MDFF 8 September 2018 The Intervention: For the Fairies?

Our Dispatch today was first published on 2 August 2011.  The Intervention: For the Fairies?

Halo vrienden,

From my father’s anecdotes:

Toen onze moeder eens naar het ziekenhuis moest, werden m’n zuster Femmie en ik bij Oom Fritz en Tante Lina ondergebracht. ‘Onkel’ Fritz Nierhaus was een communist die met mijn moeders zuster getrouwd was. Ze hadden zeven kinderen: Änne, Friedrich, Gerhard, Willie, Rika, Lina en Christineke. Tante Lina, haalden ze altijd door elkaar, en gebruikte iedere keer bijna alle namen, als ze een van hen aansprak. Ze waren straatarm, en de kinderen leden altijd honger. Op één avond stond er opeens een groot bord gebraden vlees op de tafel. Femmie en ik keken elkaar aan…Waltman,’ Onkel’ Fritz z’n hond, hebben we nooit meer gezien.

When our mother had to go to hospital, my sister Femmie and I went to stay at uncle Fritz and auntie Lina’s. Uncle Fritz Nierhaus was a communist that had married mum’s sister. They had seven children: Änne, Friedrich, Gerhard, Willie, Rika, Lina and Christineke. Aunt Lina always confused their names, and would use nearly all of the names, whenever she addressed any one of them. They were as poor as church mice, and the children were always hungry. One evening a large roast appeared on the dinner table. Femmie and I looked at each other…

Waltman, uncle Fritz’s dog, we never saw again.

Don’t know why, but whenever dad tells me about his aunt Lina, it makes me think of the Old Lady that lived in a Shoe.

The following appeared on the store notice board at Nyirrpi (150Km west of Yuendumu):
MDFFDog notice






However distressing the above sign may be to mangy dog owners, I find it far more ominous that some people see nothing wrong with putting up such a sign.

You ain’t no friend of mine….

NoDogAlso somewhat worrying is that although highly unlikely, it isn’t entirely impossible that the police may carry out the command.

If you think this Dispatch is about dogs, you obviously have missed the point….


Nyirrpi is on the Eve of Distruction (sic)


Waarom denkt die kerel dat hij het recht heeft om te besluiten wat er met die honden moet gebeuren? (Why does that bloke think he has the right to decide what should happen to those dogs?)

In Yuendumu we have had a home grown “dog programme” for many years. Mangy dogs are a rarity. The number of dogs has also decreased.

The last Fascist to try and introduce compulsory dog laws to Yuendumu was told in no uncertain terms that he was barking up the wrong tree.

Tot de volgende keer,


Zoals gewoonlijk met een mooi lied eindigen

Decode: Google translate from Dutch.