Another musical dispatch from the front

Dear reader, another one from Frank.


PM’s Fathers Day Jet, tasteful and discrete.

In this post, Frank makes an observation upon parked planes and incarceration. We apologise for the publication of this post so late in the week as we had hoped to publish this piece on Fathers Day and make reference to the selfless acts of ‘NATION- MAKING’ by our P.M. On the fire-front where he does everything but hold the hose, on the vaccine roll-out where eschews undue haste. For women assulated in the Nation’s parliament, (who are told to be grateful for not being shot at for protesting).  And Climate Change, (to which he works tirelesly on Clean-Coal) he’s hard at it as the P.M for Scott Morrison and his cohort of ‘True Believers’. To trust in God, Her Majesty the Queen,White King and the lobbysist who may provide him with a egregiously well paid sinecure post parliament. We hope it’s a job with the Christian lobby who did so well among others with Job Keeper.


Frank wrtes…..



Goedenavond vrienden,

My mother had a head full of Dutch sayings which my sister absorbed and regularly reminds me of. Such as:
Doe niet zo gek, doe maar normaal, dan doe je al gek genoeg – Don’t act so crazy, act normal, as that’s silly enough.

Just as Closing the Gap evolved into Closing the Gap Refresh and the New Closing the Gap and Global Warming evolved into Climate Change, and Corona Virus evolved into COVID-19 and now the Delta Variant, so too Normal is evolving into the New Normal.

For a brief flash in the pan when the Corona virus started its exponential spread, the denizens of polluted cities were able for the first time to see the stars and the mountain ranges after those incubation vessels stopped cruising and those aircraft stopped flying.
The price to pay? You could no longer go to Venice to swarm all over the sinking city and piss off the locals. You could no longer get on the piss in Bali leaving huge carbon footprints all over the place.

Low humidity makes Alice Springs an ideal place to park surplus to requirement aircraft. This side-line comes nowhere near to boosting the Northern Territory economy like parking prisoners does.

Yuendumu already has a New Normal. A large number of Yuendumu men are parked in gaol. All economic activity and services (except art) outsourced and all decisions imposed from outside.
For the rest of the world, we could briefly dream of a New Normal. A Normal that looked very different to the pre-pandemic Normal of rushing towards the precipice of irreversible climate change. A Normal which put the brakes on runaway capitalist over-consumption and inequity and greed induced conflicts. (Ozzy Osborne- Dreamer)
But no, it was only a dream, the New Normal our leaders are aiming for is not all that different to the Old Normal.
Let’s get those planes flying again and those ships cruising again. Let’s go to Venice and Bali and piss off the locals again.

Tot ziens


PS- let’s see what tomorrow brings… …que fue un solo sueño que tuviste (…it was only a dream that you had…)

Sílvia Pérez Cruz – Mañana 


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