Poetry of a Sundee

Dear reader , another piece form our scribe the near-east who goes by the name of  “Geoff”.


Geoff is a keen photographer and Natural History enthusiast, but we think he goes much deeper,

on a journey to the soul.

Join us as we find the inner truth behind the banality of every day life. If you need a pointer, please, we humbly suggest you read this latest fictional masterpiece, ” The Banality of Weevils” By the Rt. Hon.Peter Dutton, M.P. (Gau-leiter of Brisbane). There is a thrilling introduction by none other than that mercurial diverter of state funds and taxpayer subsidies the Rt. Hon. Angus Taylor. His tome, ” Diverting Rivers of Gold” is also a worthwhile read as it is shortlisted for the NSW Premiers Award. We wish him well with his Cayman Island registered tax haven,


Geoff’s piece today is called ‘Today’s Friends‘ and if anyone can help me do the spacing on this program to make it look ‘slick and professional’ the editors would be eternally grateful.

Take it away Geoff…….



‘Solitary’, Self Portrait of the poet as a sub editor for Esquire Magazine”c.1928. by Geoffrey de-Boyes, (the third). H.M Prison Reading.

Today’s Friends © Geoff Boyes


With cigarettes and coffee,

He sits at his desk

Not a thought races through his empty head

Bits and pieces, are all that yesterday left behind

Scraps of dreams,

And half-baked schemes

Are all there is to find.


He sits, he waits,

But no words come

Inspiration, along with reality,

Packed up and left; along with any thoughts

And yet he cares not

No thoughts, no words and no rot.


Taking no notice, of the world all around

As it casually slips past his window

Beyond the intrusion of his private space

He doesn’t give a damn

Only does what he can


Empty head

Hollow words

Blank pages; his only friends today.