Same Sex Marriage fatigue.

This bloke got SSMF during the Irish referendum.

We at pcbycp are deeply shocked at the way the same sex non-binding non-compulsory referendum has gone. Either way you look at it, the whole thing smells, tastes and feels like a disaster. There’s no two ways about it. We make no bones, and must draw the line in the sand, and say unequivocally, without contradiction, that this whole same sex marriage fiasco has gone on way way too long.

Visible signs of SSMF

For instance just the other day I was waiting to catch the tram and I could see it on the faces in the street, SSMF, ( that’s Same Sex Marriage Fatigue). If you look closely, street lights, electricity poles and even major building structures show signs of SSMF. They’re all drooping. Where once they stood tall and upright, they’ve all got this langorous sense of lassitude. It’s all a bit Dali- esque, and I’m sure next time I look at Flinders Street Station’s famous clocks, they will all have that droopy look. The tram driver, was sullen and ashen faced, he was monosyllabic and gruntish when I greeted him with a courteous ‘G’day’. Same with the ticket inspector, as they filed onto the tram checking all the exists were blocked for would- be fare evaders. I saluted them and clicked my heels and all they could do was offer a curt repy, “show us your ticket please”!. Another clear instance of SSMF.

The police officer who pulled me over for riding my bicycle without a helmet, showed visible signs of SSMF, and according to the latest statistics, the incidence of work related stress in the police Force has gone through the roof. Another sign of SSMF.

Ex Qld premier now Official bank suck-hole with SSMF, and BDS (‘Bankers Droop Syndrome”)

Then, just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse, the bloke at the petrol station wouldn’t even look at me as I paid for my petrol. The checkout chick at Coles, ignored my “have a nice day” and the final straw, was when the lollipop man at the school crossing just grunted, when I greeted him in all his hyper-orange finery, “have a nice day”.

The school kids are sullen, the dogs and cats in our neighbourhood wont bark or meow, and the postman when ever he does come by wont even leave the junk mail in the box. He just tosses it out into the garden, almost as if he didn’t care and I wasn’t there.

Her Majesty. Turned alcoholic through SSMF

This must cease, deleiver us from the SSMF that’s ripping the life blood out of our community, and save us for the entropy of ever having to make a decision that’s non binding. And for Christ’s sake, save us from Tony Jones and his non- debates on Lateline. We’ve had enough and don’t want to be distracted from the real issues facing this country.

What real issues you say? Record de- forestation of Queensland, knocking off the Great Barrier Reef, the rise of the kleptocracy, andf the non governance of Turnbull, Shorten, and and all their cronies. And the fact that we are neo feudal, at the high water mark of the neo liberal experiment.

None of the above. Bring back Guy Fawkes.

It was fun. And made sense of politics.

Seriously afflicted SSMF sufferer. Is there a cure? We plead.