PCbyCP’s Federal Election guide for Dummies

If you hadn’t noticed, we’ve got a federal election. It’s gonna be on for the next eight weeks. In Australia we have one on average once every three years, it’s dull and boring.

There are two principal parties, Liberal (who are in coalition with the Nationals) and the Labor party. They are not much different.

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‘Artful Arty Sinodinos”. Upholding Liberals core principles.

The Liberals, (conservatives) think that we’ll all do well if we close down the vehicle industry saying it’s too expensive, whilst spending billions on a few submarines. The Liberals think it’s right to give the few remaining local industries and the vast majority of overseas owned industries big kickbacks. They believe in the trickle down effect that allows wealthy people to get a taxpayer subsidy for buying more properties. The Liberals would like to kill off what’s left of the public safety net, health, education and science and sell it to their mates in BB. They also like property, and their mates in the Property Council want us to all have a big mortgage, and that’s what they want to leave the banks alone, because they’re mates. They look after their mates; like Arthur, who managed to squirrel way four million from developers, before some pecksniff in the electoral commission, quarantined it.
The Liberals HATE Unions, So much they’ll call a double dissolution to confect an outrage against the unions. Who account for a mere 13% of the workforce.

The Liberals, HATE renewables and the environment. Liberals are happy to kill off the Great Barrier Reef for a few coal mines. They are happy to sponsor really horrid industries because they represent growth and employment. Liberals believe ultimately, (the vast majority) that earth was created in six days, womankind is the downfall of humanity, and expansion of prisons and detention centres, (concentration camps) are a sign of a burgeoning democracy.

The Liberals are NOT liberal.

Labor is not much different from the coalition, cept they have recently discovered, that they could have a few principles exhumed after being dormant for years. Labor also believe women are valid as a sub-species, and equality of opportunity and fairness may have some cachet with the electorate. They would also like to stop the tax payer funding for wealthy property investors, and are not too keen that the underperforming, company sector need another tax break. They would like us to believe that they’re keen on restoring funding to health education and science. They are also mates with the banks, and property developers, provided they donate their funds, up front and open in a round- about sort of way. Labor has nothing to do with people who use their hands in physical work, that is ‘old labor’. New labor is about professional politicians who steadfastly avoid what used to be termed ‘Work’. They share this with the Liberal party, having, networked, interned, and featherbedded to the top.

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‘Both Labor and Liberal love Anzac day and marching’.

Both Labor and Liberal like the idea of incarcerating all first australians. Because it’s good for business, and judging by the lack of response, the electorate is pretty keen on the idea. The same applies to refugees. Both Labor and Liberal love Anzac day and marching.

There is a third party; the Greens. The Greens are pure. They’re pure in everything until when push comes to shove they’re less than pure. Greens are happy to throw core principles aside in order to gain ground. The Greens pretend to worry about the environment, though recently seem more concerned about gender issues.

Then there is the electorate.dummy 5

Increasingly what the electorate thinks is irrelevant. Big business knows what’s good for the electorate, and occasionally, the electorate may get to choose a new flag, a new anthem, or the colour of a new stamp. However after the ‘Boatey McBoatface’ fracas, the government can’t trust the electorate to not ‘act the goat’ and make a principled stand on the crumbs of governance that are offered it.

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‘women folk of breeding age are compelled to offer up their babies, to be kissed by politicians’.

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Unsung heroes. In recognition of their ‘stand in the glorious upholding of the Anzac Spirit enshrined by the nobility of sacrifice to God, King and Empire in the maintenance of Civilisation’. The Donkey is accorded special status, and is often crucial in determining the election outcome.

Most of all the electorate is supine, browbeaten and insecure and women folk of breeding age are compelled to offer up their babies, to be kissed by politicians. So that we may be SAFE! Incidentally this is the only time of the electoral cycle the politicians are allowed out of the cocoon that is Canberra. Babies in pushers and prams are vulnerable, and many promises made, which are invariably broken. The electorate expect this. They know only too well the calibre of those who pretend to represent them. Within the electorate their is a small constituency who vote for Donkeys.

This makes no sense, but indicates compassion for those who are not on the electoral role, donkeys, goats, endangered species and the planet.