In these trying Times…


“As time goes by” . P.M for Innovation making time stand still.

Dear reader, upon reflection it is comforting to know that we only have three weeks left in the U.S election run-up. And then, it’ll be all over. And what’s more comforting, as evidenced by our ‘P.M for Innovation’ Mr. Malcolm Turnbull is that not much will change.

That is a source of great comfort. If Clinton wins, there will be a sigh of relief from the one percent, their investments, holdings and influence will remain intact. If Trump wins, much the same. For poor people, the world over, they can expect to be punished. And reform, after all the talk, will be quietly forgotten. That’s what we’ve learnt from the Turnbull presidency, (we acknowledge that we have a Westminster system) but we think you’ll agree that ‘presidency’ sounds more lofty. And besides,  he is an ardent republican as well.

So there’s lots to hope for. And for the environment, education, thought, imagination, they can all go and get stuffed. No one cares. And the best news is that you can still buy an electric kettle, a toaster and hair dryer for the crazy low price of $ 7.95, (inclusive of GST) at your local Big W. So who said globalism made losers of us? And our advice to the U.S public, think carefully before you vote, because the last thing anyone really want is … Change. And now, one last time, a look at some toys that made a collective nostalgia for the past, just that little bit rosier.

Ladders and Ladders 420×300 1996 PellToysladders-and-ladders

‘Ladder and ladders’ was an exciting initiative developed by the ecumenical church council to give kiddies the opportunity to exhilarate in the rapid promotion then on offer in all branches of religious life. Instead of the snakes that would adorn the more standardised ‘Snakes and Ladders’, the board consisted just of ladders. However, between the ladders and the ultimate rise to the top, where little snakes configuring little circles. Within each circle an object, clearly visible” would indicate a “Sin”, a “Vile Act”, or a ‘Cunning little lie”. Each player had to traverse the series of ladders to the ultimate goal of being consecrated an archbishop, or in some instances, ( a cardinal). After the ascent of each ladder, the player was asked, by the other players, ‘what they had observed long the upward journey’? Those who provided the most plausible fabrication, without repetition, hesitation or departure from the subject were allowed to move on. Those who offered implausible excuses were relegated to the bottom. It was a game that required absolute skill in obfuscation, casuistry and deflection . No copies of the game survive, but it is rumoured some exist as preparation devices for politicians about to undergo senate and parliamentary entitlement hearings.

mr-tomatoMr Tomato-head 420×300 1975-2015 Rednek Toys

Mr Tomato Head represented an attempt by a local manufacturer, (Rednek Toys) to give the Mr Potato Head franchise a ‘real through going over’. Taking the predominance of ‘interesting’ politicians then in circulation in the sunshine state, the toy was a sort of characterised hybridisation between Rus Hinze, Bjelke Petersen and the average Queensland voter. The toy proved very popular in the peanut growing districts around Kingaroy and looked set to carve it’s very own niche in the novelty toy sector. Sadly sales dropped off after the demise of the Petersen Government. Only recently, with the stunning profile of Barnaby Joyce boosted by the fracas with internationally famed superstar actor Johnny Depp and his ex wife Amber has interest renewed in a new Mr Tomato-head Doll. Preliminary discussions wit the Federal Agricultural Minister are ongoing.