The upcoming election negative? Try Brexit.

Is there a plan B?

Dear reader through the wonders of telecommunications we are indebted to Sir Atney Emo and Ira Maine for providing us with this fascinating, scintillating, eviscerating insight into the Brexit crisis. Wnat crisis you may ask?

Hoping she can give the green light to Adani before the election is called.

Well then,  Bad enough that you have a unruly rump of Tory reactionaries holding democracy to ransom.  More grotesque than Murdoch’s love child Farange throwning into this mix his insular, self obsessive brand of narcissistic nihilism. But there’s worse. Worse than Cardinal Pell still being a Cardinal? Worse than the revocation of life, culture and everything under the LNP hegemony which promises to deliver us Adani, before the election truly starts? Worse still than the knowledge that the worst project ever to be undertaken to rape, spoil and pillage all rests in the hands of the elusive minister for the Environment Lobbying and Coal Melissa Price..

Worse than all of this. Tony Abbott is offering advice to the POMS on how Brexit is making everyone just that little bit more insular, negative and withdrawn. Just like ” Us” and he reckons it  will be a good thing in the long run. He should know. In God’s trust.

What trust? Sorry, he’s a politician…  firstly from Sir Atney. Then via Ira.

Herewith the Esteemed Miss the Rabbit’s peroration on the positive advantages of Brexit and my own enthusiastic response to the points made by our ex Prime Minister. I pray you may  find this critical work of some practical use.

My dear Sir Atney,

Winston reckons Brexit gives one or two options, ” at the very least”.

Erstwhile Australian Prime Minister (three cheers) Missed Rabbit, feels, and justifiably so, that the EU is responsible for Britain’s present dilemma. OF COURSE IT IS! If only the other member states, back in the seventies had informed the English people of the rules of engagement in this European fiasco then we, those same British people might have been infinitely more circumspect in our dealings with Europe.. Instead, and wholly naively, we entered into what we now have discovered to be, a terrifyingly Faustian bargain. Contemptibly, the real truth was kept from us.

As a consequence, the fight is now on to save the very soul of Rule Britannia itself, to save  this green and pleasant land, this sceptred isle, from the (make no mistake about it!) Hydra headed machinations at the other end of  long spoon.

Saint Tone of Santamaria promises to find a Brexit Solution. In a very dark place.

Oh God, how we were misled…a deception too awful to contemplate. Does our reputation stand for nothing? Whither integrity? And why are people so damnably ungrateful? Did we not free them all from the scourge of the Narzees? Did we not, throughout the Empire, struggle to  significantly reduce the surplus population so that today’s people might enjoy the resulting benefits? Why are people so unkind?

This affair, this Blessed Brexit must be seen then, as a battle to be remembered, a struggle so memorable that at future times our people, our  Remainers, will look back in awe and wish they had been here, with us, upon St Crispian’s Day!

Let us go forward then, and fill up the breach with our English dead!

God save the Queen.

Niall Loften-Schweinycort


No deal? No problem