Recommended Holiday Reading

reading 2A recommended holiday reading list

Dear reader, some input to keep ourselves nourished over the holiday period. We at PCbyCP are constantly being asked by our readership as to what we would recommend as engaging holiday reading material. It is burdensome responsibility, but nonetheless we feel honour bound in the interests of furthering the public consciousness with the complexities of weighty philosophical issues. Indeed, just the other day we were rung by none other than an individual purporting to be Rupert Murdoch who suggested we include ‘Mein Kampf’ in the top ten, and we politefully suggested, though ‘readable’ was not the kind of material that would inspire a generosity of spirit and humanistic thought. Similarly, we are grateful that someone purporting to be Gerard Henderson suggested we read ‘Fifty shades of Red’, the unauthorised biography of Cardinal Pell, but we humbly submitted that we already had one and its very nice. So as you can see there’s lots of pressure each year to get the reading list right, and for this reason we’ve gone to some length to ensure that the selected texts furnish our readership with the full measure of social, political and philosophical input commensurate with the highest level of thinking. So whether your on the beach, by the pool or listening to the cricket, we hope these’ll keep you up to date (finger on the pulse)…. And In the picture. Here therefore, The top twelve (Bakers dozen) reads for the summer of 2015 -16reading 3.1

1   ‘Donald Trump Mr One Percent’. A big book with lots of pages all about himself, and his singular vision for the American People.

2   ‘Who’s ‘disappearing‘ all the journalists in Hong Kong’. A riveting account by Hong Kong investigative Journalist Hui Wat Wei. Read about his stirring accounts of the disappearances, and his own. (presumedly printed posthumously)

3 The Abbott Diaries. Compelling reading. Insightful personal diaries, effortless, insightful, engaging. Each sentence comprises three short words. (3 pages)

4   ‘Peter Slipper, ‘Boots and All’. All you ever wanted to know about the Ashby Incident, the former Minister for State, Mr Mal Practise, and fine wine.

5   ‘Dick Smith, ‘Dickless’. What happened to the Dick Smith store chain. A warts and all account of private equity, asset stripping, greed, stupidity and the devaluation of the legacy of a decent person.

6  ‘Malcolm on Malcolm’. Compelling reading from the man who made it to the top, fell, got to the top again, and is really really keen on innovation, private equity, asset stripping, banking, and maintaining the staus quo.

7  ‘Bill Shorten ‘Curlies’. Bill Shorten interviewed. His unique perspective on life, his mother in law, the union movement and his real persona revealed. (cardboard cut out pop up) for the children.

8  ‘Double agent Dutton’ the unauthorised biography’. No Boats, no Borders, no Shelia’s. From the man who re- invented the three line slogan post Abbott; ‘Fucking Bitch Witch’!!

9  ‘Bronnie raw prawn check mate tango charlie foxtrot helicopter’! This is the ‘Zen and the art of Motorcycle Maintenance’ for helicopter pilots. How to get the most out of taxpayer funded helicopter flying.

10  ‘Dicin’ with Heydon “ Strictly bipartisan” An unbiased account of the Royal Commission into the union movement, Tony Abbott’s Rhodes Scholarship, and ‘legitimate’ Liberal party Fundraisers. Foreword by Lynton Crosbie.

11  ‘Not Just another Guy, the Mathew Guy Story’. How a little man from nowhere changed the face of Melbourne, made a few mates rich and told us all to get stuffed. Forward by Donald Trump.reading 5.1

12  ‘Rent seeker, design and demand infrastructure in the Twenty First century’. ( foreword by MalcolmTurnbull). Private public partnerships and how the 1 percent takes all!. With graphs, pie charts and projections for a de-funded health and education system.

13   ‘Real Estate.The only thing that counts’. The true story of Australia. Foreword by the REIV and UDIA.