The Week that Was

by Quentin Cockburn

Highest ranking on the WTF index, was Nova Peris and her leaked emails, much more salacious than the Barry Spurr emails, but less puerile, The upshot of it is that for Rupert and his stable Nova’s emails were of the public interest.  Really?  And we learnt that she had an affair fourteen years ago and though this has nothing to do with her life as M.P., it just goes to show that another high profile indigenous australian can be tarnished by Rupert’s cheerleaders, Bolts and all.  No such pangs for Rupert, Sir Rupert has many courtiers, and their plan to diminish us all is their daily reward.

CliveClimate changeThe climate action now legislation was passed in parliament, no one can explain what it is, cept to surmise that the big polluters can help themselves to more of the public purse for not changing any of their bad habits, and an offshoot, the green army is set to work for team Australia.  No word on the isis front, cept to say there has  been a rumour that the only woman on the DLP front bench Julie Bishop is rumoured to be PM material….Victoria grinds to an election in which tweedle dee is set to replace tweedle dum, and Big road projects aren’t what’s promised, but I’m sure just like last time it’s what the public knows they will get.  Trucking companies, have more sway with politicians, well, better access to corporate boxes at the footy and cricket anyway.

On the Essendon football saga, no one, least of all James Hird, seems to have understood that it’s time to move on, and the Chinese have confirmed what everyone already knew that the document tendered by Clive Palmer as evidence that funds weren’t channelled to bankroll his electoral campaign was written this year and back dated to July last year.  Not since Ian Sinclair’s handwriting practice has such brilliantly executed transcripts provided amusement to the pubic at large. Coal being good for humanity, the climate commission is not to be wound down, presumably to look to clean coal.

Finally there’s good news for investors, the property bubble shows no sign of bursting yet, the late surge in Chinese investors is good for the real estate agents, and consequently there’ll be no significant inquiry of its impact on the next generation of younger Australians by current  members of the DLP.

Mr Stern, (close friends call him Lord) recently suggested that at current levels of CO’2 emissions, and disincentives for renewables puts Australia at the head of the pack for climate change deniers, to which the PM is justifiable proud.  His mantra ‘climate change is crap’ was well received by Cardinal Pell and Gerard Henderson alike.  There is a horse race this week in which the nation stops, though there’s no stopping the G20 who will be encouraged in spite of Lord Sterns pronouncements to not mention Climate one little bit. Richard Branson’s’, intergalactic spacecraft broke up upon re-entry and tragically an astronaut perished. Thousands died in West Africa, and the slaughter continues in Iraq and Syria.  For us in Team Australia, new legislation has been passed to make it very difficult for people to “leak”, say nasty things, about anyone, except those like Adam Goodes or Nova Peris; that’s a national pastime, and like Coal is un-stoppable.