“Men of Australia  it’s time to pick your side” ( Clementine Ford)

Not sure about Clementines analysis…

Disturbing that anther woman was killed by a Fuck-wit on her way home.

And the tragedy is all these women were too poor to drive home, they took PUBLIC TRANSPORT.   

Clementine reckons it’s all about deep seated misogyny.. yeah ….but she’s half right… 

There may be a bigger pattern…

Fuckwits UNITE!

Massive fish kills in the Murray Darling, Minister blames the drought. 

Tony Abbott says Brexit is grouse for the U.K economy and only if the poms do as we do.

Donald says the forest fires that killed the township of Paradise are because the people didn’t observe Finnish raking policies,  and denies climate change as “fake news”. 

SCOMO goes hot over “African crime gangs”, ‘a disengaged fuck-wit kills a restaurateur in Bourke Street.

Barnaby Joyce talks of ‘family values’ and the shags his press secretary, leaves his wife and kiddies, fucks the Murray Darling,  and then claims ‘victimisation’.

Another righteous National Party dickhead, Andrew Broad, thinks with his knob and goes to Honkers for a shag, and gets rebuffed. 

Vladimir reckons he’s on the up with Europe and just another missile in the right direction in Ukraine will sort things out.

The bloke Running Brazil is trying to keep pace with Australia in killing eco systems. 

Rupert helped make  Brexit and now he’s blaming the pollies, the people, anything, 

Not all FUCKWITS are MEN!

President Xi is jailing al the Uighers when he’s not disappearing all the book shop owners of Hong Kong, he’s talking BIG about the “Sudetenland’, ‘Lebensraum” or whatever the Chinese equivalent is. 

In India Modi is just short of condoning the rape of your girls and demonstrating against liberals, some prick in Hungary had gone ape-shit on democracy, and in Brazil, Poland, you name it, we’re returning to a sort of syndicated fascism, which is good for telly.

The biota is being wiped off the face of the planet and no one cares.  

Meanwhile a whole community of people rot in Manaus and Nauru. Whilst the systematic marginalisation of Aboriginal Australians is standard policy. 

In this country, AUSTRALIA, the establishment DOES NOTHING!

And don’t kid yourself with Labor in, NOTHING WILL CHANGE!

We’ve had Malcolm Roberts and now we’ve got Fraser Anning  (of the 17 votes) telling us about “Final Solutions” , and at the heart of it all to add that extra dose of irony, like heroin to the eyeball, Abbott is “Envoy for Aboriginal Australia’! 

Nup Clementine, you’re only half right 

Journalists, commentators, and critics are either killed or silenced. 

Misogyny is everywhere, but lt aint happening In a bubble, its part of the mind set of universal Fuckwit-ocracy.. 

Fuckwits RULE O.K!!

Fuckwits RULE. OK?

Just a pity all of them happen to be men. Just like that mythical patriarch in space they call “GOD’, the  old bearded bastard.  Dispensing as per usual fear, retribution and the righteousness of BLOKES to STONE and KILL WOMEN! 

The Fuckwits rule! The television,  the airwaves,  they feed the twittisphere, and the knob your playing with. 

A knob-ocracy, that echoes the nothingness of certainty, the past several thousand years of ” civilisation’?,… and then some, for a simplistic  self gratification based on mindless materialism, crass opportunism and the one-second sound bite, . That’s the same time it takes to ejaculate, an if she aint dead yet, thats a bonus,  another CONQUEST! You (nameless Fuck-wit) did it ‘LIVE’ and contributed in your own way to reality. Before you went away and hid in the shopping mall darkness you find so comforting. 

And Fuckwits come in different shapes, sizes and genders.

So get a grip. All BLOKES know how to do that much! IT IS blokes but not ALL of us. We’re all fucked. BLOKES and SHEILAS.  Siphoning what’s left of humanity, compassion and reason, for a few quick bucks and the prospect of one day, learning to HATE. Doesn’t matter what you hate, as long as ‘YOU PICK A SIDE’, that’s what Clementine asks you to do. Rupert is pretty keen on you picking a side also. “US” and “THEM”. But that’s way way too simplistic. 

Welcome to the twentieth first century and hang on…. This is just the beginning, 

There is good news, the Chinese lander produced a germinating sprout of cotton. It saw the EARTH, recognised the FUTURE and DIED.. 

Join the rush.