Geological era redefined. It’s not the anthropocene… it’s the “Hubris-scene”.

It’s heartening to read in the news that the very first appointment as media chief in the incoming Johnson government is the Sky news Exec Andrew Griffith. 

“Andrew Griffith, the Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer at the pay-TV group, has been appointed as the chief business adviser to Number 10.

Rupert deserves credit for getting the right man the right job.

He will work closely with the new prime minister who reputedly said “fuck business” when confronted with companies’ concerns over Brexit”. (the Guardian)

Once again it demonstrates the impact and leadership Rupert Lord of Murdoch wields in getting the correct results in western (English speaking former white colonies) government. And it’s just what we all need to tackle head-on the monumental existential earth ending catastrophe of climate change. BY IGNORING IT!

In the US, Climate Science has been ignored. Problem Solved, 

In Australia Climate Science has been put back where it belongs by luminaries such as Malcolm Roberts, George Chirtiansen and Angus Taylor (who like to keep things within the family) to where it belongs. A complete non issue.   And in this they are allied to the greatest PM Australia is currently having who’s principal  belief is that earth is only 6000 years old, and poverty is due entirely to laziness. Climate Catastrophe SOLVED!

And because of this he’s earnt a state dinner with DON. 

Rupert’s boy in Australia, on the floor of parliament with  the “Fixer”.

And if you didn’t know, currently the most unifying issue that unites all Australians is not drought affected farmers broken by climate change. Nor the death of every species of coral on the Great Barrier Reef . Nor the mangroves of the upper north, the kelp beds, the forests and the artesian basin give freely to Adani.  But…… you guessed it: Franking Credits. 

And In Canada, big oil will save the planet, by ignoring climate change as a NON ISSUE. 

Only New Zealand fails to see the benefit of ignoring climate change. Clearly Lord Rupert of Murdoch nedds to do some heavy lifting there, cos if it aint fixed yet by the right kinda people its broke!!

So join with us in HATING the EU. It has only given us peace in Europe, fair trade between countries, and massive subsidies to English farmers, who’ve never had it so good. Fuck Business, if it’s any ‘foreigners’ business and keep the profits, at home where they belong to people of vision like Boris who can tell the Europeans to FUCK OFF!

And then just as quickly before you can say Suez Crisis, “hey, youse guys we need your help with these Iranians”, beg the EU to help you out.   

Contemporary western politics is an irony free zone. We are living in the “Hubris-cene”

Rupert, Lord of Murdoch has given us 1984 as a consumerist dystopia. And only lazy no good losers complain. And the west is richer for it. 

Rupert and Donald, A bromance made in heaven. A question of who made who is immaterial.

That’s what Franking Credits do to ENRICH US!

And with a bit of luck when the dust blows over there’ll be some good deals coming outta Hong Kong, once the government has dealt with malcontents. Cos human rights is lefty bullshit! And big business will FIX IT! Only Big Business has the expertise, (as so nobly demonstrated in the Banking Royal Commission) to deny EVERYTHING! 

And that’s what you need to maintain stability, and tackle climate change HEAD ON!

Cos it’s too big to worry about anyway, and in the end it’s the lefty’s fault. And lefty’s only know one thing, whether it be Hong Kong, Adani Protesters or executed Russian Activists. Their delusion is they hope for a principled world of higher instincts of ethics and humanity.

 And how to cause TROUBLE!

And in the end, Rupert Lord of Murdoch, knows that the lower instincts, of greed, short -termism and money will always win. 

Lord Rupert of Murdoch. Always gets the results because he knows what we really want.

And sadly, for all the rest of us,  he’s right.