Breaking Up Part 1

Anthony Eames writes: With the Scottish referendum looming, a vote for independence is now becoming a real possibility.  Indeed, this timely article from the New Scientist suggests that the days of the large, unitary nation-state could be over, giving way to smaller regional entities, such as Catalonia, Padonia, Free Tyrol, the Basque nation, Hutt River Province, etc.

This process could lead to the British Isles eventually accomodating the Irish Republic, The Welsh Free State, the Manx People’s Republic, the Autonomous Duchy of Cornwall and the Channel Islands Federation… oh, yes, and the Kingdom of England, too, of course!  But regardless of all this treasonous talk, count on it that the staunch Proddies of Ulster will stay loyal to the last! (No Surrender!)

Seriously, Scottish independence could raise many questions.  For example, would the current Union flag be redesigned to reflect the removal of St Andrew’s Cross  – and would that Disunion Jack be then carried over to our own Australian flag?  Would the Gaelic language enjoy the same official status in Scotland as in Ireland?  Would the Celtic nations of Ireland and Scotland form a voting bloc and trade preferences in the Eurovision Song Contest?

The answers to these and other weighty and contentious questions should be revealed very shortly…