Poetry Sunday 7 August 2016

Exhausted from last weeks Tour de Force, and aghast at the goings on in our churches, staff have worked tirelessly to bring clarity to the seminary story.

Cecil opened the batting with this:

There’s a Cardinal here in Australia
Who’s considered somewhat a failure
His name? Who can tell,
Yet he’s going to hell
For fondling young boys genitalia

To which Ira added:

Suffer the little children….
A cleric of boyish predilection,
Is charged with unholy dereliction.
If repentance alone
Won’t (God help him) atone,
Would a boot quash both his convictions?

God bless all here!
Caesar Buttox.

Then Lord Atney of Rozelle chimed in:
Gorgeous George, ’twas said
Always tucked the boys in bed
And night after night
Sins of a catamite
Were absolved with total remission:
Three Ave’s and a seminary emission 
And finally a rejoinder from the famous Art Choke.
Absent George is on Capitol Hill,
Being investigated by the Old Bill.
Should his schoolboy adventures
Result in jail’s censure,
His loss will leave big holes to fill!
Oh God! And I’ve composed this before Mass on the Sabbath!
Art. E. Choke.