A New Flag for New Zealand

And now for something really important.

Dear reader, it’s almost christmas time and we at pcbycp know many of you will be occasioned by reflection upon the year that was. Indeed in these fraught times, singular and significant issues of the utmost importance come to mind. And whilst the requirements of christmas shopping weigh heavily it is perhaps worthwhile to consider our kinsmen across the Tasman who must pursue weightier measures.

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The current new Zealand Flag. Very distinctive and quite different from the Australian Flag

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The Australian Flag. Quite distinctively different from the New Zealand Flag. Different Pole also.

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Indigenous sportsmen in Australia. Individuals singled out as exemplars in their field.

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New Zealand indigenous sportsmen. Their place in NZ culture lost amongst the crowd.

Indeed the New Zealand Flag is changing. There is a mood in the air, (clearly the monarchist flame is dimming) to replace the much loved flag with something native, local and self defining.
We are worried that the Kiwis feel that their flag is too often confused with ours. And we would say what is wrong with that? Why wouldn’t you want to be identified with a nation like us? We have done much to celebrate our indigenous peoples, no treaty as such, but their leaders, (Noel Pearson and Marcia Langton) tell us they’re generally happy.  We also have an economy that is transitioning into a “service economy”, not bad after a prolonged mining boom in which we spent the bounty rather than set it aside. It makes us so much more serviceable. And our other strength, real estate, why wouldn’t the Kiwis want to follow our example and sell off their real estate, to anyone. We actually believe that rather than be worried about similarities the Kiwis are furiously envious of us. They would perhaps, given half the chance like to invade us. They’re cunning that way, and have perfected that curious accent to make us think, kiwi-like they’re cute, cuddly and most likely as Peter Jackson proves, closer to a hobbit, than homo floriensis.

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Very popular with investors. Reflecting current trends worldwide

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A simple message.

Curiously, and I should say ungratefully, whilst we held the beaches at Gallipoli, they let us down.  Again, against Japans onslaught, they sought to spend most of their time show-ponying around the Middle East and the Mediterranean. We have been all around the world dozens of times supporting our mates in unwinnable wars, and somehow there’s an inescapable feeling that they’ve been, ’bludging” on us. It’s most irksome. To this very day they, (the Kiwis) indulge in cheap sportsmanship of the lowest order in winning the occasional cricket, rugby and athletic competition over their incredibly chivalrous and fair minded Australian competitors. There is no end to this mis-information and it shows no sign of stopping. So in the interests of trans-Tasman relations we present this telling visual assessment of proposed flag designs. And tellingly, each in its own way describes just a little bit about how New Zealanders see themselves on the global stage. It’s most revealing.

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PCbyCP’s favourite. The laser beam Kiwi!!

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The minimal change model. very popular amongst the older Kiwi’s

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Very attractive design put forward by the Law and order constituency.

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Most attractive, and gets a big thumbs up from Big Business!@!

The Life of Brian. Head of European Coal lobby really angry now!!

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‘Furious’!! Brian, the ashen faced CEO of Eurocoal.

In startling news the head of Europe’s coal lobby has claimed his industry will be vilified, “ hated like slave traders” as a consequence of the Paris Peace talks.

The ‘Eurocoal’, (as distinct from Euro-Septic) General Secretary Mr Brian Rickets was furious, at what he called ‘mob rule by a cabal of world governments’, and suggested that the anti coal movement posed a threat to democracy itself. “The world is being sold a lie, yet most people seem to accept the lie, even if they do not believe it’ !! According to Brian; ‘The UN has successfully brainwashed most of the worlds population such that scientific evidence, rational analysis, enlightened thinking, and common sense no longer matter’

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Compare and Contrast. The Eurocoal logo. Nice colouring and very pleasing to the eye.

He’s right!! I asked Bert my 97 year old neighbour and he reckons; ‘global warming is rubbish’.

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Paris Logo. Incomprehensible and wrong-headed.

“You might be relieved that the agreement is weak, Don’t be’, the words and legal basis no longer matter Fossil fuels are being portrayed by the UN as public enemy number one. We are witnessing a power bid by people who see the democratic process as part of the problem and have worked out a way to bypass it’.

And we can only agree with Brian. As an indication of coals fall from grace we sympathise deeply, Clearly coal is losing grip and as a smaller global business it has clearly lost the mechanisms other big business utilise to “bypass the democratic process”. And the coal lobby have always been foremost in the vociferous advocacy of the democratic process. Like slavery, coal is going to have to get ahead of the pack and re- brand itself. But cleaner coal alone, will not be enough. Brian needs to take a good look at other countries where slavery now flourishes, right across the world as “ home help, relief worker, or indentured short-mid-longterm contract person’. It’s working brilliantly in much of the middle east and sth east asia and potentiality for greater expansion via free trade and getting rid of pink, and green tape into Australia. Indeed from what we hear about Seven Eleven workers and service station franchisees it’s already up and running.

Also Brian could take a look at Australia. “days after a binding international agreement here we see an indian mining company seeking to develop a massive coal mine”

We’re world leaders in utilising the democratic process to support big business. The Adani mine has sailed through another pesky raft of legal barriers and has triumphed over the Australian Conservation Foundation and some pesky ‘Barrier Reefers’. The Queensland Resources Council Chief Executive Michael Roche, said the decision showed the groups claims, (Conservation Group coast and country),were unfounded’. he added; ‘this judgement is a comprehensive rejection of the activist argument against this HUGE job generating project, it’s rejected the activist arguments around the financial viability of the project, it’s rejected the activists arguments around the issue of climate change’.


Compare and contrast 2#. The well dressed and business-like CEO of Queensland Resources. ‘Couldn’t find a straighter bat’!

And besides, the pesky interventionist, activist professor Dr. Karl K has stated with all the proof of scientific research that the Great Barrier Reef is half what it was in the mid 80’s and the rest will be all gone in the next thirty years. So what’s the point of preserving such pissy ecosystems in the first place?

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Dr Karl. The ” so -called voice of scientific reason”. Clearly untrustworthy, and shirt preference indicates lefty ‘soft-cock’ tendencies.  Gaily coloured shirts lent on this occasion by the Rt. Hon. Christopher Pyne. M.P (from his personal collection)

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Former P.M. Keeping democracy safe for big business.

Australia is proof perfect that Brian has got it all wrong. They might be misleading and subverting the democratic process in Europe for you to fuck up the planet willy nilly, but in Australia, we are global world leaders in letting mates in big business have a real good hard go at really really really fucking up the planet and all that environmental claptrap once and for all. And we’ll do it, and waste our tourism industry which employs hundred of thousands, to support a coal mine that may employ several hundred, to demonstrate that there’s no soft-cock sentiment about a Long Toothed Potaroo in our neck of the woods. ‘Come on down Brian’, anyway Europe is so “old school” and we’re the innovation leaders cos we’ve got the courage and tenacity to stand up to lefty wankers and science. And with a bit of luck we’ll repeal those lefty protectionist gun laws whilst we’re at it and follow our friends from the National Rifle association in making us all SAFE. Oh and I almost forgot, we repudiate scientific analysis for the things that really matter REAL ESTATE and Mates. And all the rest of youse, (troublemakers) can get stuffed!!

More from the Annals of Australian Manufacturing

The Dullard Drop Punt

Dear reader, once again, as snippet from the scintillating saga of Australian manufacturing and deerring do. In this instalment we thrill to the excitement of an era when innovation and technical improvisation were at the absolute forefront of thinking. Read on….

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Perhaps one of the most innovative aircraft to see service in any theatre the ‘Drop Punt’ was ingeniously adapted from the ‘Handley Page Hangover’ and developed by the Dullard Company (South Australia.) into a potential war winning weapon.

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Barnes Wallis. The famous inventor at work. Obsessed with cracking tough nuts.

Ultimately, this aircraft challenged assumptions then prevalent at the time, and resolved once and for all the dilemma facing round bomb versus oval bomb. And just in time, for Australia, imperiled by the Japanese onslaught in the Pacific required just this type of aircraft to crack some tough nuts.


Popular hero Walter Spigot (DSM) demonstrates the drop punt and torpedo. Barnes Wallis in background on left.

It all happened in England when the famous Barnes Wallis was invited to an RAF RAAF intra services football match, (rugby) in which he first witnessed the drop kick. A Victorian sergeant Walter Spigot DSM demonstrated this unorthodox kick in winning the match. Spellbound Barnes Wallis scribbled some notes upon the scorecard and then Spigot described to the famous inventor how such a kick provided both accuracy, and range beyond the assembled scrum. Over the next few days Spigot demonstrated to Barnes Wallis the drop punt, the torpedo and the straight banana. Soon thereafter Wallis was to be seen hand passing, bouncing and kicking a Sherrin around the Airborne forces experimental establishment. And so began an obsession with utilising this unique delivery system into a war winning weapon. Wallis was impressed and set about devising a mechanical spinner that could activate both the ‘torpedo’ and the ‘drop punt’.

What fascinated Wallis was rather than the conventional high approach with the conventional bomb site, or the dive bombing technique favoured by the infamous Ju 87 Stuka, the drop punt offered a low level approach and the ‘kick” provided an opportunity for warhead delivery well in advance of the enemy defense system. Recent experience with the famous 617 ‘Dambusters’ squadron RAF had proved telling. Over a third of the raiders succumbing to ack ack and fighter defences en route, during and after the raid, and in the words of commander Mick Martin, questioning the round ball (the famous bouncing bomb) approach, ‘a long dribble is allright for attack when the goal is undefended, but a disaster into anything other than a open goal’. Resolutely Wallis determined a ‘drop punt’ approach would be both more accurate and improve the chances of getting away safely’.


The distinctive nose section of the Dullard. This photograph depicts ” V for Vulture”. Not a mis-spelling but as indicated a crafty subterfuge to confuse the enemy. Also in this series ‘K for Kultur” and ” S for Sheila”.

In March, Wallis had a prototype, with a rather ingenious undercarriage partially modified from a Massey Harris hay bale elevator, a cricket ball bowling machine and a qualcast rotary mower. Only one insurmountable problem remained; how to deliver the cargo and achieve exactly the right height, distance and speed for safe delivery? It so happened that before another sortie. Comdr Martin was on leave at the famous Chipperfield’s Circus spellbound to the allure of the exotic contortionist ‘Myra Myrna the stunning squirmer’ perform the incredible ‘Song of the Pink Flamingo’. Rapturously he watched her leap into the air, clutch a bungee between her teeth, and then with one convulsive kick and the impetus of a hastily lit roman candle attached to her tap shoes, launched in a perfect parabolic arc across the entire length of the arena into an enormous basket of fluffy balls.

In one stroke Wallis had it! A bungey of predetermined length, a bouncing board, and rockets attached to the oval shaped bomb to achieve the designated target.

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The hybrid and intensely complex release “kicker” mechanism as adapted from a Qualcast and re-engineered  by Barnes Wallis for incorporation into the Drop Punt.

Back in Australia, Galvanised by this discovery The Dullard Aircraft Company constructed and adapted a Lancaster squadron with the necessary launching apparatus. Thinking laterally, after numerous failures with metallic and alloy bomb casings they had the bomb itself encased in an outer covering of thick buffalo hide, a proven and effective way of ensuring the bomb itself had the right degree of “bounce” and would not explode on impact with the “kicker”.

Now to find a target. Word had got out that the Japanese had converted a rocky volcanic island, (‘Ninjas Nut’) into a submarine base, and only this new war winning weapon could break this tough nut. The adapted Lancaster’s were made ready and launched, their precious cargo primed and ready. Approaching the target the aircraft gained height and prepared to attack. When at the correct range they unleashed their deadly cargoes and veered away anticipate the coming explosion. Nothing happened. The subsequent enquiries revealed that the increased humidity of the tropics had affected the leather covering of the bomb to such an extent they were water logged and bulged. Furthermore the rocket propulsion system had become damp and failed to ignite. Those that did, failed to reach the required trajectory and plopped ignominiously into the sea and then primed by hydrostatic fuses exploded, alerting the Japanese. Caught in the open by the defending fighters they were annihilated.

Prophetically, the squadron archive records the engagement as the ‘battle of the bulging balls’. With the sardonic entry;

‘The Dullard Drop Punt’. ‘Didn’t’

Dullard Drop Punt Specifications
Crew: 6.
Range: 1200 miles at cruising speed
Max Speed; 230 mph
Ceiling: 25,000 feet
Powerplant: Four Rolls Royce Merlin.
Armament 8 x .303 in 3x Boulton Paul turret.
1 x 2000 lb Mk. 1 Barnes Wallis Drop Punt bomb.
1 X Qualcast Royale.

Operators RAAF



Poetry Sunday 13 December 2015

Our poem today comes from C. J. Dennis, first published in the Melbourne Herald in 1935, p6.

Because overstocking and continuous grazing have denuded the land of vegetation and removed all resistance to wind and flood, it has now been suddenly realised that erosion in the Western districts of N.S.W. has reduced thousands of acres to little better than desert. A descendant of the original black inhabitants of this country might regard this as just retribution.

Ye are the Great White People, masters and lords of the earth,
Spreading your stern dominion over the world’s wide girth.
Here, where my fathers hunted since Time’s primordial morn,
To our land’s sweet, fecund places, you came with your kine and corn.
Mouthing your creed of Culture to cover a baser creed,
Your talk was of White Man’s magic, but your secret god was Greed.
And now that your generations to the second, the third have run,
White Man, what of my country?  Answer, what have you done?

Now the God of my Simple People was a simple, kindly God,
Meting his treasure wisely that sprang from this generous sod,
With never a beast too many and never a beast too few,
Thro’ the lean years and the fruitful, he held the balance true.
Then the White Lords came in their glory; and their cry was: “More!  Yet more!”
And to make them rich for a season they filched Earth’s age-old store,
And they hunted my Simple People — hunters of yester-year —
And they drove us into the desert — while they wrought fresh deserts here.

They ravaged the verdant uplands and spoiled wealth ages old,
Laid waste with their pumps and sluices for a gunny-bag of gold;
They raided the primal forests and the kind, rain-bringing trees
That poured wealth over the lowlands thro’ countless centuries;
They fed their kine on the grasslands, crowding them over the land,
Till blade and root in the lean years gave place to hungry sand.
Then, warned too late of their folly, the White Lords grew afraid,
And they cried to their great god Science; but Science could not aid.

This have you done to our country, lords of the air and the seas,
This to the hoarded riches of countless centuries —
Life-yielding loam, uncovered, unsheltered in the drought,
In the floods your hand unbridled, to the age-old sea drifts out.
You have sold man’s one true birthright for a White Man’s holiday,
And the smothering sands drift over where once green fields turn grey —
Filched by the White Man’s folly to pamper the White Lords’ vice;
And leave to your sons a desert where you found a paradise.

Herald, 6 December 1935, p6

This poem was also published in:
Random Verse.  1952

For a description of similar environmental degradation (The Dust Bowl) in the Mid West of the USA see Tim Egan ‘Worst Hard Times’

For a book that picks apart the line “And they cried to their great god Science; but Science could not aid.” see Carrie Tiffany’s “Everyman’s rules for scientific living” Picador 2005.

MDFF 12 December 2015

This piece, Pride-less Prejudice from 8 August 2013

Добрий день мої друзі

When I lived in Alberta (Canada) ‘Ukrainian’ jokes were in vogue. A friend of Ukrainian descent tried to start a new trend: ‘Anglo-Saxon’ jokes. To no avail, he came to the conclusion that English speakers weren’t all that funny.

An example: “What do you call a Ukrainian running after a garbage truck?”…. “The galloping gourmet” (a popular TV cooking show at the time)


From my dad’s anecdotes:

In the villa, there was a telephone exchange. Everyone had been invited to Mr. Otten (one of the suppliers)’s birthday party. The villa had been left almost vacant. Lucas and I stayed behind. Before the war, Lucas had served on Dutch submarines, and he therefore had a good understanding of electronics. Whilst I kept a look out, Lucas went to work. Not only did he cut wires, but he also cross-wired and soldered wires together. Lucas had his eye on the beautiful curtains, and I had to dissuade him from taking them (“are you off your rocker? Hurry up we’ve got to get out of here!”). It all took too long and we disturbed the guards. The front gate had been locked. We had to leave through the heavily guarded back. We flew over the back yard and over the two meter high wall, and if we’d been in the Olympics we’d both would have got medals! A group of Ukrainian guards with their guard dogs chased us. We ran off (more medals!) and escaped into a garden……

[Dad had told me that the Germans had deployed Ukrainian sharpshooters all over Europe as guards. Ukrainians had initially seen the Nazis as ‘liberators’ (from the Russians) and some had enthusiastically joined the German army. Dad tells me that the ones guarding the villa at Aerdenhout had on normal German army uniforms, with a tiny ‘Ukraine’ embroidered on the shoulders]

.“Guten Morgen Herr Breitruck”, “Guten Morgen??…Wissen Sie nicht was da gestern abend passiert ist? …da sind Schweine hier rein gekomen, und haben die ganze Telefonzentrale vernichtet. Sie wussten was die taten”, “Wie sind die denn weg gekommen?” “Da, über die Mauer, durch die Minen…” “Ach, Minen, Minen, überall steht ‘Vorsicht Minen’…” “DA! LIEGEN MINEN!”.

The next morning we turned up for work as per usual. “Good morning Mr. Breitruck” “Good morning??…don’t you know what happened last night? Some bastards came in last night and destroyed the telephone exchange. They knew what they were doing” “How did they get away?” “There, over that wall, through that mine field…” “Ah well, mine-field, mine-field, what mine-field? There are signs ‘Danger Mines’ all over the place…” “THERE, THERE ARE MINES!” When he said that, I could taste my breakfast in my mouth! It turned out the telephone exchange was far more important to the Germans than we had ever imagined…..

rock:harplaceFor the rest of his life dad had a fairly intense dislike of Ukrainians. Never mind that Ukrainians were between a rock and a hard place.

Not really a great choice between the Nazi ‘liberators’ and the Soviet oppressors.

As far as dad was concerned they were and remained traitors. A small step to ‘Ukraine a Nation of Traitors’

A small step to a nation of ‘not all that funny people’ Never mind all the British comedy greats on television.

A small step from refugees to (heaven forbid!) economic migrants and queue jumpers.

Thus functions stereotyping.

Myself I have often made fun of ‘matters German’. A group of Germans telling jokes: “ Drei und vierzig (43)… Ha Ha Ha , neunzehn (19)…Ha Ha Ha… achtundzwanzig (28) …Ha Ha Ha… und zo weiter“

Not to mention the German Coastgard  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yR0lWICH3rY

Very funny Frank. On reflection this is based on prejudice and if most Germans were brown or black it would be called racism. Over the years I may have unwittingly hurt many a German’s feelings. Of this I’m not proud. Prejudice without pride.


In my prejudiced opinion the choice faced by Ukrainians in 1940 is not all that different to that faced by Picts around 60AD in present day Scotland, Jews in Portugal in1497 or Iraqis in Iraq in 1990.

Many more examples of whole populations being placed between a rock and a hard place abound in history. The present and future are not exempt.

We’re in the same boat,
On the same sea


Remote Aboriginal Australians are in such a hard place. At what price do you surrender your identity and dignity? What price do you put on self-determination? What price a language? What price a weltanschauung?

At the start of the Intervention, John Howard at Ntaria declared that “Aboriginal Australians, to have any future at all, will have to join the mainstream” This assimilationist paradigm hasn’t shifted several Prime Ministers (if you count Kevin Rudd twice) later. The upcoming election is not likely to change anything in this regard.


Ntaria (Hermannsburg) ‘s own Warren H. Williams is standing for the Greens http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvbgTQIWw_4 in the Senate.

Rosalie Kunoth-Monks is standing for the new First Nations Party. I wish them well and will be voting for them (the beauty of the preferential system), but you’ve heard about the snow-flake.

До наступного разу

(Google translate- Ukrainian)


Scandal at Bravenswood

Dear reader as you might be well aware, the end of year speech night at the exclusive Bravenswood Ladies Grammar (BLG) went awry.

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Cynthia Baynes, ” Baynesey” being congratulated as School captain for 2015 by the president of the board and head of the school council.

Cynthia Baynes the current School Captain spoke about “Bravo”, and the culture wherein; “modern schools were being run more and more like businesses where everything becomes financially motivated, where more value is placed on those who provide good publicity or financial benefits”. This outrageous claim was made in public, at the school’s Speech Night. Neither the Headmistress nor Chairman, (President of the Board) were given the opportunity of a reply. Outraged by this attack on BLG, and the ‘gagging’ of the obvious spokespeople, the president and life member of the Bravenswood Ladies Grammar Old Girls Association (BLGOGA) Bellerephon (Bunty) Bivalve Beauregarde, (nee Beaurepaire) has asked PCBYCP for ‘right of reply’ to this scurrilous speech. We print here without alteration Ms B. B. Beauregarde’s reply.


“Bunty’ Beauregarde, (no relation to G.T) busy as chair of BLGOGA

school board

” Sending a shock-wave through the entire school community”


Mr Finlayson, (“Finno”)Head of the Classics department, expresses his; “Bitter disappointment” at Ms. Baynse’s ‘betrayal’.

Dear Cockburn and Poole, 
Please give me a moment to express my disdain in regards to the recent ambush foisted upon us, by the School Captain. In my mind I would not have been surprised that such claims may be leveled by some of the unfortunate dependents we’ve adopted in our ‘Come Together indigenous student programme’, where select lucky indigenous children are granted the privilege of aspiring to be like us. I would not be surprised if in their native naivety they were confused. But to hear such bilge from one of our own has sent a tremor, nay a shockwave through the entire school community. There are extenuating circumstances I am not willing to divulge, but I can tell you this much, Miss Baynes has truly slipped through the net. I am also conducting on my very own initiative a inquiry amongst the staff, as I believe that someone in the Humanities and Arts Department must have seeded this mischief in the mind of one so impressionable. There have been well founded whisperings of deviancy within this Department, and in fact some have been known to think our National Anthem as ‘Racist’! Reciprocity is at the core of the value system we share, why then this abrogation of principle and service? And why this ingratitude? I’ll tell you.

Miss Baynes represents the cult of narcissus, (‘The Life of I’), if you will, so prevalent among people her age. She has no idea just how privileged she is to wear the school uniform and Prefect Badge, nor of the sacrifices that we of the school community must, and continue willingly to make. She has no inkling of the tradition and gravitas attendant upon her station as elected School Captain, because she is not just an over indulged spoilt little brat, but an ungrateful and uncharitable malcontent.

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The Federal Science and Innovation Minister, The Rt. Hon. Christopher Pyne MP expresses his dissappointment in Baynes, ” letting the team down”. Shown leaving the floor of Parliament with Baynsey’s Asio File and his recommendations to the Tertiary Institutions Admissions Board.

Our school motto is implicit “semper ad meliora”, which translates as “always towards better things”, and what irks me is that she has been a beneficiary of our extensive and well publicised educational, building and foundation initiatives and yet spurns those very gifts. As a BLG girl she must know that she is part of a privileged elite, and with privilege comes responsibility. The responsibility to understand that there are those who are unable and unwilling to participate in our society. She would have discovered this unalterable fact through our social and community services programme. Miss Baynes would have been aware of the fact that the disadvantaged, by being lazy, shiftless and greedy, have wasted their allotted opportunities in life and are to be pitied. Miss Baynes would have seen, as a BLG girl such foolishness and abrogation of financial responsibilities must only end in despair, and yet in spite of this she bites the very hand that feeds her. And as a BLG student she should understand that our Federal Government provides significant funding to us so that we can provide the intellect and leadership for future generations. Her words have put this state and indeed our country at risk.

Bigger, Better Part Two

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The ‘Boomer-wrongun’, Australia’s new generation stealth fighter. Original Prototype LB, and LBW, (not shown).

Dear reader, we bring you this second instalment of this most excellent article; ‘Evolution of the B-52, From Top-Secret Marvel to Flying Fossil’. We would also like to remind our readership that in keeping with this excellent article the Minister for Science and Innovation, (The Rt. Hon. Christopher Pyne M.P) is re-commissioning Australia’s entire fleet of CAC Boomerangs as the next generation strike fighter. Re-named the ‘Boomer-wronguns’, the upgraded fighter possess the very latest in front-line defence and attack capability.

We continue where we left off;

‘When the first of the top-secret jets rolled off the assembly line in 1954, the Air Force’s chief of staff proudly called it “the thing that’s going to keep that Red fellow in his place.”


One of Redfellow’s famous quotes. Instilling a requirement to be “kept in his place’

Throughout the 1950s, widespread fear of a “bomber gap” with the Soviet Union prompted the Air Force to churn out more than 740 of the swept-wing bombers at a then-unprecedented cost of around $8 million each. The last was built in 1962.

Even as the bombers were being assembled, defense officials were planning their replacement, but each plan was undone by its own complexity. First was a nuclear-powered bomber able to stay aloft for weeks (too radioactive), then the supersonic B-58 with dartlike wings (kept crashing), and then the even faster B-70 (spewed highly toxic exhaust).

“This was high-tech, futuristic stuff, but because it was so futuristic, the projects ran into problems,” said Yancy Mailes, an Air Force historian.

A front-page story in The New York Times in 1966 said all B-52s would need to retire by 1975 because they would “be too old to continue beyond that point.” But no viable alternative emerged.

In 1982, President Ronald Reagan warned, “Many of our B-52 bombers are now older than the pilots who fly them.” Today, there is a B-52 pilot whose father and grandfather flew the plane.


When America was safe. Reagan at the B52 control column.

Reagan rushed production of the B-1, which was designed to fly fast and low beneath enemy defenses. It was expected to replace the B-52 in the 1990s, but in a prelude of future problems, the first B-1 unveiled in 1985, in front of a crowd of 30,000, failed to start. Design flaws and engine fires sidelined the plane during the Persian Gulf war and have limited its capabilities since.

The next potential replacement for the bombers is still decades away, so the B-52 is expected to keep flying until at least 2040. Credit Edmund D. Fountain for The New York Times
Next came the B-2 stealth bomber in 1997. But the B-2, with its delicate radar-evading coating, had to be stored in a climate-controlled hangar to be effective, and its sensors at first could not tell a storm cloud from a mountain. It soon became known as the $2 billion bomber that cannot go out in the rain.

The B-52 became a technologically humble — but still frighteningly effective — stand-in.

Although the fleet was designed as a nuclear retaliator, it began bombing the countryside of South Vietnam in 1965. Rebutting claims that B-52s were missing most of their targets, one pilot said at the time, “We’re doing a lot more than killing monkeys and making kindling wood out of the jungle.” A New York Times correspondent interviewing him marveled that the bombers were almost a decade old, “yet the mechanics keep them flying.”

In 1972, during the so-called Christmas bombing, wave after wave of B-52s destroyed sections of Hanoi in North Vietnam, killing hundreds of civilians and prompting nationwide protests and international condemnation. But the bombers were far from done. In the Persian Gulf war, Kosovo, Afghanistan and the Iraq war, the lumbering jets, well-established as a symbol of death and destruction, demoralized enemy ground troops by first dropping tons of leaflets with messages like “flee and live, or stay and die,” then returning the next day with tons of explosives.

santa never

We wish you a Merry Christmas, ‘Santa never made it to Hanoi either’.

The B-52s now have computers, but pulleys still connect engines along the wings to the cockpit. Credit Edmund D. Fountain for The New York Times
The Air Force is trying to change the image of the B-52 from indiscriminate carpet bomber to precision weapon. Laser-targeting pods attached to the wing of many of the bombers in recent years allow them to drop guided “smart” bombs. In recent years, the big bombers circling high above Afghanistan acted as close air support. “We’re as accurate as a fighter,” said Lt. Col. Sarah Hall, a B-52 pilot who flew missions over Afghanistan. “And sometimes just the sight of the B-52 is enough to end the fight. The enemy just takes off.”

While its weaponry has been upgraded, the rest of the plane can look like a midcentury museum exhibit.

Ground crews scouring the aging frames for rust often find graffiti in hidden nooks by previous generations — a recent discovery, perhaps commenting on the age of the planes, featured primitive cave-style animal paintings.

However, despite intensive maintenance, the planes’ ages are starting to show. On a recent training flight out of Barksdale Air Force Base after three days of rain, leaks in a bomber left the seats soaked and the control panel glistening. One engine refused to start, then some wiring shorted.

“This is really the full B.U.F.F. experience,” the co-pilot said with a patient grin as the maintenance crew scrambled to fix problems. “But once we get airborne, we’re usually O.K.” A few minutes later, the bomber with a crew of five roared into the sky and banked toward its mock bombing target in Texas.

In a dark den beneath the pilots, two weapons officers charted their position and calculated bomb runs. Among their tools: rulers and stopwatches. Halfway through the mission, their aging navigation system crashed. Then it crashed again.

Lt. Nicole White, 31, a weapons officer with her hair in an unruly bun and an energy drink sitting next to her slide rule, called the pilot on the radio.

“We have a computer that is potentially catawampus,” Lieutenant White said.

“What does catawampus mean?” said Major Burley, the co-pilot, with a laugh.

“Cray-cray,” she responded.


Federal Minister for Science and Innovation, the Rt. Hon. Christopher Pyne M.P performing “catawumpus”, an obscure parlour game invented by OAFS, (Old Adelaide Families) to stem boredom

For several minutes as the computer rebooted, the bomber flew, relying on its original 1950s technology of charted maps and line of sight.

Impressions of the bomber have proved almost as lasting as the jets themselves. At the entrance to Barksdale, a retired B-52 from Vietnam sits on display. On a sunny fall morning, a former officer from the South Vietnamese Navy named Phuoc Luong stood taking photos of his wife in front of the hulking plane, which had dropped tons of bombs on his country — bombs that still explode unexpectedly in farm fields, killing and maiming people 40 years after the war ended.

Now 69 and retired, living in Massachusetts after fleeing his homeland in 1975, Mr. Luong, said he was not surprised to see B-52s still flying.

“American technology is super,” he said. “It’s a great plane. In Vietnam we didn’t use it enough. That’s why we lost.”

Dear reader, back to important things Friday, an exclusive from the Ravenswood College speech night.

Bigger and Better!!!

Dear reader, the following is an extract from the New York Times. And we, the earthbound editors, think in light of recent controversy over the Australian Submarine project and other numerous and grotesquely expensive defence procurement decisions, this tells us something about our place in the industrial military complex. Also, refreshingly, it gives us an insight into the mindset of our treasured ally, the United States of America. And indicates obliquely that the ‘US of A’ is not entirely consumed by a self-destructive gun culture. The following is authored by the improbably named “Dave Smith”. We have a suspicion, (unfounded) that it’s G.T up to his usual tricks. We urge you to have a look at the original article, as we have substituted the images with some of our own. This may detract from the most excellent, and stirring tale of All-American know-how and derring do.

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Designer of the B52. General Major Dr Walter Lippisch. Scientific protege of the Eisenhower administration and a previously unspecified regime.

‘OVER THE GREAT PLAINS — Glance down from the ageless expanse of blue sky into the cockpit of the Air Force’s largest bomber, and the panorama is decidedly more dated — banks of steam gauges quiver above aluminum levers built during the Eisenhower administration, obsolete knobs and dials unused in decades gather dust.

And much of the rest of the mammoth B-52 bomber is just as antiquated. Vacuum tubes have been replaced with microchips, and the once-standard ashtrays are gone. But eight engines along the wings still connect to the cockpit by yards of cables and pulleys, and the navigator often charts a course with a slide rule.

“It’s like stepping back in time,” said Capt. Lance Adsit, 28, the pilot. He banked left to start a mock bombing run, wrestling a control yoke forged decades before he was born. Time had stripped it entirely of paint.

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Australian B52 pilot , (on secondment to USAF) adjusting VHS tape recorder for in flight entertainment. Uniforms kindly lent on this occasion by the Minister for Science and Innovation Mr. Christopher Pyne, from his personal collection.

“I love the B-52,” Captain Adsit said. “But the fact that this is still flying is really insane.”

A few minutes later, his onboard navigation computers crashed.

The first B-52 bomber was built more than 60 years ago, but in the absence of a reliable replacement, the jets are still used by Air Force pilots today.
The B-52 is an Air Force plane that refuses to die. Originally slated for retirement generations ago, it continues to be deployed in conflict after conflict. It dropped the first hydrogen bomb in the Bikini Islands in 1956, and laser-guided bombs in Afghanistan in 2006. It has outlived its replacement. And its replacement’s replacement. And its replacement’s replacement’s replacement.

Air Force commanders are now urging the Pentagon to deploy B-52s in Syria.

“We’re ready, we’re hungry, we’re eager to be in the fight,” said Col. Kristin Goodwin, who commands the Second Bomb Wing at Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana, where about half of the bombers are based.

Now in its 60th year of active service, the bomber is slow, primitive and weighed down by an infamy lingering from the carpet bombing of Vietnam in the 1960s. But 76 B-52s still make up the bulk of the United States’ long-range bomber fleet, and they are not retiring anytime soon. The next potential replacement — the Long Range Strike Bomber, which has yet to be designed — is decades away, so the B-52 is expected to keep flying until at least 2040. By then, taking one into combat will be the equivalent of flying a World War I biplane during the invasion of Iraq in 2003.


B52 replacements. The proposed long range strike bomber and super stealth fighter captured during top secret testing over Maralinga. The Australian Government is a major financial backer via the Innovation Statement.

The unexpectedly long career is due in part to a rugged design that has allowed the B-52 to go nearly anywhere and drop nearly anything the Pentagon desires, including both atomic bombs and leaflets. But it is also due to the decidedly underwhelming jets put forth to take its place. The $283 million B-1B Lancer first rolled off the assembly line in 1988 with a state-of-the-art radar-jamming system that jammed its own radar. The $2 billion B-2 Spirit, introduced a decade later, had stealth technology so delicate that it could not go into the rain.

“There have been a series of attempts to build a better intercontinental bomber, and they have consistently failed,” said Owen Coté, a professor of security studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “Turns out whenever we try to improve on the B-52, we run into problems, so we still have the B-52.”

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The other BUFF! Pictured here with SLH, (Santa’s little helper). Now working to ensure proper channeling of tax dollars into the Industrial military complex to keep us SAFE!!

The B-52 bomber is the longest-serving U.S. military aircraft in history. Although it never fought in the nuclear war it was designed for, it has fought in nearly every other war.
Officially, the B-52 is called the Stratofortress, but flight crews long ago nicknamed it the B.U.F.F. — a colorful acronym that the Air Force euphemistically paraphrases as Big Ugly Fat Fellow.

Too outmoded to be a stealth bomber, the B-52 has become the anti-stealth bomber — a loud, obvious and menacing albatross. It has pummeled armored divisions in Iraq, and has laid thunderous walls of destruction over Taliban positions in Afghanistan.

“The big plane was very good,” said one beaming Northern Alliance commander in 2001. In more recent years, it has flown only what the Air Force calls “assurance and deterrence” missions near North Korea and Russia. In 2013, when China claimed disputed airspace over the South China Sea, a pair of B-52s soared through in defiance.

“The B.U.F.F. is like the rook in a chess game,” said Maj. Mark Burley, the co-pilot for the training mission over the Great Plains. “Just by how you position it on the board, it changes the posture of your adversary.”


Two pillars of strategic deterrence.

But the usefulness of the large bomber — and bombers in general — has come under question in the modern era of insurgent wars and stateless armies. Even after millions of tons of bombs were dropped in far corners of the world, most foes targeted by the bomber, including those in Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam, ultimately prevailed’.

Dear reader; Stay tuned for tomorrows enthralling second instalment…. it’s sure to be a BLAST!!

Two more from Toutant (Tourismo).

Dear reader, once again, another visceral instalment from our New Orleans correspondent G.T Beauregard. And Oh!!! WHAT an INSTALMENT. This is beyond Zeitgeist. Pure Geist really!! I think G.T, has nailed it! What has he nailed??…read on…

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Beyond zeitgeist! Guns in America… is it a criminal? (african american), a Muh-zuh-lim? a Communist?… or one of ‘U.S’?

‘It’s handwringing time again.  Firearms came out early October in Roseburg, Oregon (43.2888º N, 123.3320º W), Flagstaff, Arizona (35.1157º N, 111.3752º W) and Houston, Texas (29.4546º N 95.2259º W), as college students settled down to the grind of another semester’s learning.  The tide of copper jacketed lead was flowing towards downtown NOLA.  I wuz worried.

Yes I’s worried that carnage might be stepping onto our front porch any moment.  Might be a criminal, that is to say, a thug.  Might be a terr-aw-ist.  Might be a Muh-zuh-lim.  God forbid, it might be all three, and I know for a fact that NOPD response times are so pitifully bad that there won’t be any protection, the only thing they can usefully do is bring the plastic tape, the rape kit, the photographer, the collector of forensic evidence and so memorialize our family’s destruction.

But then we had Bunny Friend Park the other week, downriver where the po’ folks dwell. The flood had skipped over Uptown. And oh dem darkies!  Must only have been semi-serious because if half a dozen-odd young men with automatic weapons can only wound 17 of the hundreds gathered there, they weren’t really trying. So we kinda laughed that one off: being an ethnic affair it was of no account to us folks.

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‘Kleiner mann was nun’? (trans)” And oh dem darkies’!!

And the unkempt guy from South Carolina who liberated three souls at the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood clinic on November 27 had his reasons.  “No more baby parts” indeed.  I’m down with that.  The fewer uterine scrapers in the world the better, and if he only managed to eliminate one patient, the friend of another and a cop, he shall yet have his reward in the hereafter.  Such aiders and abettors of vile sin deserve no more.  I suppose the patient’s little foetus is now like a hummingbird, flitting about heaven on tiny angel wings, waving its partly-formed arms, giving praise and thanks through its little gills.  But the collateral damage of righteousness is merely unfortunate; little whatever-it-was-going-to-be is undoubtedly in a better place now.

So the culling is not all bad.  Its Darwinian aspect emerges from time to time, as the purse-prying fingers of naughty toddlers blast their shopping moms in the face, or as the four year-old this afternoon in the eastern part of this city shot hisself in the neck using the weapon wisely kept in a drawer for home dee-fence by his grandparents.

But San Bernadino is another matter altogether.  Shorn of the politically correct “holiday” double speak, this outrage was perpetrated by Muh-zu-lims, plainly terr-aw-ists, against Ah-mericans at a Christmas party.  There – I’ve said it.  A CHRISTMAS PARTY.  Attended by CHRISTIANS.  Yes, Christians exercising their freedom of religion under the first amendment.  (OK, there might also have been a couple Jews as well, but I yam in a mood of forgiveness them-wise, in light of the season of goodwill and all.)

In this connection I have taken to heart the wisdom of rony2015, with whom I have struck up a public correspondence.  His accumulation of profound thought places matters in a wider context:

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“the worst cities are all Democrat run and infested’

“the worse cities are all democrat run and infested., they do 99% of the crime and killing ! … Anybody that still listen to anything obama has to say needs [a] lobotomy …. it is laughable . that he is actually demanding more terrorist to enter the country. then wants to talk about security or mass killings , his weak inaction in the middle east has cause hundreds of thousands of deaths at the hand of the very people he wants to bring here. they kill hundreds every day only we dont hear about. and for last 7 years that he has dine zero millions have been wiped out due to him.”

Obviously, it is highly concerning to the citizenry that the commander-in-chief should be requiring terrorists to enter the country.  He may be even worse than his evil predecessor, Abraar bin Lincoln, whose plainly Muh-zuh-lim bearded face adorns the currency.  Even a suit full of hot fart gas like the Donald would not stoop so low.  But what can the citizen do?

“why dont you get a compact little 9mm just incase you need it . dont listen to any body that tells you there is a greater chance of getting killed if you have one . that’s all crap. dont allow yourself that indignity! there’s is a for sure chance of getting killed without one . i have carried for about 30 years and travel in my job extensively , and many tomes it has served me well.and nothing you say is going to change that we have had a business since 67  and it has always actually prevented many from getting killed including thugs i held for the cops.”

I have not yet had the pleasure of clasping the hand that wrote these words.  But he plainly exemplifies the best traditions of self-reliance and industry which once made this country great: the virtues of the pioneers, when every man of testicle did his part to forge order from lawlessness. Like Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday.  Or Alan Ladd as Shane, standing resolutely upon a fruit box to be taller than the girls.

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Alan Ladd, ” Mein grossen Freund SHANE”. (trans) ” Now we’re all fucken scared’!

Fortunately for the future of the nation, rony2015 is not a voice alone in the wilderness, though few have his command of the world of ideas and such powers of expression.  Deliverance will not be immediate, but it is on the horizon, whether it comes from the good Dr. Carson – he who believes that the pyramids of Egypt were built for the storage of grain – or one such as Mr. Cruz, who earlier this year reassured a 3 year old constituent, “The world is on fire. Yes! Your world is on fire!”  We have only 409 sleeps to go.

Poetry Sunday 6 December 2015

Todays offering comes from the extraordinary mind of Mr Lionel George Fogarty

Sort Of Sorry

Sort of sorry tears on drops

Were no eyes?

Sore cries

Walk pass the changed season

Sing passion to the changed leavening.

Mouths lay at the below eyes of beds.

Now writing is unwritten

So ear in took raw deals.

Then as a stood sorry people

Said no more tears.

Smiles embraced the truth for saddest

Wiped an extinct body.

No sorry business changes things

No loaded crying stops crimes

Walk pass the changing seasons

Walls seek space for the lonely faces

She saw pain in a lane of flyaway planes.

He sewed rains drops fallen by

The baby’s unborn restrings.

Sydney N.S.W. 2013 26 May  Lionel G Fogarty 6.00 am