Queens Birthday. Good Honour

Because we’d never heard of NEV. NEV is POWER PERSONIFIED. He deserves an AWARD!

Queens Birthday. Confused and conflicted?

The simple proposition is, in these times of pandemically induced crisis, WHO AINT? 

We in the editorial department of pcbycp have huge issues just coming to terms with the significance of HUGE ISSUES

No Kidding. This is a POWER-LOOK!

We were going to devote this entire installment to the very important nation-building work being done by the Covid 19 Commission. Those luminaries gathered by SCOMO to provide light at the end of the tunnel. To ensure that from this disaster comes disaster capitalism. (some uncharitable folk have referred to is as ‘Vulture capitalism’). To ensure that massive disruption and unemployment may deliver rivers of gold to select companies. Companies who can find profit from misery. Leading the group, (like Mr Tracey from Thunderbirds) is Nev. Not an ordinary Nev, not even a nifty Nev, but ‘NEV POWER’. 

Nev is  a man of our time. Come to save us. Nev has the power. No one could be more powerful than Nev. No one could be the personification of all consuming un- elected power than Nev. And what does Nev represent? He represents the only power we have in this country. 

This is the POWER LOOK

Not the power of imagination. WE HATE Imagination!!

Not the power of Science.  Our government looks as kindly towards science as Superman did to Kryptonite!

Nor the power of popular appeal, galvanising story telling, and national buidling deeds of inclusive vision which shall capture the collective hearts and minds!

New either learnt the POWER- LOOK from Donald or Mr Tracy!

Nup, Nev represents mining. He worked with Twiggy for years and years. 

Nev knows all about diggin up shit.

He aint interested in science, renewables, or imagination. He’s fucking interested in digging up shit. Nev’s task is to find a way to make his mates rich from ‘Corona- geddon’ via the taxpayer. Nevs plan is Romanov in its breadth and depth.  His vision, to create mega gas pipelines, and hook us all up to big gas projects. And we the taxpayer, can pay for all the infrastructure.  Nev and his mates, like his mates from Transurban, Exxon, and Amazon, can take what they like and laugh all the way to an offshore bank. It’s rent- seeking on a national scale. They’ll be lauded as fucking heroes for saving us from ‘Corona-geddon’. 

Mr Tracey and his team of Thunderbirds saved the world!

Onya NEV!. 

A solution to our current problems with more of the same ol. Cos we hate smart arses, and do- gooders. And while we’re at it we’ll devote a few hundred million to making home owners via the renovator subsidy richer still. That’s code for;  ‘stuff the renters, they don’t vote for us anyway’. 

Tone and Bronny also saved us. That’s why they won an AWARD!

Funny thing, Nev is a bit of witness K.  It’s pretty hard finding what Nev really stands for. Apparently some lefty shit-stirrer has suggested that running a big government response group and still being involved with mining interests is a bit of a conflict of interest. WE say;  “GO GET Witness K’d”. Nev knows what’s good for us, and we needn’t know anything else about him, cos he is a noble private individual. 

Which gets us back to the Queens Birthday honours. No such anonymity for two well deserved recipients, Bronny and Tone. No need to even supply a surname.  Both are paragons of the utilisation of public office for self advancement.  Australians who make us proud. 

If only more of us could be like them, and ensure that the bounty of this wide land is diverted from us by the likes of Nev. To keep us safe. Keep us fearful. Keep us small.  And in our place.

Rolf earnt one also!

God Save the Queen. And a free prize to the first who can answer this simple qustion. Though we understand honours are awarded on merit, and leadership… does it help if you’re a mate of Nev’s?