Another musical dispatch from the front

In America a Peacemaker always carries a GUN

ഹാലോ മൈ ഫ്രണ്ട്സ് കൃഷ്ണന്റെ ഒരു നോട്ടം
Blessed are the peacemakers.
A pox on the arms dealers.
Yuendumu is more peaceful than the rest of the world.


Dear reader, not since “Dig 10 feet” was carved into a tree on Coopers Creek, and the fate of the Burke and Wills Expedition was sealed, have we received such a cryptic message from our scribe from the near North West Frontier.

What could this mean?

How portentous could ” Blessed are the peacemakers” be?

the Pace-maker has made a HUGE contribution to peaceful lives since the 1960’s. About the same time NAPALM was made more readily available to Civilise and cultivate the principle of democracy and free-enterprise.

We thought long and hard about; ‘THE PEACE-MAKERS’?

Was Frank referring to the heroic deeds of Tony Blair, John Howard and George Bush in creating peace in Iraq? Or the heroic deed of the same fearless trio who gave Afghanistan peace for twenty years and untold benefits to corporates who were paid billions in ‘ keeping the peace’?

Peace is such a fragile thing, before you can say ‘Coca Cola” or ‘Panama papers’ it can just vanish. Like a mirage. like Lasseter’s Reef, or a ‘Gas- Led recovery! What is Frank talking about?

Perhaps he’s referring to the splendid, noble and courageous work being undertaken by the N.T police in keeping Yuendumu peaceful?

And the millions spent in equipping Yuendumu Police Station with “WORLD CLASS’ equipment, and constabulary trained in the field of valor.

In battle.

In Afghanistan.

Perhaps Frank was referring to ‘The Pace-makers’?

To ensure the correct level of public safety. Police trained to kill fine-evaders and jay-walkers for their own good. Police who wear medals to prove their loyalty to the RULE OF LAW, and principle. Police who wear black, possess guns, tasers smoke grenades and tear-gas, who drive Land Cruisers and resist the weakness of speaking native language lest their integrity and unswerving loyalty is compromised by the taint of ‘Nativism’.

Is this what Frank is referring to?

Pole-axed by the unanswered answers, the known un-knowns, and ponderable im-ponderables we have sent Frank’s latest missive to ASIO, the CIA and MI 5. And for good measure MI 6. We waited and waited. Time ticked methodically by. The sand drained from the hour-glass. And the last time we looked, both the morse telegraph and the semaphore stood idle, as if nothing at all had happened. Cause for cautious optimism you may ask?

To SAVE US in our hour of need!

Nothing of the sort. For if peace reigns at Yuendumu, it may also erupt in Ukraine. And that could only mean one thing. If we don’t sell Bush-Masters lickety-split we’re in DEEP TROUBLE! Our Subs are ancient. Even the patrol boats we gifted to the Pacific nations as a sop to ‘EVIL CHINESE IMPERIALISM’, (The Australian) are duds. And there’s nothing left for us to do but PRAY, BE GOOD, AND HOPE, that the United States may save us. And like Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam, and Korea, there might be a contract or two to SAVE US in our hour of need.

In war, the first victim is always TRUTH!! is this what Frank is talking about? But we all know that Truth, like Pravda, closed down in the late 80’s! Hence the conundrum. Is Frank making sense? Or is it FRANKINSENSE? There aint too many wise men about. We called ‘Dutto’, ‘Twiggy’ and ‘Clive’ and they haven’t returned  our calls. So we wait in vain. but for how long? Surely that’s the question.

The first victim of war is always ‘THE TRUTH’!

What was the question?