Poetry Sunday 7 June 2015

Today we have a bonus.  Two poems is by Andy White

french film #1

there is vaguely eastern music as an elderly chinese man stares out of his
apartment window at a young french woman in a negligée standing in
the window of the apartment opposite.

cut to the next day and a different old man in a sweaty t-shirt hangs
his enormous beer belly over the balcony, listening as the young french
woman moans in ecstasy. she’s busy making love in the apartment below.

he looks over to the chinese man. they nod. they sigh, both expressionless.
the music swells, the moaning increases, the scene fades to black.

Andy White.

french film #2

two people meet
they look at houses
they dance

there are pauses

they smoke
they smoke more
there are people smoking in the background

they make love
they break up
they meet in a café one last time

they laugh
they quarrel
he walks away

fade to black

if there is another final scene
and she runs after him
they will kiss

if the credits roll
from now on
there’s only smoking

separate smoking

Andy White