Santa may yet come and empty his sack……

For a long time Christmas has been an oportunity to promote healthy productes to kiddies

We return to our saga, Ces and Quent on a conveyance to Who knows Where? But all is not lost! Christmas has arrived and with it hope in a new era, redemption and the promise (at the very least)  with Sophie, as a Fair Work Commissioner of a hearing, perhaps even when pushed a slice of plum pudding. But to this moment no plum pudding is forthcoming. Just the plum-pudding-like silhouette of a Fair Work Commissioner hell-bent on global domination. What could happen next? Can you believe this? Believe it or not it’s a compelling subtext to Australia’s courageous efforts to maintain relevance on the global stage with no clear foreign policy than the thing they call ‘AUKUS’!  We take up here we left off…..……

‘I dunno Ces, perhaps we should pinch ourselves, I mean, we set out to find if it were one of Tudgey’s mates with form perhaps Christian or Barnaby who touched up Mrs Culthorpe and here we are weeks later being slotted for a protracted death by Sophie’. 

‘You’ve got something there Ces,  In a sense, like the shibboleth of the Coalition climate policy, a perpetual manifestation of the dark arts of alchemy, hocus-pocus and ‘clean coal’, presented as an illusory, but very real apparition that occurs at a specific moment in time only to disappear again.  As took pace at Glasgow or on the forecourt of parliament when Brittany Higgins tried to suggest that our pollies were only interested in pork-barrelling and pork swords-manship on an industrial scale’. 

‘I dunno Quent, like trying to find out who came up with Robo-debt, you’ll never know. There are some things the citizenry are not entitled to know and you know? Its better they remain ignorant for their own good. It’s like little baby Jesus and immaculate conception. Better to just believe it than wonder how immaculate conception works.  Is that why the Catholic church still pursues abuse survivors over their medical records’?  

Even in wartime Santa proved that efficacy of a smoke-screen to creep up on the unwary Jap or Hun.

‘You’ve got it on one. Not just to besmirch abuse survivors, but to ensure that their private live are used to shame them. Only through Shame and fear can the church maintain its pivotal position. Without it people might question immaculate conception, clean coal and a gas-led recovery’. 

Our two heroes then took time to reflect on the message of Christmas, Goodwill and fellowship to all, but in the the end decided that Christmas was really about presents, and shopping on Boxing Day. 

Ces continued with his introspective insights into what made Sophie tick…

‘Jeez Quent you’re right on so many levels. Perhaps that’s what gives Sophie her irrepressible desire to win. She just accepts all of the above as her destiny. Yep she’s got a destiny that’s manifest, and in the end we’re just ordinary humans. It aint all bad, to be tasered for jay walking, answering back or just smiling inappropriately. It’s good for law and order, and in the end with only a day till Christmas, I think that’s the message bequeathed by little baby Jesus’. 

Craig declined our offer to be the stand-in Santa as he could not provide “working with Children certification’.

It was eerily apt, to arrive at this philosophical conclusion to a miserable dark journey in which even the white bits were black. Buoyed by the completeness of their situation and the irrefutable logic of ‘clean-coal’ and immaculate conception, our heroes had at last found a measure of peace knowing at precisely that moment where they stood in the greater scheme of things. Mere specks to be compartmentalised and slotted according to the edicts of the system. There’s deep comfort in that, and it reassured them that in the end perhaps nothing really mattered. 

Just then the light which had led our conveyance changed colour and then, as if a switch had been pulled started flashing.  The tram convulsed as we sped through and interchange with the points clacking and squeaking to a new setting. We felt the trolley lurch as we changed track, the light now a  vivid blue. We felt for the first time the sense of upward movement.  We’re on the way up whispered Quent, this could be our chance. 

Clive has expressed some interest provided he keeps whatever is left in the sack.

Is it their chance? The last throw of the dice? Is this the spirit of Christmas? And if it is, is it methylated or Cinq ports?  Find our in the next convulsive episode, “Two tracks to one track mind”, or ‘Sophie’s or Hobson’s choice, is not much of a choice’.