Grandparenting again

Some things give immense joy.  Just the other day my American family welcomed a new arrival, their third born and second son.  Like any grandparent I felt pleasure, warmth and even a little pride.  (Pride for what? I now ask.)  

Congratulations came from many quarters, though why to me I’m not sure.  All were welcome and much appreciated.  I’d like to share one that came from PORCH, the food charity I blogged about last September – here  The mother of this new grandchild is a local coordinator.  T  “Excused Absence”  

Thank You, PORCH!
Thanks to your generous porches, a grand total of 1,003 bags of food were delivered to neighbors in need during the month of February.  Please visit to get more details about the local hunger relief organizations and families served through your porch donations.

TeddyExcused Absence.  On Monday at 8:46 am, PORCH central received an email from neighborhood coordinator Amy Drew saying, “Sorry for missing the sort today.  Having a baby.”   At 5:09 pm, Amy provided this update:  “Baby Boy!  Thaddeus Digby.”  Weighing in at 7 lbs and 8 oz, Teddy is “looking forward to learning his shapes and colors so he can soon help out at a food sort.”  Wake up, Teddy!  □ ◊ ∆

Mark Your Calendars … The next PORCH Pick-Up is Monday, March 24th.

“Like Us” on Facebook to keep up with all of PORCH’s activities …

And then Ira Maine provided this

All was peaceful, all was still,
For almost all at Chapel Hill,
Except for Master TD Drew,
His mother and attendant crew
Who sat up half the bleary night
To make sure all was going right.
Then dawn (our time) was waking up
That little man, that cheeky pup!
What was it,Thad, what did incline ya
To waken half North Carolina?
To tell the world you’d been delivered,
As down your face your Mum’s tears shivered.
Bawl all you like… the matter’s settled.
Your Mum deserves a huge gold medal!
So, welcome, Mr. TD Drew.
May the world go very well with you.


Life is pretty good for this grandfather.