Weekly Wrap 2 December 2013

Oh yes, another weekly wrap, and only two days late!

And another quote from Errol – Flynn, that is.
“I will do a great deal for a buck; then when I get it I will throw it away, or let it be taken from me.” from ‘My wicked wicked ways” by Errol Flynn 1959  (Reminds me of a friend who says she just seems to repel money.)

M a M Banner2Tarquin O’Flaherty opened the week with another “Man as Machine” in which he showed how little has changed writing that the British Government “Forbade ‘treasonous’ conversation, moved ‘suspicious’ people out of reading rooms and coffee houses and threatened the owners with closure.  Even the mail was intercepted and examined for ‘sedition’.”  Tarquin returned later in the week with a further Man as Machine – the Fourteenth Part – in which he talks of ‘Mad King George (III)” and that ‘famous drinker and fornicator’, the prince Regent, later King George IV.

This was followed by a discussion on the Denigration of Women lead by Poetry Editor Ira Maine, building on comments made about Jonathon Swifts Poem “A description of the morning”

endette rev 4Ira Maine got physical with his account of the Fourth Blackstone Funicular Singularity, though what this really has to do with Endette Hall is yet to be enunciated. Suffice to say it involves Obadiah Clampe and the Lesser Booming Whooping Hooper.

bunbury Milk CartonBeauty Profaned returned with impressions of Bunbury WA, and the influence of disgraced Developer Alan Bond on the built fabric, where his singular high rise (colloquially known as The Milk Carton) stands, in Quentin Cockburn’s words, as an “upended middle finger to notions of decency and taste, community and township”.

Poet Ali Cobby Eckermann returned with “I tell you true”, from “Little Bit Long Time’ 2009.  This poem won First Prize at the inaugural ATSI Survival Competition 2006.

Good reading, join the conversation.

Cecil Poole