Anthrax in Siberia

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Former Russian Winter Olympics Village in Siberia. Now used as a low cost, eco-friendly accommodation for out of favour oligarchs.

Really, dear reader we try not to take things too seriously. The upcoming Royal Commission into alleged abuse at the Don Dale reception centre is just one instance. We know the result, and it makes us catatonic with laughter. We laugh because we know as you do that it’ll make no difference. An ill educated, poorly paid lower tier flunkey will be castigated, some prosecutions may follow. Ultimately the orthodoxy that allows such insanity to continue will carry on regardless. Similarly we know that humanity has nothing to do with the Olympics. Perhaps in Periclean times it may have. Now it’s a macabre, grotesque pantomime of puffed up nationalism, hollowness and the confirmation that society’s descent into serfdom is almost complete.

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New Winter Olympic Uniform undergoing trials in Siberia

Perhaps that’s why there’s pull back from the upcoming census. It’s not a fear of big brother, that motivates people not to fill in their census forms, but a fear, (more terrifying) that the data will be stolen. Sequestered by a corporates to be converted into more grist for the mill. Twenty first century capitalism is feeling a lot like nineteenth century capitalism. We all share this sneaking suspicion as economies grind to a halt, and the billionaires consume more and more, that something‘s gotta give. Last time it was a global war. Famine? A super epidemic? Revolution and cataclysmic shock?

It’s something much more banal, it’s anthrax in Siberia.

thingThe permafrost is thawing. Like John Carpenter’s adaptation of the classic ‘Who goes there’?, the thaw in the ice is revealing a terrible reality. Billions of tons of methane, carbon and combustible material is being converted. It’s not the ice caps dear, they’re fucked already. And no one really cares. Nor is it not the Great Barrier Reef, the mangroves, the kelp forests and the biota of this great southern land. It’s something so acute the rest of it pales into insignificance. My advice is, if you’ve had a good life enjoy it while you can. And if you’ve just taken a trip to the United States, savour the last days of an Edwardian summer before the oncoming oblivion.

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Accomodation in Siberia. What a hole!

Today all indices of global warming have shown the melt down to be exponential, geometric, off the scale. This will make the Black Death look like a picnic, the First World War a hiccup ,and the eternal unquestionable sacred flame of Gallipoli a pin prick. Armageddon is here, and governments aren’t able to face it. It realIy doesn’t matter about what John, George and Tony did to Iraq and in so doing precipitate the next hundred years war. The next war will be one of resources, for air, water and food to sustain us. And the Earth will exact revenge!!! The future is gone. Hail the cockroaches, or other species that will celebrate the new order once we’re wiped out. We bought it upon ourselves, and naked greed bought us undone. Serves us right.

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Artists Impression of new Olympic Village in Siberia for the 2024 Games. Scene depicts Australian winter olympic team completing glorious victory march with torches and fireworks spectacular.

The climate was just too hard for our programmed short termism. Much rather the games and action in the pool cos whilst ‘climate science is crap’, Russia is depleted and that can only mean one thing. Australia may win GOLD!