George Brandis, Man of Action

by Quentin Cockburn

So what if George didn’t know what metadata was.  He knew it was wrong not to look at what people were up to.  They could be up to all kinds of things.  For our own safety we need to know.

There’s a bit of a stoush going on about George’s treatment of Gillian Triggs.  Triggs is a lefty do-gooder.  A trouble maker, an Academic.  We don’t like those types in ‘Team Australia’, even if she is the President of the Human Rights Comission

But what really get me is that we offer Triggs a job, bit like the Vince Gair option, and she snubs us.  That’s plain ingratitude.  She’d done a hatchet job on the government as head of the Human Rights Commission.  She said some really nasty things about our treatment  of kiddies in detention.

George had had enough.  A gutful!!  He objected on principle to the commentary in the report.  Asked if he’d read it he replied, ‘I don’t need to read it in order to object to it’.

He’s right.  I hate Evolution for the same reason.  Every right minded person knows that the Earth was made six thousand years ago, that human kind was fashioned from Adams rib, and we all went downhill when some sheila ate the apple.  That’s why we keep them – sheilas that is – in the kitchen.  Gods truth!!

Like Tony, George doesn’t think much of science, it gives people big ideas.  He loathes and detests Human Rights Commissioners.  They interfere in our right to put 99 percent of the Aboriginal male population in Jail.  George has an idea, (and I wholeheartedly agree with it) that somehow in this country, (people NOT in Team Australia) have got their rights confused with liberty.

They keep referring to the Magna Carta as a document universally accepted as being the foundation of the modern justice system.  Fair trial and all that!!  Modern justice?  The bloody thing was written in the Twelfth Century, by King John.  Do you believe that? And who was King John?  Yes, the very man who tried to get Errol executed for stealing Olivia de Havilland from Basil Rathbone.  He should’ve been knocked off there and then, but what did Errol do, he demonstrated way too much compassion!!  He sent him into exile, cancelled his rights as a citizen, and forfeited his assets.  Soft-cock!!

Errol failed in his mission to restore freedom to Normans and Saxons alike.

I think George has learnt from history, and is on the right track.

Justice is a blunt weapon, and the burden of administering justice is an onerous task. That’s why George has shared the responsibility of “Freedom Commissioner

” with Tim Wilson.  They work as a team and can tell just by looking at someone if they’re a problem.  Not much work for the ‘Freedom Commissioner’*, and pretty soon there’ll be no work for the Human Rights Commissioner, the problem will be solved.  But for all those ‘pooncy sondomites’, (Marquis of Queensberry’s words) agitators, I’ve got one thing to say. ‘ If you don’t like it here you can just shove off!  And on your way out you can tell Triggs, that’s there’s always a place for her type in Nauru or Manaus Island.  That’s what Gerard Henderson talks about in the Australian, mixing like with like.. Onya Gerard!!

* Freedom Commissioner. Not to be confused with Other Marvel Comic Heroes. 

One thought on “George Brandis, Man of Action

  1. I got a good laugh at that! These poltroons are completely impervious to reason, argument or compassion, so that only leaves us with ridicule… So, pile it on, I say!

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