The name of the Game.

Only a strong man. A DEALMAKER can stop the shootings!

What the U.S needs to do to stop mass killings. 

HE UNDERSTANDS the rules of the GAME!!

Any balanced objective, reasonable individual would have to admit something must be done about all the shootings in the U.S. It just seems unstoppable. And no matter which way you look at it the strategies to thwart mass shootings seems to be elusive. And that’s probably because whichever way you look at it, America is swamped with foreigners, people of colour and irreligious people. Worse still people who seek Islam as a spirtual belief. 

But the crisis doesn’t end there. 

There are gays, trans-sexual types, and between the adjective “Normal” and “Trans- gender’, there is a whole subset of people you would clearly cross the street to avoid. 

That’s a terrific problem faced by the average American. 

It’s one that challenges clean living white peoples’ moral code on a day to day basis. 

Iconic deal maker in America’s olden days.

And besides being confrontational, unnerving and catastrophic, It’s an affront to God. Yes folks, the right kinda God. That genial bloke who looks a bit like Father Christmas. He’s white with silvery grey hair and he’s all seeing and HATES Transgender, foreign, coloured non Aryan people. And if you don’t believe him, go read the Old Testament, and it’s there in clear print. As an unalterable FACT!

This is CLEARLY the reason why Amercians must arm themselves.  Latest statistics show us that there’s half a dozen guns for every man woman and child.  And it’s proven that’s what’s keeping them SAFE! Without those guns, the place would be worse than Syria, Iraq, or Afganistan, or anywhere else we’ve tried to civilise with military intervention. 

Either way you’ve GOTTA WIN. No one wants to be a No-Good LOSER!

Just look at home. If we had the same gun carrying statistic, we wouldn’t have to worry about African Crime Gangs, the embarrassing spectacle of angry women demanding abortion rights, and Franking Credits as the greatest piece of legislative innovation since Federation. That and tax cuts have succeeded in spite of the fact that we’re all unarmed, and vulnerable. 

So take heed. 

The American approach to guns is way more cerebral than we think. The John Wayne characterisation is cheap and outmoded. These days The US is way way more Bruce Willis. Also the fact that they have a gun toting culture means clean living people have guns to protect their credentials in a society. And that society seeks to purge itself of undesirables. And ensurre that those who cannot work, those that are poor, those who will never ever be able to afford a house, are KEPT OUT! Occasionally someone goes crazy, but that has nothing to do with GUNS!  They’re just crazy. But you’ve gotta hand it to em, (those Crazies) they act on PRINCIPLE. And principles enshrined by the number one, Not God silly…… but DONALD!

Moving Forward. Be a winner. Money always comes out on TOP!

If you’re angry, GET EVEN. If someone has done you wrong, Get EVEN!  If you’re pissed off about all of the above GET EVEN!! And the reason why,  is to to do with an all consuming HATE Filled Gun CULTURE!!! 

And the existential threat of ourselves, living in a society that it aienating, triumphalist and promises nothing for those who cant play the game.  

Donald had a book published . He knows all about games. 

He knows the culprit also. 

And what societal game is this? 

Video games?


Bruce demonstrates the pen is mightier. PEN ” pointy end negotiation”

You’re kidding… Huh?