Is that the sound of a bulldozer?

In dem old days, kids would reap REWARD for TOIL by working the mills, cheaper than 457 Visa holders. 

Once again, the scribes at pcbycp are “TRENCHANT”.

In the south, they’d start em younger. REWARD for TOIL!

‘What does trenchant mean’? You may ask. It means having a thought that’s terribly deep, bit like a trench. This is what our scribe from the near north does for us. He anchors us firmly inthe ground.  And the ground is the ultimate arbiter of truth. Cos it’s GROUNDED.  That’s why people get buried in the ground, (Unless youre buried at sea) as it’s about as profound a statement of “deadedness” you’ll find. You can’t be half-dead. Just as you can’t have a conflict of interest when you clearly do. That’s why  all the members of the Covid Committee bar one, can’t declare a conflict of interest. They’d rather not go there, cos to put their hand up would be a declaration of a trenchant failure in the system. But one outta six aint bad. What can we expect in these times? It’s more diversity of opinion than Witness K will ever get, and in the end it’ll arrive at the same place. And that is, to screw the taxpayer, and ensure that the latest disaster, will be converted into shareholder billions. Ultimately. For those corporations who cleverly pay no tax. 

But this is an aside. From Ira, comes this gem, which poses the question, what would happen to all the stately mansions built post occupation in the Western District? Could they be converted back to rubble in recognition, that the land, the wealth, and “respectability” was gained through the systematic extermination of a people?  Much closer to home, but worth a look.  Meanwhile, rather than worry about the technicalities they just blow the past away. It’s a cleansing thing. 

Ira writes; 

Manchester, when cotton was KING! There is WEALTH in HARD WORK!

Dear Letters,

With the Industrial Revolution, a whole new class of industrious folk arose in England. Cotton was king, grown in the American South by black slaves, and shipped to Manchester to be processed by white slaves.

In the past, the English aristocracy had measured their wealth by the acre. Now cash from cotton was threatening these certainties. This ill-gotten, arriviste money bought dilapidated stately homes and manor houses and rebuilt them.  Then, having rebuilt them, their new owners had the temerity not only to move in and hire servants,  but they also, god help us, set their sights on becoming that most odious of inventions, the English middle class.

Nowadays Iron Ore is KING! WEALTH for those who ” BUM-SNIFF”, (modern interpretation of wealth in Toil)

Now as I see it, in ‘outing’ the slavers, mere statues are much too small  to bother with.. English stately homes, stained with slavery, are a much more acceptable target. With a decent bulldozer, any  dedicated  BLM person, with a few moment’s practice could probably reduce most Van Brugh stately Rococo masterpieces to a heap of smoking rubble in a few days.And good riddance too, I say!

Those who “BUM-SNIFF” shall reap REWARD!

As for the English middle class themselves, there is little to be done. If Boris Johnson, Dominic Raab  and Michael Gove are held up as shining examples of the breed then surely and sadly, all is lost  already.