Weekly Wrap 10 June 2013

Cults, the dread of every parent, every brother, every sister.  Here at Passive Complicity over the past week we have tried to bring you the idiots guide, the better to protect your family, your friends.   Our staff writers have let you down.  I apologize, but rest assured it is their fault.  They did not read the instructions with due diligence.  Beside a couple of wonderful pieces on Cults I have also had works on Celts (1) and Colts (3).  Fortunately I have had nothing on Clits or Kilts, however that could change.
Now lets first have a word of sense from Errol
“In me, contradiction itself, as a principle, finds its own raison d’etre. I am convinced of the validity of contradiction.  There are many worlds.  Each is true, at its time, in its own fashion.” From My Wicked Wicked Ways, by Errol Flynn 1959.

We started the week with “Pig skin and Purple Cool Aid”, a cautionary tale from our newest contributor Cantina Baulk.  Her fearful and sad story of a family falling for an insidious cults should be warning to us all.  Read it here

Then the mysterious Phaudrig Macguire, (reader Celtic Mythology, Universality College Dublin) presented an obscure tome on Celts, which I found obscure – here

colt from KooyongThe joint proprietor Quentin Cockburn then decided I had asked for something on colts and he proceeded to revisit Australia political past by talking of a former politician popularly know as “The Colt from Kooyong”. colts willie He depressed us further by referring to a certain first Lady’s appearance at the White house in the time of Nixon.  SoniaRead here.

Tarquin O’Flaherty, (bless his soul) finally righted the ship with an erudite and challenging piece tracing the changing meaning of the word “Cult”.  It is easy for the powerful to demonise the other – here
high noon copyThen we ‘went to hell in  hand basket’ as Quentin again took the floor with a piece on guns.  what this has to do with Cults is anyone’s guess.  If this was a radio program I would have played soothing elevator music.  Read about guns and film here.  (actually this piece is really interesting – just do not tell Quentin)

Our Musical Dispatch took a quick look at Cargo Cults, at least this was on topic. – Here

And Poetry Sunday completed a week of crock!

at least we had great fun bringing it to you
Cecil Poole (and Quentin)