Armour Plating the Glass Ceiling

The New GG. Representing “Mainstream Australian Values’!

The recent decision bravely made by the Morrison government to make another retired army officer a Governor General demonstrates real leadership. 

In the face of all the shenanigans from Andrew Broad and the flawed concept of Climate Science it is reassuring to see that this government has  dumped more women from preselection, and put its weight behind Craig Kelly, to prove the when push comes to shove. It can shove it!

The Christmas message from this government is that it’s “in control”. And we’re deleriously happy. 

Previous GG Candidate, for valour!

Cos it shows a demonstration of “Mainstream Australian Values”, and perfect timing. 

Today heralds the Start of the long hot summer. Of the Boxing Day test.  The excesses of plum pudding and the anticipation on all the kiddies faces of plucking therein, a freshly minted sixpence. Of the Hills Hoist, the Victa 18, and the certainty that nothing will ever ever change. Cos change is UNSAFE!

Frontrunner, till we discovered, (via New Idea), that Chesty WASN”T REAL!

There are those who would worry us and say that there are amongst us now a vast array of individuals living legitimately, and with full rights of citizenship who don’t get cricket. Who don’t understand the value of Bradmans’ batting average, and who just cannot understand as the worlds mightiest sporting nation that cultural icons as noble as Shane Warne, as illustrious as the beaming visage of Chesty Bond, are currency of inestimable value. And  most importantly more “whiter than white”.  These are the cultural values we took to Poland, (Katowice), to reneg on  climate change. To prove that we are world beaters, and send the world a very clear message, we don’t like progress, we don’t like change, and unless caught, our National Party pollies are the best shaggers in the world. 

And if you want men of principle and unswerving character who represent all the sacred values of old Australia, seek no further than our military’s finest. 

Chesty ruled out for inappropriate use of coal.

Pity though that this ex military, former governor of New South Wales, hasn’t killed that many people, but we’re hoping that when the real autobiography comes out he may be able to proudly put up his hand for having a reasonable share of the millions killed in piddly little wars since the end WW2.

Nothing like a peacetime war hero, to swing the baton when we march in glorious unison to Anzac Day and all the Anzackery that makes this country so profoundly SAFE!

Better still that with a booming defence budget, we can buy more material to demonstrate to the world at large that we’ll buy anything to prove a point that out foreign policy is “Somebody Elses”!

And legitimise if through another military man of great standing. Who understands loyalty and taking Orders!  An emissary to the Queen so that he can advise her on which bits of text to white out when the next sacking of a democratically elected Prime Minister is due. 

New GG’s Bio.

We love a sunburnt country.