School Holidays series number 2

The great things about school holidays is that they’re entirely absorbing.

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Reserve Bank Governor questions the unquestionable. Potential ” trouble-maker”.

More absorbing than test pattern or macrame. In fact we have it on good authority that the school holidays correctly monitored and nuanced are perhaps even more instructive than the entire secondary school syllabus of ATAR and Naplan. Crazy! No wonder why the kiddies have loads of homework to do over the school holidays, keeps them on their mettle, and stops them from pausing long enough to question the reason why?

Bit like the Reserve Bank. They’re getting worried about interest only investment loans. “What a Furphy’, we say. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Investing in housing is the only way to protect the gold standard of the Australian economy. Other countries, like Germany for instance, invest in new technologies, infrastructure, education, health care, and innovative ideas to provide goods that the whole world wants to buy. We don’t do that sort of thing in Australia. And by not thinking too hard we keep Australia safe. And that’s not such a bad thing in this unsteady world.lowe 4

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Favourite book of the front bench. With pictures as an added bonus.

The Reserve Bank Governor should just stick to his job and print more money. And whilst he’s at it keep those interest rates down. How else can we enjoy the odd stay at our negatively geared beach house if he starts worrying us about unsustainable and galloping debt. It makes people nervous, and questions the whole apparatus. And if you do that, as a famous man once said; ‘you only need to kick the door in the whole shoddy edifice will come tumbling down’.

So for all you grown ups out there, take heed and look at what the Prime Minister and his Finance Minister are reading over the school holidays. We have it on very good authority that they’ve taken home from the parliamentary library, the entire series of ‘The Faraway Tree’, and the most excellent (annotated and skilfully edited) ‘Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends’. And when asked; ‘Who is their favourite author’?, they replied gleefully, ‘J. M Barrie’. It just goes to show what a classical education can do.


Further enquiries revealed much of the taste of the front bench. Matt Canavan is reading, “Out of the Fiery Furnace’, and Josh Frydenberg is boning up on ‘Biggles’. Christopher Pyne will be reading the complete Harry Potter series in order to get a grasp on the submarine contracts and Eric Abetz, will re-read, the illustrated and annotated Old Testament as a salve against same sex marriage. Even Bill Shorten is joining in the fun with the book given to him by none other than Gina Rinehardt, “The Little Prince”. And sadly, when asked, Peter Dutton was devastated, when informed that ‘Scouting for Boys’,” The Famous Five” and ‘The Man in the Iron Mask” had been stolen. We suggested he try something more contemporary but he walked away, clutching a dog eared copy of Ayn Rand’s most excellent tome ‘The Fountain-head’. No such emotion from Corey Bernardii, who in answer to our discrete enquiry said, “ I don’t read. I’m in a direct link to the voice of God”.

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Eric and Corey eschew books in favour of scrolls. ‘Maintaining traditional values’

Blessed be the meek.