Fair shake of the sauce bottle.

Things have got out of hand. We had no idea that when we were meeting Mr King and Mr Bang that a member of the ‘Toy and Replica Gun Control Group” was filming us. 

Only time you don’t wear a hat is when you blow smoke from your imitation Colt.45 after shooting a ( LSL) ‘lesser southern lefty’.

You could imagine our shock when we discovered that the man filming us, went by the name of Mr Himmler. He turned out to be a phoney. WE trusted him We trusted him cos her wore a big hat.

Men of action are not soft-cocks!!

Blokes who wear big hats you can trust. Everyone in Queensland wears a big hat. Because of his big hat wearing, the member for Kennedy implicitly states, “there are no poofters in his electorate”. It’s the poofter element from the southern states who block our attempts to overturn the ban of crackers for Guy Fawkes night, and replica Toy pistols to protect us from ‘Injuns’. We know why they don’t like crackers and toy guns, cos down south they’re all sissies. And my dad told me that the further south you go, the more likely things are to be ‘rainbow coloured’.   So I spose you’d think we’re a bit embarrassed?  Well to tell you the truth we’re just embarrassed that this imposter, this quisling, this piece of filth only filmed half the conversations we had with the American fireworks and toy replica gun lobby.  And this is the cruelest part. We never got to say what we really think!!

We blame southerners. We met at a popular chain of Mexican restaurants, and sometimes we found the food so hot we would grab the sauce. 

What sauce? You may ask. 

Mexican food is pretty hot. That’s another reason why we don’t like to go south. In Mexican restaurants there’s always a Mexican, (southerner) playing the guitar and singing really loud.  That’s what we employ to disguise the high level meetings we have with big hitters. If the people, (the rainbow coloured folk down south) got wind of it they’d decry us as  anti social and unbalanced. When we know their faith in fairness, openness and transparency is just another sign of their sissiness. 

Proof, Queenslanders think through the incontrovertible power of the penis!

John Wayne never used the term negotiation. He’d just pull out his six shooter and blow their brains out. That’s why he never let on out what he was doing. In Green Berets he killed thousands of Viet Kong single-handedly. He would’ve saved our bacon in NAM, cept  the lefty do gooders didn’t think the Vietnam war was just and fair. That’s why we used to like Barnaby.  He killed a whole eco system to prove he wasn’t soft-cock on resources. We admire that in a politician. Single-mindedness. 

At this restaurant, we just grabbed a bottle of sauce, as the food was stinking hot. Tuned out that every bottle we grabbed just got hotter and hotter. The Jalapeño chilli sauce did the rest, we were gasping for water, and what came out of our mouths was what you’d expect from people in pain. You end up just saying anything. Thats why we said, with twenty million from Kingko “we’d have the Australian government by the testicles”. People who govern properly understand that. Good governance has testicles. Then we talked about the invasion of the north by rainbow people and foreigners. Australia is being swamped by Muslims. They don’t wear big hats or carry guns. That’s why they cant, (like Injuns) be trusted. 

Now the lefties reckon we’ re a laughing stock and hypocrites for even trying to solicit foreign money when  we sanctimoniously passed legislation banning such things, 

A thinking man’s Shakespeare.

They just don’t get it. We’re trying to save Australia, from the scourge of wowserism, to protect all Australians from injun attack. If we fail it’s the tipping point. It’ll open the floodgates. Let women into parliament. Talk up the climate change lie. Avert the truth that September 11 was a conspiracy. And the incontrovertible fact that the  Port Arthur massacre was orchestrated by ASIO.

The fact we were outed is a conspiracy against clean living Australians, who wear hats, and are not soft-cock on  the need for any man woman and child to get their hands on a replica Colt .45 or Winchester. Some bloke called Freud reckons guns were just a reference to a penis fixation. He didn’t go far enough, we don’t need guns to fixate about our wedding tackle. Science proves that the penis is the organ through which all God fearing Queenslanders think.  That’s why we stand hard and firm on principle.