Poetry Sunday 25 January 2015

Amplified Aims of Circle by Lionel Fogarty

Enticing as a educate civilised
Gave personal property concepts.
Landmass hearts received architectures
For those unfriendly renders.
But function combines religious
Giving failing communities.
Mystic no more the brinks of exquisite sad whirlwind.
Frozen rapture times, came slices where abyss mountains swallow
Music, only children’s clouds can sing heart growth.
Unscrew occupation where politics
Sends money voices in control
Unscrew fester ripple hate
Liberty a entice prism shade
Liberty a entice relocation earth fathers of indigenous exist.
Love man identity butterflies by city encumbrance tenderness
For the strains the radiate must built action over words foreclosed.
Dormant the same old pain mole,
And let go matter burrowed deep
Enticing times of aims encircled.

(Written while passing over NSW while flying to Melbourne, Sorry Day 26/01/2013)