MDFF 5 September 2015

Bon giorno amici,

The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat indeed.

[Last Weeks’] dispatch contained an error that begs correction. A Sacksian Slip if you like.

The Russian Egg Principle was referred to. It should have been the Russian Doll Principle.

This resulted either from the unhealthy onset of dementia, or from a healthy flight of imagination. I like to think the latter.

Many years ago an Indian lady, Mrs. Rama Kushna taught at Yuendumu School. She taught cooking to senior girls.

In Warlpiri, ‘juru’ is head, ‘juru-rama’ means dizzy or confused (here those who know Warlpiri better than I must forgive translation inaccuracies-never let truth or accuracy get in the way of a good story) Crazy people are called ‘ramara’.

Inevitably Mrs. Ramakushna became known as Mrs. Ramara. When she tried to ethnocentrically convince her rather carnivorous Warlpiri pupils to use meat frugally, the aptness of her nickname was confirmed.

Kevin Rudd’s famous Apology to the Stolen Generations turned out to be empty words (the stealing of children continues apace)

I much prefer the following ‘Sorry’-
Mi dispiace:

