Labor’s war on everything!! Is this the dead cat moment?

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Labor’s war on everything!!

Mr Morrison has gone to the hideous truth behind Labor’s election campaign.

‘Labor policies are Bullets. Not bullets fired by Johnnie Turk, The Hun, Tojo, the commies, the Viet Cong, Iraqi’s, Afghani’s and those fanatics in Isis, (please reader, insert any conflict we may have forgotten in the glorious pantheon of aussie war hero-dom. The war against the first australians does not apply, as it is ongoing, and bullets have only been discharged by one side). Labor strategists want to bring Aussie families down’.

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The general and his lieutenant at the front line.

We ask; ‘Is this the dead cat moment? A war’!!

Scomo continued; ‘These Bolsheviks will stop at nothing to bring aussie mum’s and dad’s down. Demanding the rich pay a fraction of their entitlements back to society is the thin end of the wedge. When we, the coalition adopt a principled position we stick to it. Car industry needed a few more bucks? Piss off! Poor people pay more tax to assist negative gearing portfolios. Why not? Even Feeney would agree with that. What’s the point of being poor unless you know your efforts, though pitiful, go in some measure to help those who’ve won.

We know what the first casualty is in war? Not truth stupid, but the heroic eternal flame of Anzac. Labor is anti Anzac.

I’ve gotta tell you, the IPA is hopping mad. Mum and dad struggle-street investors with a raft of negative geared properties, a shit load of shares, and a basic annual income after retirement of under 100, 000, and 1. 5 million in other assets (excluding your home) are being asked to give a fraction back to the government. Labor’s bullets could risk investment being diverted into real things that sustain society like, health, infrastructure, education and new industries.

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By Jingo Josh demonstrates ‘the trickle down effect’

The war is spreading on all fronts. Some bolshevik malcontents now question the role of coal in their electorates. The besieged Peabody has demanded their sacking. Peabody’s in trouble. Coal prices are plummeting. All a consequence of Quislings, fifth columnists, and ‘Greenish-ness’. And by Jingo, Josh Frydenberg has asked; “Will Bill Shorten stand up for Australia’s second-largest export industry, the more than 40,000 jobs and around $38bn in export income it creates, or will he fold to his Green-leaning candidates?”

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Steve Ciobo, Big ideas for the modern era.

‘Coal is about good jobs. Not pansy jobs like tourism and the environment. Manly coal-dust blackened, black-lunged heroic jobs. With the price of coal keeps falling through the floor it’s natural that the trade minister, Steve Ciobo, asserts that “global demand for coal is still going through the roof”. He’s right. Truth’s also a casualty, that’s what happens in war. ‘Once society decided that slavery was not on, they said the business model was broken. Bullshit! We know in sweat shops around the word it thrives!! They think our industry model to make a few rich and destroy the planet is not on. But they’re wrong! Coal is GOD-ordained and ‘an amazing thing’. Coal is crucial in “empowering” developing countries.

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like distort economies, elections, societies, etc…etc..etc…

In 1914 when it was said, “the lights will go out one by one all over Europe’, and Churchill’s “ a new dark age’ was all about coal’. Last time we looked Europe had already gone non coal. But Mr Ciobo intelligently retorted; ‘Coal is ANZAC. Avenge the forces of evil. Australia, noble virtuous, all pureness and light must stand alone. Mathematics and the tide of history is on our side. You might think we lost at Gallipoli. But I can tell you that the last digger died at the age of 101. He outlived any Johnny or Mehmet. It proves, we were the last man standing. WE WON! And coal will prevail though the lights be out all over the planet. Australia, coal empowered, shall sustain the eternal truth that in the end it, was a truly glorious victory.

(Ed) Not a dead cat moment..yet. Just election hyperbole.