Good things come to those who wait


Fear triumphs over vision every time.

Now we know that there’s no point worrying about the Asia Pacific region because the two major contenders will never ever agree on anything as a core principal, we can get back to the nitty gritty of local politics. And it’s good to see that the big issues of the environment, global warming, inequity and the loss of good governance to the vested interests of oligarchs and the kleptocracy can be brushed aside. And for complex problems there are always simple solutions.

And foremost amongst them, as the opposition leader Mr Mathew Guy is fond of proclaiming is safety and crime. He’s cleverly following the line that we are besieged by African Crime Gangs. That a known “Terrorist” as distinct from a mad- man was out on bail. As a consequence we need boot camps, more prisons, arcane sentencing laws and more prisons to prove we’re tough on crime. We think that’s pretty laughable, but in the daily tabloids such an approach is looked upon as a sound plan for the future.

Clearly fear triumphs over vision.

One of the texts recommended for the Baby Bundle.

And who are we to criticise?  It’s just the general criminalisation of society. It’s been happening ever since they generated computer data systems of those who can’t pay their parking fines. As a one hundred dollar fine, (after administration costs) can accelerate into  five hundred dollar fine, and for thereon it’s just a sheriffs knock away from the slammer. Or to be more precise, in our modern society It’s a poor person’s tax. Just like tollways, ticketing on public transport, high electricity costs, and the price of petrol it hits the poor hard, and leaves the well to do to sermonise about the ladder of opportunity and human rights.

Still, apart from the promise of more prisons, relaxing of gun laws, public humiliation of magistrates and promise of more roadway mega-projects there’s one initiative we’re really impressed with, and that’s the initiative designed to give new parents a start in life. It’s called there baby bundle.

“The “baby bundle” promise is inspired by Finland’s baby box — a package of clothes, sheets and toys that can also be used as a bed.

Labor says its bundle will include a sleeping bag and muslin wrap, with advice from the Royal Children’s Hospital about how to safely wrap babies, and a teething ring or toy with information on teething.

It will also include a nappy bag and four picture books by Victorian authors for different stages of development, as well as an emergency contacts list and information about child safety, feeding, sleeping and literacy and numeracy.

First-time parents would be given their bundle in hospital’. (The Guardian).

We’re not  too sure about the muslin, and would ask the state opposition if there could be a tendency for terrorists to infiltrate maternity wards. But we love the initiative, and would suggest a flask of good whiskey, a packet of cigarettes or roll your own tobacco would augment the bundle. Perhaps a few tickets to Crown Casino, a bundle of betting slips and a free voucher for legal aid would be an added bonus.

Except legal aid has been de-funded. Good news for the prison sector.

There’s always a silver lining.