what could only be described as full military gear.

As Anzac Day drew close we weren’t surprised, but this came as a profound shock. The military gear was not Australian, but from the red star and olive green, we could see standing before us our nemesis, now party chief, South Eastern Oceania Region. Citizen No 1. 

Angus smirked, ‘Ni Hao Ma’! boys? 

This was worse than Harold Holt! 

We were in a pickle, and just as Ben  hummed a few bars from the patriotic song, ‘my manure spreader returns fully laden to the collective’, Angus said; ‘you’ve stuck your noses just a little too far, and so far you’ve been spared, but I’ve got a little job for you and if you refuse, Benny knows just what to do’!

After the Mutiny (1857) sepoys were not entirely trusted and relegated to bugle playing and laundry duties. They are still deemed “unreliable” by the authorites to this day and face deserved imprisonment if they try to get to Australia. (even if they are Australian Citizens)

What was the little job? 

Has Angus really swapped sides? 

What has Benny got in store ? 

Find our in our next Sino sewerageldy inclined episode;


‘Tiananmen squared’, or ‘a Long march into Midnights Night-Soil Garden’? 

More Picaresque Poems from the Provinces

Dear poetry enthusiast,  not all of our readers are happy with the outlook of our P.M. This is causing quite a stir as we at pcbycp felt that pentecostal Christianity which rewarded hard work with money as a sign of Gods benediction was a pure faith. And who could question the integrity, veracity and worth to society of money as an all-binding principle of fairness and equity the world over?

That’s why lazy people are poor, and many foreign people should be imprisoned if they dare come to this country, became poverty is a sign they’ve eschewed hard work  God’s Will, and the wisdom of Franking Credits.

This is not the evil one. Though this image comes with a parental warning, this man is hell-bent on saving Australia from ‘the taint’ of thinking.

So it may come as a shock, for those of you who haven’t attended a writers festival recently and seen real agents of change at work. You may be confronted by the sentiment of this poem, penned by our ‘Pericles of the Provinces’, Geoff Boyes. Geoff is clearly unimpressed with the P.M’s direction, but doubtless even Geoff in all his vitriol would agree that we are imperilled by the “Evil One”.


Take it away Geoff….



A letter to “Scotty” (our Pentecostal Poster Boy)


This is not the evil one. Though this Auto-bot android is highy dangerous it comes armed to the teeth to protect Australia from the taint of “an indigenous foreign policy’.

“It’s a miracle” I cried when I won (the election)*

God’s will, is what my pastor said

You can trust me

Four years and you’ll see

Sufficient to fill you with dread


It’s a sign, I declared, when I asked for a hint

And looked to the skies above

I needed direction

Now I’ve won the election

A right-handed fist, in my glove


COAL, Like Kryptonite will protect the holder from the taint of SCIENCE!

Hallelujah my brothers, now let Gods will be done

I’m his puppet, his agent, his pawn

Put your coins in my box

And I’ll double your stocks

Come one and all – and fawn


Could this be the evil one?

What science? I wondered, as I stroked the good book

There’s nothing in here to confirm

That the climates a mess

Whose fault is anyone’s guess

Call me out and see how I squirm


It’s God’s work I’m performing, I thought you could tell

As long as it’s worth it for me

I’ll give you some hope

Dangle the rope

Sign up and you’ll never be free


Or is this man, the man they call “Dan” just a stooge, a tool, a proxy? Acting for the EVIL ONE!

God’s freedom, I give you, conditional on this:

You’re not too left, not gay or from the ABC

Don’t speak out or your damned

The jail door is slammed




  • after some dicussion with the editorial staff, we delected Geoff’s earlier stanza, ” gave me a big fat erection” as it was deemed fattist and triumphalist.