Another musical dispatch from the front

Dear reader,

another dispatch from the man they call ‘Frank’. From his lonely outpost on the grim North West Frontier, he sends us another message of hope. And begs the question, the land of the fair go? We tested his hypothesis and took our entire working liquidity out of  the pcbycp kitty and put it all on race five at Moonee Valley. We had a hot tip, and was assured it was ‘a cert’. When we returned to get our fortune we’d been told the horse, “Buckley’s’ had been scratched. We are not sure if Australia is still the land of the fair go, so we’re hoping to make it big at the Crown Casino High Rollers lounge. Only problem you need several million just to get in the door. We’ll report back when we’ve saved enough dole cheques and made a few more visits to Cash Converters… 


Frank writes….



Bernie, a full-bottle Whistelblower. ‘Whistelblower’ is code in Australia for ‘Trouble-maker’!

Australia is truly the land of the fair-go! The second chance.

Take Bernard Collaery and Witness K. In 2004, motivated by greed, Australia placed listening devices in East Timor (Timor Leste)’s government offices. Witness K and his team carried out this travesty. To his credit Witness K’s conscience got the better of him and he became one of those unsung heroes, a whistle-blower.

Whistle-blowers encourage members of the public to go rat-baggy!

David Bowie, Heroes:

Roger Whittaker – Finnish Whistler:


Alex and Johnny stitching up the East Timorese, proves the little tin-pot nation lacks a sense of humour. The bond of mate-ship is secured by the principle of “having a go” at his wife, his car, his twin evinrude, his chain-saw whilst he’s not looking.

In 2013, the authorities raided both the houses of Witness K and his lawyer Bernard Collaery. It took less than nine years for the Australian authorities to finish their legal persecution in this case.
The U.S.A. opened Guantanamo Bay’s military prison in January 2002. Today 36 detainees remain. More than twice as long and no end in sight.

You can see why I, as an Australian, am immensely proud of my country. Australia, truly the land of the fair-go!

Trouble maker is synonymous with ‘Queue Jumper’!

In March 2018 the Biloela Family were arrested in a 5 a.m. raid and placed in detention. In June 2022 they returned to Biloela, only a bit over four years later.
Julian Assange sought refuge in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London in 2012 (effectively house arrest) and has been locked up ever since. Ten years and counting.

You can see why I, as an Australian, am immensely proud of my country. Australia, truly the land of the fair-go!

Julian Assange. Another rat- bag, lefty stirrer.


In November 2019 Zachary Rolfe shot a young man in Yuendumu. He was immediately bailed out and stood down on full pay. Less than three years later, he will resume his job.

A second chance, Australia, truly the land of the fair-go!



Who’s gonna take away his licence to kill?


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