Endangered species.

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Matt Canavan. How Much? Prefers business deals, any deal to be done in carparks

Dear reader, for weeks and weeks we’ve been banging on about the death of the Great Barrier Reef and know that in the greater scheme of things no one really cares. No one cares that the mangroves have all died off in the far north, and no-one gives a stuff that all the other markers of runaway climate degradation fall are on deaf ears. Matt Canavan is thumbs up for Coal and will do anything he possibly can to give Mr Adani a taxpayer funded gift to fuck up what’s left of a dying eco system. It’s frustrating. It’s Queensland. It’s the kleptocracy at work.

And as Rupert owns 85% of the media, the politicians, the people who are meant to represent us don’t seem to care either. The scientists used to say words to the effect of : “when global climate change really kicks in people will stand up and listen”. Well maybe some of them have, but for the vast majority, they’re way way more interested in negative gearing, housing affordability, paying the kiddies school fees and re-financing the car.

And those people who are really really affected by global warming , are usually Eskimos or those in sub Saharan Africa, and we don’t give a hoot about them either.

The recent floods in Queeensland, a consistent string of 1 in 100 year floods in the past three years validate the connection between global warming and extreme weather events. Perhaps only when the impacts of climate change hit our capital cities will people listen.

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Critically endangered eco-system. Nobody cares.

And it’s happening.

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‘Sino-Georgianism’, a virulent outbreak that remains unchecked.

In Balwyn and Balwyn north the ravages of Sino-Georgianism, (the housing industry’s crown of thorns) remains unchecked.
“This strain of sino-georgianism is virulent. Vast swathes of post war fabric are threatened’, says social anthropologist Phil McCracken. ‘Worse than the 1919 influenza epidemic, it threatens to completely destroy the niche environment of middle ring post war suburbs. Its origins are complex and represent a tsunami of converging influences. In-house corruption at council, loopholes in planning law, real estate self interest, and greed. And whilst the area being consumed is reaching alarming preparations the reaction for government agencies is to date non existent. What can be done to protect this fragile environment? How can the encroachment be stopped? Like HG Well’s Martian fungus there may be an answer. Could it be Microbes?

A new strain of ‘Domestics vulgaris’, the middle ring Neo-Georgian culture pathogen is on the rise. The symptoms, are positively surreal. Victims are rendered inert. Death follows swiftly. There is no cure. These suburbs become dead communities. We liken it to coral bleaching. No further life is evident and no chance of recovery. Curiously it’s the sole instance of a species of animal ‘sino communo-cadre-ensus vulgaris’ has willingly determined to kill itself. By creating thees anaerobic, non organic environments they’ve destroyed the host echo system. Only demolition can save them. The Federal government has recently applied for a one billion dollar loan, (from the North Balwyn infrastructure development fund) to convert the rest of the neighbourhood to Neo- Georgianism under the mantra of “ jobs and growth”, yet the public is stirring into action.

The jury is open, we await the outcome with great hope and fear.

The tide may yet turn.

And prove that money may yet, not be everything.