CMS “Celebrity Mortality Syndrome”

Everything! Yet Nuffink!

Something strange is afoot. Something sinister lurks within our midst. Something so evil it cannot be mentioned. The threat of suicide. Just when you thought the debasement of western democracies couldnt get any worse, people whom we assumed were impregnable to self reflection are topping themselves. And they’re topping themselves like ninepins. And the psychiatrists and self-help gurus, ’want to know the reason why”?

They had everything, Luxury, the opportunity to travel wherever and whenever, and the need for designer clothes, labels, handbags, accessories, everything at their fingertips, and yet… sought death. 

Had the complete knife set. The wok set also!

What is happening? How do we equate this self immolation to the high water mark of consumerism. They had everything, and yet, in the end that had a big fat “O”. Or in everyday speak, “they had Everyfink and yet they had Nuffink”! And what comes ffm Nuffink? It begs the answer, we say.. Nuffink!!

But deep down we know there’s something terribly wrong, These were highly intelligent enterprising people at the top of their game, Why checkout? When it toolk so long to check in?.

And what existential crisis did they suffer to do such a thing?

Was it stress?, the thought of another celebrity spot on reality television, ? Or just entropy of knowing they had hit the top, and there was nowhere to go? Did they feel like Elon Musk’s zombie sports car driver, destined to drift forever, in a fools orbit bound for a victims future.? 

Beryl Tonks, Inventor of ” Tonkware” found dead!

Would our politicians suffer the same fate? Would Barnaby and his missus ever contemplate doing such a thing? Nah, they’re in for the long haul ensuring the public pays for their sense of entitlement, rather than doing it on their own back. We suspect Bourdain and Spade, never liked the idea of sitting in a cushy sinecure whilst growing their investment portfolio of housing stock. Nup, these are enterprising self defining people. No place for them in Australian politics. 

So what’s at work here?

What’s killing the fashionistas???

What’s killing the celebrity chef’s?

What’s killing the muso’s?

Which begs the question; “Why isn’t “IT” killing “US”?

Alfered E Neuman. Industrialist. Killed by his own instagram.

Is it that the only thing left to express your freedom is to make simple decisions is to top yourself? And in doing so you make a little contribution to ease the pressure on the planet. By doing so you affront the notion of special status. You eschew the notion of “Order of Australia”, and you achieve immortality, not for what you’ve done, but how you left the stage, and walked into the night.  And , (this is the best part) you don’t have to live through the second and third installments of Kevin Rudds Biography. 

Dsiclaimer, “ If you know of anyone who is experiencing mental illness, please call Life-Line, Beyond Blue, or our hotline, “Psychiatrists need to pay off Ferrari’s and Swimming Pools benefit fund”, 04004044006, and our specialist call centre operators will keep you on hold for so long you’ll lose interest in topping yourself, and just go shopping instead’.