The rich must eat the poor

Kenny. CLUELESS!!!

Kenneth Hayne

He reckons trust in institutions and governance is practically buggered. 

He couldn’t be MORE WRONG. 

Ken says;

“Reasoned debates about issues of policy are now rare. (Three or four word slogans have taken their place),”

“And political rhetoric now resorts to the language of war, seeking to portray opposing views as presenting existential threats to society as we now know it.


“Trust in all sorts of institutions, governmental and private, has been damaged or destroyed.”

Our question to Kenny is, Where the fuck have you been all these years? Or in Latin, (as the current Brutish P.M is fond to quote; “ Post hoc ergo propter hoc” which is Roman for What the..!!

The streets are full of homeless. Wages haven’t grown in four trillion years, the middle class are being wiped out, and all Hayne can do is point to the bleeding obvious!!  That’s what becomes of being a retired High Court judge. He’s got it all wrong.  Why couldn’t he just take the easy way out by writing his memoirs, become a governor of some second tier state, or just join the board of AMP? There’s no such thing as dysfunctional governance, and what’s wrong with lobbyists running government? 


Look at all the good things they’ve done. 

They’ve thwarted a detailed look into the corrupt practices of the banks. And in doing so kept confidence in the banking system.. 

They’ve enouraged the tax-payer to fork out billions for some froggy submarines, that’ll be commissioned in the 2030’s. 

They’ve given some fantastic jobs post-parliament to struggling pollies who find it hard to afford a third or fourth investment property, 

And they’ve put a lid on the unreliable and catastrophic influence of democracy. 


You only need to take a look at  Hong Kong to realise that democracy is worse than Collingwood winning a Grand Final. Democracy buggers up business. How can BIG COAL survive without tax breaks, free resources, off-shore havens and dodgy accounting? So whether you’re a big cotton producer on the Murray Darling, a coal miner on the central coast, a nuclear energy lobbyist looking for a new gig or just a big bloke who just happens to be white, conservative and middle aged, the last thing you want.. for efficiency’s sake, for investment sake, for return to the shareholder’s sake is an effing democracy. 

They got rid of compulsory student unionism and elected representatives and now we have efficient universities run direct from CHINA! And… they’re on TIME!

We at pcbycp endorse entirely the strategy undertaken by the federal governemt to punish POOR PEOPLE.  

Bu endorsing tax cuts for the wealthy we’ll have even more homeless in the streets. Their ranks will swell like the dams taking water from an inland river system. Their ranks will soar like the cost recouped from robo-debt. And their faith in democracy will be destroyed. So  they can be cowered and HUMBLE!


So Kenny’s got it all wrong.  The little people are going down. He’s a big guy why should he worry? 

He’s a traitor to his class, and if he doesn’t like it, there’s no use going the Julian Burnside, cos no one is listening. 

Some say what Kenny is complaining about are “rent seeking”. corporations.

That’s where Kenny got it wrong


It’s progress!