Poetry Sunday 29 March 2015

Firstly Ira Maine has delivered this apology regarding his comments accompanying Gray’s Elegy from last week.
“In my commentary I wrongly attributed the film ‘Paths of Glory’ to Ridley Scott, the director of “Blade Runner’.
The film ‘Paths of Glory’ was in fact directed by Stanley Kubrick in 1957.”

Now for today’s poem,Ovid’s Elegy V,  Introduced by the inimitable Ira Maine, Poetry Editor

Herewith a titillating trifle to gladden the senses. “Twas said that the Roman poet, Publius Ovidius Naso, more commonly referred to as Ovid, had been pursuing one Corinna, the young and beautiful wife of a Roman noble. This example of how the game was finally won is Elegy V in Book One of his Amores (love affairs) his books of poems dealing with the more erotic elements of sensuality.

There’s nothing to explain. Sex was as dry-mouthed, heart-stopping and thrilling then as it is now so read on and enjoy this Julian May translation.

There is also an excellent Christopher Marlowe translation, which I cannot find for the life of me.

So here it is, Elegy V: His delight at having obtained Corinna’s favours

TWAS summer, and already past the hour of noon. I flung myself on my couch to rest my limbs. My windows were but half open. The light of my chamber was like the light of the woods, or like the glow which follows after sunset; or father, like the twilight that comes between departing night and dawning day. Such is the light that is befitting for young women of reserve; in its mystery their timid modesty may find concealment.

Behold Corinna cometh, her shift ungirdled, her tresses hanging loose on either side her snowy neck. In such guise did the fair Semiramis offer herself to the caresses of her spouse, and thus did Lais give welcome to her many lovers. I raised her shift, which withal was of so fine a texture that it was but a flimsy obstacle. Howbeit Corinna was not willing to be deprived of her raiment. She strove, but not as one whose will it is to conquer. Soon she gave up the struggle and consented to be conquered.

When, her apparel laid aside, she stood naked before mine eyes, not a blemish was to be seen on her whole body. What shoulders, what arms it was my privilege to behold and to touch. What bliss to press a bosom shaped so perfectly for such caresses. How soft and smooth her skin beneath her lovely breasts, how divine her figure, how firm and plump her thighs. But wherefore should I here tell o’er the number of her charms? Nought did I see that was not perfect, nor was there aught, how thin soe’er, between her lovely body and my own. Need I tell the rest? Wearied, we rested from our toil. May many an afternoon be thus sped by.

Now for those who would like the original latin version, here it is:

Aestus erat, mediamque dies exegerat horam;
adposui medio membra levanda toro.
pars adaperta fuit, pars altera clausa fenestrae;
quale fere silvae lumen habere solent,
5 qualia sublucent fugiente crepuscula Phoebo,
aut ubi nox abiit, nec tamen orta dies.
illa verecundis lux est praebenda puellis,
qua timidus latebras speret habere pudor.
ecce, Corinna venit, tunica velata recincta,
10     candida dividua colla tegente coma–
qualiter in thalamos famosa Semiramis isse
dicitur, et multis Lais amata viris.
Deripui tunicam–nec multum rara nocebat;
pugnabat tunica sed tamen illa tegi.
15 quae cum ita pugnaret, tamquam quae vincere nollet,
victa est non aegre proditione sua.
ut stetit ante oculos posito velamine nostros,
in toto nusquam corpore menda fuit.
quos umeros, quales vidi tetigique lacertos!
20     forma papillarum quam fuit apta premi!
quam castigato planus sub pectore venter!
quantum et quale latus! quam iuvenale femur!
Singula quid referam? nil non laudabile vidi
et nudam pressi corpus ad usque meum.
25 Cetera quis nescit? lassi requievimus ambo.
proveniant medii sic mihi saepe dies!