2019, a Brand new Year.

Why this year wont be like the last one. 

2019 is a whole new year. Because of this we’d like to make a reminder to our older readers that though they may be burdened by cynicism, world weariness and compassion fatigue, that’s there’s no reason to give up on the expectation that this year will be better. 

COAL will still be “KING” in 2019!

Last year, 2018 you’ll admit was a doozy. 

But 2019 will be a different kettle of fish altogether. For a start, (in case you hadn’t noticed) the numeral at the end is substantially different. And beyond that, for those of us in the cities, we’ve just seen a spectacular array of fireworks to instil in us a sense that this will really be a different new year. 

In 2019, the spirit of MING will unite the forces of the DLP to defeat the Government.

Now don’t get cynical, just because last year was full of the sort of news that would make you blanche, there is still reason for optimism. The Federal Government alone should invest us with a sense of optimism. Because we know that when nothing changes, nothing remains the same. We know that there’ll be no reform, no adjustments to policy on anything vaguely progressive, and though the Great Barrier Reef, ecosystems, forests, you name it, the entire biota is dying, no one in Canberra would be motivated to do anything, because as Gough Whitlam demonstrated a  motivated and idealistic politician is a dangerous thing. 

That’s why we pay lobbyists to govern for us. To ensure that the big end of town pay no tax, and they get the front row seats to the end of year fireworks. Because, and this is the simple truth, that’s how you get things done in business. 

That’s why the President of the United States is a business man. He knows how to get things done. Same for China and for Mr Putin.They understand the value of money as a lever, to get what they need doing. Not the public, nor that ossified relic they call democracy. Who needs democracy we say? 

So though it may sound a little familiar, think of all the positives, in 2019 there will be less species on the planet to compete with us  for resources. A big tick for humanity. 

Plutocrats will be more POWERFUL than EVER in 2019!!

There’ll be less intact ecosystems to disturb the corporate bottom line, and less people in so called liberal societies to criticise the status quo. 

There’ll be more people on poverty than ever before and with a bit of luck indigenous incarceration will be atmospheric. 

There’ll be more nukes to terrify ordinary people, and more despots to have a fee hand in getting their fair share that poor people don’t need. And there’ll be less money to go round for health, education and betterment. That’ll all be spent on defence and arms sales. 

On this angle we’re justifiably proud, Not only has Australia ignored the potential for renewables, as official policy, but we’re keen being a big player in the defence and arms contracts industries. 

To show we’re big hitters and of unshakeable conviction, on stuff, that the ordinary populace needn’t worry about, 

To keep us safe. 

Old Families will continue to celebrate their power over rational thinking and equity in 2019

Safe and snug in 2019. Just as we were at Versailles, when we celebrated the ‘War for Civilisation’. 

Time to put the new record straight. Just this once for the NEW YEAR. 

Pity, it’s scratched. 

Saves having to remember the lyrics, 

Behind the shadows cast by last year a new force will emerge!!

“Advance Australia”.