They also serve who work as play


Cecil, (centre) learning skills whilst out in the field.

Another fascinating fragment from Cecil, who is doubtlessly hard at it, developing the material for his return which will enlighten us. Though, there is a distinct note of contrition here, we know that Cecil is at the coal face so to speak, preparing copy that will amuse, enlighten and perhaps frighten those who care to read of his exploits in the New World.

And now from Cecil:


Billy Snedden demonstrating leadership. Always an inspiration to Cecil, ( extreme RHS) as centre half back of the Merino-Dunt Mopokes.

Since ancient times the lot of the Managing Editor at Passive Complicity by Cockburn and Poole has not been an easy one.   Managing Editor, Quentin Cockburn, told me so himself.   Total responsibility for ensuring suitable and tasteful daily entertainment for both our readers.  And then he has contributors (staff) to deal with.  They make commitments to deliver copy yet invariably fail.


Cecil talks to U.S authorities about border protection.

Cecil Poole, to take a random example, committed five weeks ago, no, six weeks ago, to providing at least one piece per week.  This, Cecil assured Quentin, should be easy, a doozy, a cinch, as Cecil would be in the US, the source of all good stories, of guns, of rednecks, of bleeding heart liberals, of Natural Disaster, of Un-Natural disaster, of extraordinary charity, of Zombie Politicians, of SAME SEX MARRIAGE.  “No probs”, were Cecil’s parting words.

Each morning the PCbyCp editorial staff would open our Foreign Utilities Correspondents Kache, (spelt with a K, cos it’s an American spelling) in eager anticipation of a literary gem from our colleague in the US.  As the end of the first week neared the anticipation heightened, assuming Cecil was polishing the piece before submitting it.   Well, thought , Cecil had only been gone a week and we knew that he had friends and family to catch up with, important research to undertake, background checks to make and take.  Thirsty Moms to entertain.   Maybe Cecil didn’t count the first week.  Still he is a reliable fellow, Quentin allowed, he will come through in the second week.   Yet each morning brought little but disappointment.  Cecil’s silence was total.   With a sense of duty combined with a sense of resignation Quentin has put his shoulder to the wheel and ensured that pcbycp developed increasingly dull copy.   A litany of complaint, unleavened by that spirit of free enterprise  and optimism that could only be brought from the U.S.

 With each passing day, with yet another 24 hours without copy from Cecil, Quentin’s blood pressure rose.  Did Quentin question Cecil’s commitment to the cause?  Was Cecil just being passive?  Was Quentin complicit in Cecil’s passivity? “Bloody hell, all I asked was 500 words, not really that difficult.”


Total commitment.

But he consoled himself. He knew Cecil was hard at it! On the job, with more committment than  Billy Sneddden. Knew he was doing in depth research into the American Psyche? Spending too much time at the workbench or his work station?   Quentin knew well of Cecil’s fragile mind set, of his lack, not just of self belief, of self confidence, but also of his lack of moral fibre, of courage.  In effect Cecil could be thought of as adrift, lost amongst all the vices on offer in the new World.

Yet for Quentin to call this out carried with it grave risks, specifically that Cecil would take offense, would sulk, would perhaps even get cross. Yet finally Cecil has reappeared.  His email arrived this morning.  Multiple excuses, all sound – coughing fit, allergy, tiredness, too much sex, not enough sex, too busy, too drunk, too complex, too simple, pneumonia.  Just give me another week he asked. Quentin, (the man who would never use one word where 13 polysyllabic obscure ones  will fit) replied with just three simple words:   An utter delight.

And why you may ask. Because on the vexed issue of same sex marriage, a treaty with the first Australians, tax reform, superannuation kickbacks for the ultra wealthy, education, health, the environment, innovation , the neo-con delusion and everything ; Nothing has changed. Malcolm has drawn a perfect circle, or “nought’ as we used to say.


Malcolm determined that nothing will change whilst Cecil is away.

And that’s comforting, for big business, and the Property Council. Cecil must recharge his batteries fully, and then upon return enlighten us on what makes the U.S of A, the shining light we wish to emulate. But we wont have to wait for long, because our prediction at PCbyCP is that Donald will be the new President. Why is this so? Sam told me, the (other) editor of the People’s Daily.