The Power of ONE!! or…. Demasi’s denouement.


The full-strength ‘Power of One’ personified

Dear reader, recently, (in case you hadn’t noticed) we’ve been talking about the ‘Power of One’ quite a bit. Now, if you hadn’t noticed also, politics these days all seems to be about the “Power’ exerted by singular individuals. They say all sorts of outrageous things and the press LOVE EM!

We’re entering an entirely new era of individualism. An individualism in which the value of the public social conscience is bit by bit, further impoverished. And we’re not just talking about the Bryce Courtenay novel here.

We at pcbycp have an editorial policy in which we don’t like to mention the purveyors of such purpose built public impoverishment of scandal, prejudice and ignorance. We must rise above the hatred and ill informed bigotry they espouse. Or, we become no better than Andrew Bxxlt, and Alan Joxxes. Such are the lofty standards of our editorial department. But we wonder are we swimming against the tide?


Our own little “Power of One”


A lightweight “Power of One”

Recently, you must have noticed there is been quite a lot of the “Power of One” directed against science. For example, we have the hyper intelligent, Malcolm Roberts repudiating the entire scientific process. You could explain the entire notion of evolution and climate science to him until you’d be blue in the face. And he’d still counter with: ‘I need to see the facts”. Then there’s George Christiansen. He’d rather an entire mega ecosystem is destroyed for a few jobs. To top it off we’ve got a P.M, who has promised so much, yet capitulates with the ‘Poor Refugee Punishment Act’. And of course Corey Bernardii, Eric Abetz,George Brandis and Kevin Andrews who’d like to take the entire nation back to a sort of first century christian fundamentalism, although none of us ever go to church these days. Their “ Power of One” individual prejudice has corrupted the entire body politic. And the electorate, supine, brow beaten, complacent, just goes along with it.

Finally, we’re at ground zero, the objective, principles and standing of National Science reduced to nought. Replaced by a quasi hyperbolic pseudo Christian fundamentalism. The denouement of science, (along with education,the environment, manufacturing, health care, and equity) is so profound that it’s principal cheerleader Sir Rupert the magnificent, has pronounced “mission accomplished”. With a Trump presidency. It’ll be clinically dead.


Helen DeMasi phd ‘Power of One” with “clever glasses”, not included in “Power of One Mr Potato-head” Doll.

Well, we at pcbycp can understand this switch to feudalist-laissez faire fundamentalism as a victory of the neo cons and vested interests. The big end lobbyists who’ve hijacked democracy for their own self serving ends. Just another index of the devolution of representative democracy post Thatcher. But what we can’t understand is how good science has also been destroyed by those within.


‘Power of One’ stands in front of what’s left of Science Unit at ABC. “Mission Accomplished” (Sir Rupert Lord of Dark and Evil)

The recent decision to cut the ABC Science program ‘Catalyst’ is a bloody tragedy. Probably to be replaced by an “independent producer” which will give us the sort of packaged reportage that’ ll be blander than bland. In the tradition of the CSIRO, it seems that the debacle has been self inflicted. Just in the same way that Larry Marshall got the gig to be CEO of the CSIRO. He exaggerated his role in developing ground breaking research in the US, (where no one had heard of him), and then set about deconstructing the national science body. It told us much about the absence of rigor and gullibility of the Board. Similarly, the willful stupidity of one individual led to the deconstruction of Catalyst. One lone fuckwit, Dr Helen DeMasi, PHD did it. She alone was capable of turning science reportage into a Sixty Minutes derived journalistic sludge. Because of her confected pseudo exposes, on Statins and then the ridiculously named, ‘Wi-fried’, we aint gonna have a Catalyst no more. We wonder which ill informed fuckwit gave this knob head the license to peddle such crap. Mr Squiggle could have done a better job, and it all to points to the devaluation of thought within the national broadcaster, the supine acquiescence of management, a loss of direction and capitulation to cheap thinking as espoused by the likes of Andrew, Bxxlt and Alan Joxxs.

Demasi’s denouement another instance of the ‘Power of One’. Remove the one, and we’ve got a complete nought. Or absolute Zero!! Or as the Yanks would say. Go figure and Do the Math!!

Open for business. Malcolm’s a class ACT.


The Power of One. Malcolm contemplating his legacy and life after politics.

The best thing EVER about the Turnbull government is that it doesn’t need to be coercive about establishing laws that make development easy. They’re lucky.

In Queensland, they’ve put in special legislation to ensure that ADANI is fast tracked. They’ve invoked special powers to ensure the essential infrastructure of coal terminals, rail and processing are given top priority. Essential services paid for by the tax payers to give Mr Adani a break. This is great news for Adani. At last he has certainty.


Ideas boom at work.

At it’s peak this mine will be truly impressive. Not least the fact that as the world is weaned off coal, Australia will have the words BGGEST COAL MINE. Do you get that dear reader? This aint a big watermelon, a pineapple, a banana. It’s the worlds biggest. So big it’ll be seen from the moon. And because it’ll be there for ever it’ll make the depleted barrier reef (if it’s still there at all) look totally shit-house. Best thing is that it trumps, (excuse the expression) the Great Barrier Reef which employed tens of thousands in “green industry” jobs, and bought in tourists by the plane load. This mine will employ, at its peak, up to a thousand, really big blokes. These blokes, none of whom will be poofters, will drive around in big trucks, have big mo’s and hate fucken greenies.

It was worth killing off the Great Barrier Reef just to see it. Best still Mr Adani gets filthy rich. We owe it to him. The Queenslanders get a dirty great big hole in the ground. And the future gets a deadline. The species, (both homo sapiens and Queenslanders) in spite of all the warnings, are well and truly doomed to extinction. But wait, there’s more. Turnbull wants to repeal all the state environment law. You bloody beauty! This is happening at the same time that Scomo wants to repeal all state planning law.

Turnbull was right, this really is a truly exciting time to be an Australian. Bloody good thing. So, electorate if you hadn’t worked it out, its a country run by the Property Council and big mining. And you know they make a real contribution to society. One group pays no tax, and gets a bonus from the taxpayer, whilst the other allows ten percent to screw the other ninety percent, paid for by the taxpayer. It’s a clear win win. And the best part is, the electorate thinks it’s a bloody good idea. Good onya electorate. At last you’re switched on to hating poofta lefty tree hugging wankers, as much as we are. And some of em ride bicycles. Makes us puke.


Exciting Times

Yep Malcolm, ‘is seeking changes to Australia’s national environment act to stop conservation groups from challenging ministerial decisions on major resource developments and other matters of environmental importance. Turnbull is reviving a bid made by former Prime Minister Tony Abbott to abolish Section 487 of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (EPBC Act) – a bid rejected in the Senate in 2015. If it goes ahead, the change will significantly diminish the functionality of the act. The EPBC Act is triggered and developments require Federal approval when they affect: World heritage sites

National heritage sites


Threatened species and ecological communities

Migratory species Nuclear actions, and Commonwealth marine areas’.

(This bit from Samantha, thingo from Deakin Uni)

Onya Malcolm. You’ve turned out to be a better P.M than we could ever have dreamed of. Good thing that tax reform, education, health, science, and manufacturing are consigned to the dust bin. Your innovation and ideas boom is truly remarkable. And with the ‘Poor Refugee Punishment Act’, you’ve made us all proud to be Australian. And speaking of acts. That’s a hard act to follow.

A Day in the Life


Bob Day. Well read, and standing on principle.

Dear reader, just when we thought the, ‘never been a more exciting time to be Prime Minister”, was going to pass some really innovative, Ideas-boomish progressive legislation, “The Poor Refugee Punishment Act”, there’s a spanner in the works.


George Brandis. Principle personified, and well read.

Who would’ve thought that the post election composition of the senate would be so fraught? And most recently the Family First senator Bob Day who stood on the principles of free enterprise, cutting governmental red-tape, family values, and first century christian fundamentalism has resigned. Turns out that he was elected to the senate whilst broke. Not just ordinarily broke, but owing mums and dads, perhaps the same who stand for principles of free enterprise, cutting governmental red-tape, family values, and first century christian fundamentalism lots of money.

You see, though we’re no experts on corporate law, it’s not ethical to trade or borrow money from banks and investors whilst you’re insolvent. Apparently that’s not right. And though we don’t know ever, how much pollies receive from private donors till months and months, sometimes years after an election, we do know that it’s just not on, going off to Canberra, when you’re up shit creek financially and you’re in deep poo with lots and lots of debts.

Last time that happened, was as far back as 2015, when the head of the Palmer United Party, Clive Palmer, ploughed a whole lot of money into his campaign when he was technically broke, with smelters going bust owing millions. But Clive explained it had nothing to do with him. It was all the fault of his brother in law who wrote ledgers in pencil and is overseas, and unlikely to ever come back. Poor Clive, what a rotten brother in law. You see, this is all about ethics. There’s a thin red line. You see it’s ethical for an ex minister like Andrew Robb, to pass the sale of Darwin Ports and then get a job as a consultant to the winning tender as soon as he leaves parliament. Can’t tell you how many pollies, (we’ll name a few, Peter Reith, Alexander Downer, Michael Woolridge, Larry Anthony, Phil Baressi, and the maestro himself, Graeme Richardson) are now working for firms with a direct financial interest in getting the right kind of legislation passed in parliament.

Alexander Downer

Alexander Downer. our man in London, and East Timor.

But the core issue is that these firms stand for principles. The sort of kind of principles that ensure our prosperity as a nation and enshrine the principles of free enterprise, cutting governmental red-tape, family values, and first century christian fundamentalism. And these companies need special treatment, because voters can’t really be trusted to make the right informed decisions. That’s why they need ex politicians with huge parliamentary salaries and pensions and direct financial interest, to work for vast sums of money to preserve those interests. And that is entirely ethical.


Clive Palmer. Let down by his brother in law. A man of principle, and though not so well read, an expert in handwriting.

But this Bob Day bloke has got us beat. He was going to weather the storm and stay in the Senate, such was his burning desire to serve Australia. But there’s been an outcry from builders, suppliers and families that have gone broke. Same thing happened to Clive, but it was his brother in laws fault. Poor Bob. And ultimately poor Malcolm. The ‘Poor Refugee Punishment Act’ will have to wait, till after the High Court deliberates. That could take ages, cos the High Court is the highest court in the land and delivers JUSTICE. And their determination may set a precedent.

It’s bad news for Malcolm. Malcolm is a free thinking, liberal, socially progressive, reformist. Because of Bob Day, we may never see his reformist zeal in action. He just can’t get a break. And we’re sure that Bob, who stands by the principles of free enterprise, cutting governmental red-tape, family values, and first century christian fundamentalism would be glad to know that though he may have left the building, Malcolm will count the cost. That’s poetic JUSTICE.

Outstanding Legislation

Dear reader, not much going on in the news these days. There’s an election in the U.S which just gets sillier and sillier, and dead as usual in the frenetic world of Australian politics.


P.M for ‘Ideas and thought bubbles and Innovation and everyfink’. Pushing the envelope with progressive reformist legislation.

Importantly though, the P.M for “Innovation and thought bubbles’ has come up with some really progressive legislation. After cutting funding to science, research, education, healthcare and everything the ‘thought and ideas P.M’ has come to something we can all agree on. It’s the sort of legislation that goes to the founding principles of what we are as a nation. In keeping with the spirit of the first ever act passed in the federal parliament in 1901, (the Immigration restriction act).

He’s proposing the ‘Poor Refugee Punishment Act’. This is the sort of legislation that puts us at the forefront of progressive thinking. The act is simple. If you come to this country in any other means than first class, (favoured by upper echelon members of the communist party) or Business Class (favoured by lesser tier communist party members) and you have no intention of purchasing a portfolio of expensive investment properties in Australia, (under approval form the Property Council) you will be sent back to where you came from. You will also forfeit your right to ever come back, and you will not get two hundred.

At last evidence of a truly great mind. A truly noble piece of legislation, from arguably Australia’s greatest, thinking Prime Minister EVER.

And now just to nurture that sense of nostalgia, we bring you the very last fragment from our series , ‘Toys of Yesteryear’, or ‘Toys and Games that never quite made it’. Or, just stuff.


Original Cover Art.

Clue- Less  Twaddintons Toys

Clueless is a popular game first released in 1964. Released at the end of the parliamentary year by the press council who declared their bafflement to the Government’s purchase of the untried, untested, F 1 11 bombers. It was offered as a satire on the parliamentary decision making process. As a satirical game, it should have gone extremely well. But increasingly as is evident in this current prototype, no game can adequately try to satirize the true idiocy of contemporary politics. The object of the game is to find who is responsible for murdering democracy. Game counters are simple plastic cones, and names attributed to suspects on black faced cards. Murder weapons, (of which there are an infinite variety) are spread around the board, and clues, amassed on pieces of paper. After a process of deduction the murdered would be found, and the winner proclaimed, Once a simple game, recent events in parliament have revealed it all too complex, All politicians, (excepting One Nation’s Malcolm Roberts for reasons of insanity) being responsible for murdering democracy. After considerable expense, the game has undergone several major overhauls, but has failed to find a buyer and may be re-badged in the U.S as ‘Trump Empire’.

Glorious George  Knobhead Toys

Glorious George is another attempt to market the personality of another ambitious Queensland politician to the public at large. The toy is modeled on a spinning top. The only significant departure from a spinning top itself is the propensity for the top to spin wildly across the game board. The game board consists of a stylised map of Australia and slogans to which the top, when spinning, can lodge itself into a groove. The grooves are labeled “ progressive” and ‘fundamentalist”. If the top spins into the ‘progressive’ groove every effort must be made to extricate it, or the process of parliament, legislation and ‘everything’ stops dead. Losing the game. If the other groove, reactionary fundamentalist looney right conservative’ is entered, parliament stops just the same, but the country is left to the Property Council who will sell off other chunks of Australia. When all the chunks are sold off and the other players are absolutely sure that innovation, the environment, manufacturing, education, health and imagination within the body politic are completely destroyed, the game is won.

Glorious George

Glorious George. Unfortunately, no copies of the original Toy spinning top cover art exist.