Education 4 of 5 Wisdom

Is education about the getting of wisdom?  Ira Maine asks the question.  But firstly, for those who want a different approach we offer a link to a TED talk in which Ken Robinson postulates that “Schools kill creativity”.  Find it on this site.


wisdomShould I be wise?
Take on the lineaments of age,
Adopt, by the simple virtue of time
A grace, a style, avuncular,
Tolerant, I think, warm and merry,
And concede to others
Those pleasures more suited to wild youth?.

A smart Panama perhaps,and a cane,
A modest style, a little elegance
As amused concession to past riot?.
But essentially dignified, calm,
Carrying the years well…
I will be wise.

I will be wise, because no man now
Needs wisdom more than I,
Since late I looked into her eyes
And looked away, lest I should look again
And blindfold wisdom with a second glance,
Will I be wise…?

IRA MAINE. May 2013