Back to you Barrie

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Dear reader, as editors we are constantly surprised and refreshed by the innovation and enthusiasm shown by our readership. And just to prove to you how the general public have taken up the P.M’s innovation challenge, we bring you this message sent to us via the ABC Public Relations Department. It demonstrates most assuredly that we are leading the pack in innovation and once again, with the brand new P.M, we’re well and truly ‘Open for Business’. None of this thinking could’ve happened under the ossified, atrophied, desssicated, out-moded, conservative mob-think of the Abbott Government. Well and truly it’s a clear sign that the Turnbull Government is hell bent on reform. And perhaps ultimately, whilst some get hot and bothered about side issues like education, healthcare, indigenous australians, tax reform,   public funding of institutions and equity, we’ll be leading the pack in doing the really inportant things that matter. For instance; designing a new flag, augmenting the words of the australian national anthem, designing the requirement for new state flags, and augmenting Border Force with new uniforms as a consequence of the request from Lucas industries to desist from  using their “Force Awakens” uniforms amongst commonwealth staff.

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New Chairman of the ABC?

Also, and this is just not applauded enough, it is rumoured that the ABC itself will be breaking new ground in getting rid of their entire journalistic staff and replacing it with an outsourced Murdoch media. There is the prospect of some really groundbreaking advertising material, with ‘ABC Advert 24/7’. It is an open secret that the touted new general manager of this new unit, will be either the former Prime  Minister Kevin Rudd or Mr Tony Abbott.  Such a decisive step clearly says, “welcome to the twenty first century”, (translated from mandarin), and will project a positive image of Australia, ( ‘Shopping 24/7’) to the rest of the world. Allied to this new trend is the decision to replace all remaining ‘expensive’ documentary and current affairs programs on radio national with ‘Talkback 24/7′ which will provide a new voice and spirit to “all of us’, and ensure a broader reach and a wider audience in, ‘keeping the spirit of the ABC charter alive’,

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Barrie’s Doppelgänger? Shemp Howard.

And now the message from our Gippsland Correspondent.

Hi I would really like to own a “Back to you Barrie” T shirt.

I suspect I am not alone!
Any chance the ABC could start mass producing them for Insiders devotees?

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Barrie, hosting ‘Insiders’.

They could come in the classic black with possible options in the political party colours of red, blue, green and yellow…though this might lead to confusion with the Wiggles. Not sure what to do about the Nats.. Perhaps green with yellow dots…or would that be too Dorothy?

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Post Turnbull dissapointed Lefty?

Given the state of politics currently, perhaps vertical stripes like B1 a and B 2 (surely you have some leftover fabric somewhere) only in yellow and green….but stripes might represent convicts……..might be just the ticket for Mal Brough, though!
I know… Green and red could double as Christmas T shirts ( for post-Turnbull, disappointed Lefties) come next Christmas, with the slogan in Sparkles!
One way or another.. Just a basic black or white T shirt would do… Any chance?
@ginarinehardt #backtoyouBarrie