MDFF 28 September 2019

Добрий день друзі (Dobryy den’ druzi)

Whilst surfing the net as part of my research for my attempt at a book I came across this quote:
Politicians are all the same all over.  They promise to build a bridge even when there is no river ”
It was Nikita Krushchev who said that- remember him?

It was in 1968 that Sitzler Brothers erected Yuendumu’s magnificent Baptist Church.  Subsequently I remember reading in the Alice Springs News that Peter Sitzler (or was it his brother Paul?) when discussing business had asserted that banks “will lend you an umbrella after it stopped raining”

In Yuendumu over the years we have been made many promises which didn’t come to fruition.

Peter Garrett’s multi million dollar Boarding Facility for remote secondary school students when we have no secondary schooling out bush not to mention the perennial and recurring promises to grass our still barren footy oval come to mind.

Tom Jones- The green green grass of home…

For those of you outside Australia, this country is suffering serious drought. Never fear, like a night in shining armour our Prime Minister has come to the rescue of drought stricken farmers.  As part of his contribution to prevent children from being traumatised by fears of climate change, he has just promised that his government will build dams.  Lots of dams.


The Royal Choral Society: ‘Halleluja Chorus’ from Handel’s Messiah-

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