Where’s Kev?


Kev Walks tall on the World Stage. ( In a non speaking role)

We often wonder, is there life after politics? We wonder still, if there’s a use for a politician that’s passed the political used by date? All these wonderings can only lead to one thing. A sincere concern as to what might happen to a politician who is clearly so intelligent, he doesn’t mind telling others so.

A politician with a sense of himself uber alles. A nation state of the mind, connected to the body of a mere mortal, destined by that total all encompassing righteous sense of destiny that only a Queenslander can have. Bottle it, and you have a war winning weapon. Its power unleashed will change the vary basis of society as we know it.


World leaders discuss Kev’s merit. Body language is all revealing.

What happens then, if you’re a particularly ambitious little Queenslander, and you’ve just been bypassed from that coveted position at the U.N, yes indeed folks to be Secretary General? You jump on the world stage, and make yourself relevant. So it is with great joy that the G20 summit begins with a tete a tete hosted by our very own Kevin. His ambition is undeniable, his hubristic sense of self indomitable, indefatigable, inflexible and unyielding, Kevin is the very acme of the ambitious Queenslander.

Though you thought that the G20 was just a sideshow, for the 1% to determine how to use the other 99% it is with some satisfaction that we can all breathe a sigh of relief knowing that Kevin has found something to do. Please leave him there, and whist there at it, could someone, (a humorist perhaps) allow Kev just a teenzy weenzy opportunity to step up to the microphone. It saddens us at PCbyCP, that Kev is not given more air time, to demonstrate his unquestionable intelligence, perspicacity and wit to the rest of the world. And it with some sadness that he’s not quite so fluent in Korean as he is in Mandarin.

We’re hoping Kev turns up again soon. Perhaps as a mediator between North and South Korea. Or perhaps better still as a negotiator to aid the warring factions in Syria, and Iraq. We hope that Mr Putin, always one for the political opportunity, takes Kevin back to mother Russia, and gives him a chair at a university somewhere. He make the world a safer place, and Australia safe still in the knowledge that he is so gainfully employed, somewhere else.