Weekly Wrap 19 August 2013

“You don’t have to believe everything you think” was the car bumper sticker that summed up much of the complexity that is the US of A, where Cockburn and poole are continuing their research.  The wrap is a little late this week as we have been in the serene wilderness of Minnesota’s Boundary Waters, where we were wonderfully looked after by this crowd.  Quentin is en route back to Australia whilst Cecil continues with the arduous task of understanding Americans.

STOP PRESS:  the writings of renown political commentator Paddy 0′Cearmada are now appearing intermmitantly throughout this Australian Election period.  His pieces can be accessed through the Election 2013 tab.  Each new posting will be linked back to the main blog.  His pieces to date include “Suppository of Wisdom” and “Performance Enhancement”.

Cecil wrote a nice little piece (even if I do say so myself) on mislaying a Credit Card.  Enjoy it here

caen_hill_lockQuentin followed up with a two part description of “Biking to Devizes” along a canal from Bath, UK.  Read them here and here

The Solitary Wind Turbine spoke of the dilemmas faced with environmental protection, increasing consumption and ‘democratic’ politics.  By Q. Cockburn.

The third part of our Musical Dispatch from the Front (originally of 13 June 2013) uncovers some dirty digging by multinational miners Xstrata and Glencore.  For some of the dirt and much music click here

The Cry of the Dreamer John Boyle O’Reilly (1844-1890) is our poem this week.  (Could this have influenced Henry Lawson as he wrote “Faces in the Street”?)
NOTE O’Reilly features in this weeks blog, a story of Irish Political prisoners of the mid nineteenth century and their rescue by Yankees, in a five part series titled “The Catalpa Affair”, written by Tarquin O’Flaherty


Cecil and Quentin
Somewhere on the Mississippi