Competition WTF

Competition WTF.

Yes indeed!

We have admitted defeat this week.  Defeat by those with tax payer funded inherited privilege, by the focus of those with wealth and power on human rights, and by their focus on the problems with democracy.  Defeat by a Government so bereft of morals that it now plans to increase the world wide refugee problem by throwing petrol onto the fire in the Middle East by moving our Israel Embassy to Jerusalem and thus blowing up the former bi-partisan two state solution.  Defeat by a Government that having created intense instability by repeatedly changing leaders having the gall to say to electors in tomorrow’s by-election (which was caused by their instability) that a vote for them is the only vote that will restore stability.  Defeat by the stable party within the coalition wishing to reinstate the sexist Barnaby as leader – and he won’t even answer the question as to how he can look after his new baby and still do justice to being leader.  We are defeated by a government that is determined to reinstate a racist, sexist, economic and religious class system, not only in Australia, but world wide.  Scott Morrison has made Winston Peters look like a Statesman!

Maybe we will be back next week, to watch the Liberals unload mightily on Malcolm Turnbull.  To blame him for the Wentworth result, to blame him for the ABC debacle, to blame him for the instability that they themselves have caused.  Oh to find succour in the blaming of others for problems of our own making.

There is no way we at PCBYCP can compete this week.
